
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 9, 2016

OBAMA'S Embarrassing 11 seconds

Here is the picture where MO1 says he "met" Obama recently.  People say this "meeting" lasted all of  11 seconds. Actually Obama just stopped by their table to say hello.

You can see the look of embarrassment on Obama's face.  Obama knows exactly where the US Dept Of Justice is going with that Kleptocracy action and exactly what will happen to MO1 (in the US Courts).   But you still have to be civil and cordial. 

A penny for Obama's real thoughts though.

'Oh no...its the damned yokels again..
Oh Great Kahuna why did I ever play golf with this guy?'

Malaysia is too important a country to be lost to the incompetents, the village idiots and the ostard wal retards.  We are still the largest trading partner with China for this region (or maybe not anymore). We are a huge trading partner in this region for Europe and the US.

All the terrorists in the world have already found refuge here in Malaysia. Tamil Tigers, Chechens, Indian jihadis, Pakistani jihadis, Indon terrorists. And the gomen is paying salaries to the religious nuts. Imagine if Malaysia goes haywire.  

We control the entire Straits of Malacca and all approaches to Singapore.

If Malaysia goes kaput it will not only be an economic disaster but it can also become a huge security problem for the world. Look at Syria, Libya, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan.   The entire world, especially the US, Europe, China, Thailand, Singapore, India will be very concerned if Malaysia goes down the drain.

The US is famous for regime change.  Usually they go about regime change like a bulldozer in a china shop. 

I think for once, the US has found a clean, simple, legal and righteous method to be rid of MO1.  

So look again at the expression on Obama's face.

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