
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 24, 2016

Ayob Khan's ISIS Problem : They Read The Same Books ! !

Image result for ISIS and Bukit Aman

The ISIS has issued another threat. This is from Malaysiakini :


  • "Those of you in Bukit Aman, you will no longer have peace. 
  • We will slaughter you... when we return. 
  • Our friends back home will hunt you down.”
grim warning from ISIS in latest video 

featured M'sian fighting in Syria
graphic video showed him decapitating three captives

Counter-Terrorism chief Ayob Khan identified Mohd Rafi Udin from NS
  • Rafi urged supporters to kill non-believers
  • “Kill them wherever you meet them.
  • If you have a car, hit them...
  • “Use your weapons and knives to stab them 
Ayob said his division had discovered two lone-wolf attacks
16-year-old in Kedah  armed with 27cm knife targeted 27-year-old 
boy received orders from M'sian IS senior to carry out attack.
We stopped suspect with two Rambo knives at LRT in Jelatek,” he added.
attackers use traditional weapons, easier to plan attacks undetected.
his division had crippled nine planned attacks by IS supporters

three already in stage two of planning.

video urged attacks on governments it has labelled “Toghut” 

Malaysia singled out as a nation that must be fought

“We are slaughtering apostates, tomorrow, our brothers in your land will slaughter you... We will use the language of swords and bullets.  We will continue to fight and wage war against you, terrorise you and put fear in your hearts”

Abdallah al-Filipini, appointed to be the leader for Asia.

My comments :  

Here is something for Counter Terror Director (congrats) Dato Ayub Khan Mydin Pitchay to ponder.

Surely this guy Rafi Udin from NS was already radicalised here in the Tanah Melayu. 

He did not have to go to Syria to get radicalised.  

And if there is no Syria he would still have gone to Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan or anywhere else to cut off peoples' heads. 

So how do they get radicalised? They read the same books here in Malaysia as they do in Syria or Pakistan or Afghanistan or Iraq.  That is all. That is how they become radicalised

The "bible" of the ISIS is the Sahih Bukhari.  This book is their main text book.  Here is an example of what the Sahih Bukhari says :  

Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 43, Quarrels 

Hadith no: 609  

Narrated: Abu Huraira  -   The Prophet (SAW) said, "No doubt, I intended to order somebody to pronounce the Iqama of the prayer and then I would go to the houses of those who do not attend the prayer and burn their houses over them." 

This is the teaching which says that people who do not attend congregational prayer should have their houses burned down with them still inside. This is found in the Sahih Bukhari which is the 'gospel' for the ISIS. 

Just for your reference the same hadith is found in Sunan Ibn Majah here :

Found In: Sunan Ibn Majah Chapter No: 6, 
The Chapters on the Mosques and the Congregations
Hadith no: 795

Narrated: Usama bin Zaid  -      “The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: ‘Let men desist from failing to attend the congregation, otherwise I will burn their houses down.’” (Sahih)

These are the types of teachings the ISIS believes in. 
This is where their "radicalisation" comes from.

Please note :  There is no such thing in the Quran.

But the ISIS (like the huge, vast majority of Muslims) does not understand the Quran. 

Now here we must take a short break and ask Ayub Khan a simple question. Do you Dato Ayob Khan personally believe in these two hadih above, which says : 

1.  and burn their houses over them - Sahih Bukhari

2.  burn their houses down - Sunan Ibn Majah

Burning peoples' houses is not just radical. It is a violent act. And to burn the houses with people still inside is murder.  

The ISIS also reads the same hadith. 
The ISIS believes in these hadith. 
And the ISIS are willing to practise these types of beliefs. 

So if you or anyone else also believe this same hadith, how then does it make your beliefs  different from the beliefs of the ISIS?  Apa beza dia? 

But you dont burn down peoples' houses. This means you only differ by degree. 

You will only differ by the degree of your over-zealousness and by the degree to which you will carry out or implement your belief in these type of hadiths.  

You may not want to implement or give life to these type of violent hadith but that does not mean that you do not believe them. 

The fact is in Malaysia the law demands that Muslims must believe in the hadith. 

If the law says that Muslims must believe In such violent hadith, then how do we solve the violence that may manifest from belief in such violent hadith? 

And here is a situation. Say you arrest Mohd Rafi Uddin and charge him in Court and he says 'But that is what I am taught in school, taught in the madrassah, in the mosque ceramahs and that is what I read in the hadith'. Then how are you going to blame him?

