
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, June 27, 2016

For Tunku Aziz, Chinese have no right to win elections

YOURSAY | 'Are the Chinese also not Malaysians who can provide leadership to manage the country's resources?'
Quigonbond: I'm wondering why DAP still has a smidgen of respect for their former leader and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) advisory board chairperson Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim - he's showing his true racist nature.
The Chinese can never win the elections because they are only less than 30 percent of the population.
And they stay mostly in urban and suburban areas where their vote weightage is lower than rural Malay lands. If they win, it is because Malays decide to support those who have merit instead of voting for someone just because of colour.
People like him stifle the true potential of Malaysia to be a multiracial and multicultural hub.
Tan Kim Keong: The closet racist has finally come out. According to Tunku Aziz, Chinese Malaysians are not Malaysians, hence they have no equal rights to win in any election.
Anonymous 2405561458171517: So Tunku Aziz is against Malaysian citizens of Chinese descent doing something that should be the right of any citizen, such as winning an election in a fair manner?
Anticonmen: Stupid analysis by a person who lacks leadership qualities. Are the Chinese also not Malaysians who can provide leadership to manage the country's resources for the people?
Fair&Just: Tunku Aziz, the Chinese cannot win in Tanah Melayu. There are only 25 percent Chinese in the country and reducing, and there is also a recent surge in emigration by the Chinese overseas. What a very malicious and deceitful animal he is for saying this.
Malaysia888: More than half a century after independence and we are still talking about Malays versus Chinese. We are all Malaysians who want the best for this country and for all Malaysians. Obviously something Tunku Aziz cannot get through his thick skull.
While other countries prosper and compete against other nations, this fellow continues to try and pit Malaysians against one another.
???: Let the right person win the elections, no matter whether Malay or Chinese. Tunku Aziz, if you have nothing better to say, better don't say it. It will only show how narrow-minded you are.
Anonymous #31081882: This turncoat doesn't deserve our time. DAP once appointed him as party vice-chairperson. I wonder if Umno will ever appoint him in a similar position.
Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad hasn't stopped disturbing the prime ministers after him because they are all crap. One was sleeping on the job (just like a MAS employee) and the other is a...
The Analyser: How does a man with an attitude like this get to have any position with responsibility? Clearly he is a member of the 'criticise first and think later' brigade so common in Malaysia.
Headhunter: With people like him as MACC advisory board chairperson, how does anyone expect MACC to gain respect from the public?
Cogito Ergo Sum: Dear Dr Mahathir Mohamad, for political expediency and unity among the opposition, you ought to call for the release of jailed former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. After all, what do you lose?
You are too big for anyone to really hurt you. Your achievements are monuments that will last for generations to come. No one can hurt you. Or dare to.
SSG: It is my considered opinion that if the Malaysian public had not been 'force fed' the Sodomy 1 'comedy of errors', we would not have had to go through the 1MDB 'comedy' today.
If someone writes the history of Malaysia 50 or so years from now, 1MDB will not be a prominent part of it, but it will surely mention the name of the worst prime minister Malaysia ever had.
Ksn: The rumour that was going around at the time of Anwar's first jailing was that he was about to challenge the "worst prime minister" as someone correctly said above, for the president's position of Umno Baru, and it was certain at the time the latter would lose.
Hence what happened to Anwar. Perhaps this despicable guy can clarify. But he is mudah lupa (forgets easily) about his idiotic acts.
I commented more than once that the opposition made a big mistake asking him to campaign for them in the by-elections and asking him to lead the Citizens' Declaration.
Both failed miserably, mainly because of this idiot. I wish the opposition realise their folly and shun him in their future campaign activities.
Puff The Magic Dragon: In any sort of transformation it takes time, so be patient folks.
Anything good that comes from a transformation is worth waiting for. It is a chance to enjoy the purity of a non-polluted environment rather than be locked in an unhealthy situation, neither here nor there (tak mati, tak hudup).

SusahKes: Little by little, the true intents of the heart get revealed. As the interview goes, "Mahathir refused to rule out one of his sons becoming PM as a means to avoid any conflict of interest...".
After that, everything will be fine and dandy, no? -Mkini

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