
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Cameron put his country first, how about you, Najib?

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YOURSAY | ‘Cameron should have bribed the voters with bags of rice and packets of cash.’
Apa 1Malaysia?: UK Prime Minister David Cameron does not need to resign but he did it to uphold the honour of Britain, even though he is democratically elected.
PM Najib Razak, 1MDB is being investigated internationally. Can you do that to uphold the honour of Malaysia in the eyes of the international community?
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Najib, it is comical of you to advise Cameron on what to do. If you were the PM of the UK, you would have been forced to resign long ago.
No leader in a developed country, who is so highly tainted would be tolerated. Take the cue from Cameron, please resign.
Anonymous_1424794168: Yes, this is the kind of leader we need. Putting the country first. To lead and to leave with dignity.
Anglelito: Cameron is resigning because he lost. He cannot control his own party members who support Brexit while he wanted the UK to remain in the European Union.
Plus, it is better for someone who shares the Brexit spirit to negotiate for a new deal with leaders of the EU.
There's one difference between hanging on to counter lies (which he has done so brilliantly) versus hanging on for the sake of wanting to remain in power.
You tell me which lie the opposition is going to choose next in order to bring Najib down versus what the opposition has done to convince the rakyat that they are a viable alternative.
Anonymous #28648954: UK PM loses Brexit vote 48 percent to 52 percent, he resigns. Malaysian PM loses popular vote in last general election by almost similar margin, but he refused to step down.
Doc: As a person following this Brexit vote closely, although I am shocked at the ‘leave’ outcome, I am not surprised that it has come down to this.
The Brits have not really been very EU-friendly and have always been sceptical right from the onset of the creation of the EU.
Now, we have to sit back and see the political, financial and economic ramifications that this historic vote will bring in the short and long term.
Najib provides great advice that democracy and the will of the majority of the voters who voted to leave the EU should be respected.
Only thing is, how come when slightly more the 51 percent - and in effect the majority of the Malaysian voters - voted for the opposition in GE13, Najib was not statesman-like in honouring the will of the people?
Jaycee: I don't think Najib gets it. Cameron is a man of integrity. Unfortunately, we cannot say the same for politicians here.
Still wanting to be in power even though he received a minority of votes. And yet he has the audacity to tell us that the votes of the people must be respected. Truly unbelievable.
P Dev Anand Pillai: Look who is talking about being a democrat. Here it is money, money and nothing but money.
We are a nation that allegedly does not believe in accountability, we allow the PM to be the finance minister as well.
We claim to be a model of Westminster-style parliamentary democracy but we have become a mutant form where we seemingly don’t care for the people.
Jaguh: Najib can announce Cameron's actions as real democracy, what about ours? Cameron resigned because the people thought otherwise, there was no misdemeanour on his part.
Here, can we also have a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ vote on whether Najib should remain PM? And if it’s a ‘No’, are you going to resign?
Legit: Look at the difference. One guy loses the Brexit vote and decides to quit. He promises to steer his country in its next destination before he leaves.
Then we have another guy who has been caught with billions in his personal account and continues in his quest.
Mojo Jojo: Did someone just equate himself as a democratically-elected leader in the likes of David Cameron?
How is one a democrat when he sits on his high horse with the support of 47 or 48 percent of the popular vote count?
Apparently, democracy these days means governing under a minority government.
Anticommunalist: I wonder what Cameron would have done if donations were found to have gone into his personal account?
YHJ: Cameron should have bribed the voters with bags of rice and packets of cash. It’s a pity he didn't consult the experts here.

But then again, our PM would not dare to hold a referendum where every single vote counts.

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