
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Perkasa furious at ex-MAS CEO, claims he implied Malays lazy

Perkasa today called MAS chief executive officer Christoph Mueller ‘rude and insolent’ for complaining that many of the airline's staff had nothing to do, or were sleeping on the job.
The right wing group's chief Ibrahim Ali accused Mueller of implying that Malays were lazy.
"This Christoph Mueller is very rude and insolent. He made a statement that supposedly MAS staff, particularly Malays, were lazy and like to sleep," he told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today.
Mueller in an interview with German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, said he found many workers doing nothing when he took over Malaysia Airlines as CEO.
“Many of the 20,000 employees who worked for the airline had nothing to do. In fact, when I walked through the hangars, people were sleeping. That's why I had to radically cut 6,000 jobs,” he was quoted as saying.
However, he never made any references to race as claimed by Perkasa.
An upset Ibrahim Ali insisted that Mueller, who had already resigned before the interview, should be sacked before he officially leaves MAS in September.
"The government has a moral responsibility to defend the honour of Malay and bumiputera workers.
"Get rid of this rascal. If he is not a rascal he wouldn't make this statement," he said.
Calling it unbecoming, Ibrahim demanded that Mueller show proof to back his statement.
"If he sees one or two person sleeping by the roadside or in the room, it doesn't mean Malay workers are lazy.
"When you talk about paying debts, some Malays don't pay their debts and some Malays pay their debts.
"Some Chinese don't pay their debts and some Chinese pay their debts. There are Chinese who are hardworking and there are Malays who are hardworking.
"You cannot generalise that Malays are lazy. So what is the proof? Insolent!," he said
Ibrahim said MAS suffered losses not because of its workers but due to mismanagement.

He pointed out that this had been a constant problem but some 6,000 workers ended up being accused of being lazy.
"So we ask that the MAS board to quickly sack Mueller and removed all expatriates (from the company's top management).
"Pass the responsibility to the locals," he said, adding that there were many Malay and bumiputera professionals up to the job.- Mkini

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