
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, June 25, 2016

With MACC under his belt, Najib completes ‘ring of power’

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YOURSAY | ‘Everything is now under his control - the police, the media and the judiciary.’
Odin Tajué: Of course, Mohamed Abu Kassim has not been pressured to resign (his post as chief of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission).
If there are any good men in the Malaysian uncivil - sorry, I mean civil - service, he is surely one of the rare few.
The numerous sharks that he has put away prove that he has provided incomparably sterling service in fighting the most devastating scourge of Malaysia, corruption.
Furthermore, he has now completed his probe into the so-called 1MDB scandal and discovered that there has been no wrongdoing perpetrated, that all the allegations made were mere traducements cast at the innocent, democratically-elected Najib Razak to discredit him.
On Jan 21, he was reported to have said, "There is no pressure on me nor will I quit because of pressure because this responsibility is important. I must complete them, particularly the ongoing investigations…
“Today, I have not made any application or request to quit or require [sic] but that may happen in future, I do not know. But as long as I am healthy, I will continue to lead the MACC until a time when my health does not permit or when I need a rest."
Obviously, then, his health is poor and he needs a rest. The poor thing. That can be the only reason he is departing. So, he must have a good rest. A really good rest.
Who knows? Perhaps three or four months later, he will be offered ambassadorship to any of the important countries such as Bahrain, Lebanon and Qatar as a reward. Meaning, he has to be fit for that.
Or, perhaps a slice of pie? Naturally, we are not talking of shepherd pie.
Victor Johan: So PM-cum-finance minister-cum-Umno president cum Barisan National chairman Najib has reinforced his tenure after he successfully carried out the voters buyout at the recent by-elections at the two semi-rural constituencies.
Not Convinced: With the move against MACC, Najib has completed his ‘ring of power’. Everything is now under his control - the party, the cabinet, the police, the parliament, the media and the judiciary.
But it appears that there a few good judges left. Let’s see if they can offer much resistance. Otherwise, it’s best to pack our bags and leave country to Najib’s worshippers.
Anonymous 759201436321741: Next, Najib may prune some in the cabinet.
The recent alleged scandal involving the RM12 million ransom money paid might give a leeway for the PM to widen the net in order to remain in absolute control.
6th Generation Immigrant: Prior to the Sarawak and the twin by-election results, the powerful authorities governing Malaysia were actually checked in their tracks to abusively consolidate power under a few.
There appeared then at least a small fight back for Malaysians to get to the bottom of events and abuses.
Now that the authorities appear emboldened and have been given "the mandate" to continue in their route after these elections. Who can stop these few? The end of Malaysian democracy is nigh.
Malaysian: What a desperate move to stop his masterpiece from crumbling to pieces. There is only so far he can cover up a rotting corpse.
And the more he digs, the deeper his grave will be.
Telestai: Why should we expect anything different when the entire government has zero integrity - including yourself, Mr Minister of Integrity.
We can trust no one nor expect any form of honesty from the government, not even when it involves the lives of kidnapped victims.
Armchair Newspaper: Paul Low's remark of Malaysia's "good governance" reminds us of when Saddam Hussein's propaganda minister proudly proclaimed that Baghdad had not fallen while the video footage was showing American tanks rolling in. Malaysia now has our own Comical Ali,
Martha: Low, kindly not make a fool of yourself with such a statement.
Where on earth can one find a person of integrity to mind such a position or any such position, especially if it has anything to do with the government these days, and this includes yourself.
Kawak: MACC can never be independent and has the full confidence of the public as long as it is under the charge of PM's Department.

Look at the anti-corruption agency in Indonesia. It is totally independent.
Gaji Buta: The fact that Low even has to make this statement could imply the new guy is of questionable integrity. Preventative damage control? - Mkini

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