(Plus he may quote a Mufti or two to back up his actions. Do read on.)  

The point I am making is that you dont have to go to Syria to read stuff like this. 
You can read this here in Malaysia. 
They teach these things in the sekolah pondoks and the madrassahs.   
You dont have to go to Syria to become radicalised. 
It is happening here.

So you are only throwing salt into the sea when you arrest this people AFTER they come back from Syria or AFTER they attack people with knives. 

You should solve the problem before it becomes a problem. 
You should attack the source of the problem.

Here is another example also from M'kini :

  • Mufti confirms classifying DAP as 'can be slain' kafir harbi
  • 24 Jun 2016, (PM 3:40)
  • Pahang mufti Abdul Rahman Osman has confirmed stating DAP is against the implementation of Islamic principles, and therefore falls under the category of kafir harbi.
  • It is an Islamic belief that kafir harbi refers to non-believers who can be slain for waging war against Islam.
So the DAP - a political party that has existed for over 50 years under the laws of Malaysia - is now declared kafir harbi?  
But doesnt the DAP exist according to the Laws of Malaysia. 
Isnt   'Keluhuran Undang-Undang' part of our Rukunegara? 

Or is the Rukunegara 'secular' and therefore not relevant?

There are also Muslim Malays who are members of the DAP. 
So are they kaffir harbi too? 

Again there is no such thing in the Quran.

Dato Ayob Khan, for 100% certain the ISIS will say the same things as the Mufti. 
The ISIS says the disbelievers  are kaffir harbi.   
Labelling people as kaffir harbi is exactly what ISIS does. 
This is typical ISIS type ideology.

If  a Mufti can say things like this or madrassahs can teach things like this,  and people begin to follow these teachings then surely they will become radicalised.  

So dont blame the ISIS for radicalising Malaysians.  

Surely then you are wasting your time, wasting tax payers money and wasting our resources spying on what goes on in Syria, trying to catch these radicalised people AFTERthey come back from Syria and so on.

The radicalisation is happening under our noses - in our madrassahs, schools. sekolah pondoks, in our universities and now even in the Mufti's office.

The solution? The solution is very simple. I have repeated it often enough.

Recommend to the government to implement the results of a study the government made before which recommended to abolish all the Syariah Criminal Enactments.

Yes there was a study done by the Government on the effectiveness of the Syariah Criminal Enactments and the recommendation was to abolish them completely.  So please recommend to abolish them.

We do not need these Syariah Criminal Enactments in Malaysia. 
Religion belongs in the heart and at home. 
This is how it was up to the 1970s when I was growing up. 
Malaysia was a much better place then.

Recommend to the government to abolish all religious enforcement authorities. 

We should abolish any and all Apostasy Laws or Blasphemy Laws. In Malaysia these would be the 3,5,6 Laws  (3 years jail, RM5000 fine and 6 strokes of the rotan) for anyone who is in breach of any of the Syariah Criminal Enactments. 

All these laws should be abolished.  We do not need them.

Instead anyone who advocates any type of force or violence against anyone else, especially under the guise of religion,  should be arrested and charged in court.   

We do not need any new laws to do this because we already have enough laws in Malaysia to handle this.  The Penal Code, the Sedition Act, maybe SOSMA and now the NSC willhave sufficient muscle to handle such  people.
The radicalisation is not in Syria. It is happening here.  

Knowing who or what exactly is our Friend or Foe (FOF) aka Enemy Identification is critical where ideologies are involved.  

Dont get confused. It is really very simple. Any ideology that advocates violence, imprisonment, persecution and prosecution because of a religious belief is not a Friend. There is no confusion.

It is not the business of the State to enforce what should be a person's religious belief. All the people should be made to understand and respect this, even by force of law if necessary.

We want to be an advanced nation or "negara maju".

What exactly is a "negara maju"?  

A "negara maju" is where thieves will not win by-elections. 

A negara maju is where the law guarantees its people freedom of religion and also freedom FROM religions.  

The State, the people, the churches, the temples, the mosques, the schools, the community cannot persecute, prosecute or enforce their religious beliefs on the people. Religion is between you and your belief system.  Do not force your religion on others.

This is what has been achieved in the negara maju. In the modern age the negara maju like the US, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, China, Korea etc are the most peaceful countries in the world.  People dont care what is your religion.   

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