
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, September 2, 2016

Woman, RAPED BY COP, urges witnesses to come forward

A 30-year-old rape victim has urged a Chinese couple to step forward as witnesses over an alleged rape case involving a police officer from the Wangsa Maju police headquarters at Jalan Pudu. The Chinese couple had purportedly drove the victim, identified as Atie, to the police station on Aug 28 as the latter was making her attempt to escape outside a hotel. According to Atie, she had met the suspect at Cheras to retrieve her lost handphone. “After taking back the handphone, the suspect who introduced himself as Radhi or Pian, took me to an entertainment outlet to meet his friends,” Atie said. Atie suspected that her drink was spiked as she had turned dizzy before realising that she was being brought to a hotel. She put up a struggle and managed to stop the car driven by the Chinese couple who happened to be passing by the hotel. However, the suspect also entered the car and had alleged threatened the couple by showing his police identity card. The couple drove the victim, together with the suspect, to the Wangsa Maju police HQ and told Atie to get off and settle her own problems. Atie claimed she failed to get help at the police station and was brought back to the hotel where she was raped by the suspect. “I managed to stop a police patrol car coming out from the Wangsa Maju police HQ, but the officers ignored me and left probably because they know the suspect,” Atie said. Meanwhile Kuala Lumpur CID chief Senior Asst Comm Rusdi Mohd Isa confirmed the case and said he will not compromise with any of the police officers found involved in the alleged crime.
> Body of woman stuffed into suitcase after killed by lover
The decomposed body of a woman found in a wheeled luggage on Aug 25 has been identified as a 36-year-old single mother believed to have been killed by her boyfriend due to jealousy and under drug influence. The 29-year-old suspect had reportedly beat up the victim and wrapped her using a bedsheet at a house in Meru, Klang, before the body was stuffed into a luggage and disposed of into the river. Initial investigations found that the victim has five children, aged one to 17 years old, and was often abused by the suspect. Klang Utara OCPD Asst Comm Mohd Yusoff Mamat said police got a lead in the case after a family stepped forward to provide information after identifying physical characteristics of the victim. “It led us to the arrest of a man in Kuala Lumpur on Aug 28, and three more suspects, including the boyfriend and a female suspect on Aug 29,” he said. Police has also seized a car, believed to have been used to transport the body, belonging to man. The body in the luggage was found stuck at the Sungai Klang waste trap by a cleaner on Aug 26.
> ‘Take legal actions against those who refuse to repay study loan’
Chinese guilds and associations should consider taking legal actions against children of their members who refuse to repay their study loans. The United Lee’s Federation of Malaysia advisor Li Xiong said legal actions should be taken against those who defaulted even though they could afford to repay the loan. He said Chinese guilds and associations hardly brought the cases to court as they did not want to embarrass their members and the Chinese community. However, Lee said the associations should consider taking legal actions as some of them who defaulted had various excuses. “Some would say they just start working so do not have enough money to pay. After some time, they will say they have to pay for their car loan, house loan, getting married or having children so they cannot repay the loan,” he said. Li said those who had taken the loan should repay it in order for others to benefit from it. “Others may not be able to enjoy the benefit if some refuse to repay the loan,” Li added. Previously, Sin Chew Daily reported that some Chinese guilds and associations may stop giving out study loans to children of their members following the refusal of some to repay the loan.
> Law plans to go on honeymoon despite busy schedule


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