
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 24, 2016


If you DO NOT support Mahathir and DAP then you are dishonest, corrupt, a crook, can be bought, makan dedak, have no principles, and much more. If you support Mahathir and DAP then you are principled, a towering Malaysian, the reincarnation of Gandhi, Mandela and Mother Teresa three-in-one, etc.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that anyone who supports the government is dishonest, is corrupt, is a crook, can be bought, makan dedak (eat chicken feed), has no principles, and so on (Mahathir: Bribes will determine who governs). If Mahathir had said this 26 years ago in 1990, the loose opposition coalition of PAS, Semangat 46, DAP and PBS would have formed the new federal government that same year.
Alas, 26 years ago in 1990, and again 17 years ago in 1999, Mahathir said that if Barisan Nasional were to lose merely its two-thirds majority in Parliament (no need even to get kicked out) then there is going to be chaos and turmoil that would most likely lead to another ‘May 13’. So, in short, if Barisan Nasional suffers in the general election, even with just the loss of its two-thirds majority in Parliament, then brace yourself for bloodshed.
Of course, today, Mahathir is saying the opposite because Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak refuses to resign and allow Muhyiddin Yassin to take over as Prime Minister and his son, Mukhriz Mahathir, to take over as Deputy Prime Minister. And now that both have just been sacked from Umno, Mahathir is going to say that the Umno Supreme Council is dishonest, is corrupt, is a crook, can be bought, makan dedak, has no principles, etc.
That is how Mahathir thinks. If you do not support me then you are dishonest, corrupt, a crook, can be bought, makan dedak, have no principles, plus more. You cannot be a good person if you do not support me or do not agree with me. You are only a good person if you support me and/or agree with me. Good people listen to me. Bad people do not listen to me.
This type of thinking is quite prevalent amongst the opposition. If you do not support DAP or Pakatan Harapan then you are dishonest, corrupt, a crook, can be bought, makan dedak, have no principles, yada yada yada. You are principled, a towering Malaysian, the reincarnation of Gandhi, Mandela and Mother Teresa three-in-one, and whatnot, only if you support DAP or Pakatan Harapan.
PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang is dishonest, is corrupt, is a crook, can be bought, makan dedak, has no principles, and much more, because he refuses to support DAP’s choice of Selangor Menteri Besar, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
When Hadi explained that HRH the Sultan of Selangor cannot accept Dr Wan Azizah, hence PAS also cannot support her, DAP wanted Hadi and PAS to tell HRH the Sultan to go screw himself.
Hadi, being Malay (and Muslim to boot) could not, of course, tell the Sultan to go screw himself. So Hadi proposed Azmin Ali as the alternative candidate for Selangor Menteri Besar, which the Sultan accepted. And that was why DAP asked the anti-Syariah group in PAS to try to bring down Hadi and then when they failed they formed a new party called PAN and told the anti-Syariah group in PAS to leave and join this new DAP party.
The mistake DAP made, of course, was to launch PAN as an anti-Syariah party. Of course, they tried to hide their anti-Syariah leaning by claiming that they are anti-Hudud and not anti-Syariah. That is like saying you are not against gay relationships but only against extramarital gay sex.
Anyway, the ironical thing is PAN themselves have never stated their stand on the Syariah (or even Hudud). PAN has left it to DAP to make all the announcements and speak on their behalf. This is like the Mufti shutting his mouth and asking the Hindu priest of Batu Caves to announce all the fatwah plus announce the sighting of the moon for Ramadhan and Hari Raya.
PAN is stuck between a rock and a hard place. They cannot declare whether they support or oppose the Syariah. So they have to shut their mouth and not say a word. But then, according to Mahathir, if you shut your mouth and not respond, then that means you are definitely guilty. So, by Mahathir’s standards, PAN is guilty of opposing the Syariah.
And that would mean extramarital sex, drinking, gambling and all those other vices that the Syariah forbids can no longer be regarded as crimes for Muslims. And this would include a Muslim marrying someone of another religion, apostasy, converting your children to another religion, rejecting the Qur’an and Hadith, becoming a Shia, and what have you.
Honestly, if you ask me, I think it is time that the shackles of bondage are removed from Muslims so that Muslims can decide what kind of life they want and not be bound by the strict rules of the Syariah. After all this is 2016 and not 616. Anyway, none of the Muftis has been able to prove that God exists or that the Qur’an did come from God. So it would make sense to not force people to remain Muslims just because by accident of birth their parents happen to be Muslims.
And if you support Pakatan Harapan this, basically, is what you are going to see in time. So, many modern Malays would agree with what DAP and PAN stand for. Anyway, the bottom line is, if you DO NOT support DAP’s and PAN’s opposition to the Syariah, then you are dishonest, corrupt, a crook, can be bought, makan dedak, have no principles, etc. However, if you support DAP’s and PAN’s opposition to the Syariah, then you are principled, a towering Malaysian, the reincarnation of Gandhi, Mandela and Mother Teresa three-in-one and whatnot.
And that is why Mahathir can work very well with DAP and PAN. They all basically think the same way. Support me and you are good and honest. Don’t support me and you are bad and dishonest. I decide the standards and you must comply with my standards. That is the long and short of it all.

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