
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Calling Fatty’s bluff on the Arab donor

The experienced yet unemployed Middle Eastern actor was used to hanging outside studios waiting to be called in as an “extra”. Now, there was a big break. He was asked to start growing a beard and to learn speaking English with an Arabic slang.
This was his big break. He was to play a billionaire Saudi prince, who donates billions to his friends. But this was no movie – no directors, no camera, no lights. It was real-life drama acted live!
The suite in the Ritz Paris came with a jacuzzi in the room, a personal butler and other trappings. It was three days before the real thing. As per instructions from Fatty, nothing was left to chance. They play-acted and perfected the two episodes which had to be acted out.
The countdown had started and the adage – practice makes perfect – ensured they were well-prepared with several rehearsals. Finally, a full-dress rehearsal had to be done.
The “prince” donned the thaub, the garment worn by the Arabs, and the shemagh over his head fitted to the T.
On D-Day, the VIP arrived and was ushered to the suite where they hugged and kissed each other’s cheeks. A bottle of champagne was popped. The VIP, who was introduced as “Number 2”, politely, turned down the offer, saying that he observes his religious obligations and opted for Perrier.
It was small talk on the World Cup 2022 and the recalcitrant attitude of Qatari officials and foreign workers. “Number 2” was then an authority of sorts on this issue. His brother headed the family-run business of recruiting and supplying of foreign workers – legally and illegally.
'My personal money'
At the prescribed moment, the “prince” interrupted his guest and said: “You came here to sort out the RM2.6 million in “Number One’s” bank account. Consider it done. I will say the money was for your party.”
Game over! “Number Two” walked away with a wide grin, whistling the “Mission Impossible” tune as the embassy car drove him away.
But the task of the “prince” was not over. The next day, he would have to meet two investigators from the anti-corruption agency. It would be the same monotonous play-acting. The meeting with “Number 2” went without a hitch and the people from Fatty’s private security agency staff did well, playing roles as personal aide and butler.
The same routine was to follow. The two officers who had flown in on a Malaysian Airlines flight appeared to be jet-lagged when they landed at the Charles de Gaulle Airport and immediately got to work. After being welcomed by the aides, it was down to business with the “prince”.
This time, knowing that they were dealing with experienced investigators, the “prince” was ordered to be cut and dry. No niceties, no small talk – straight down to business. He had to be curt, act with authority and lord over them.
“I donated the money to my “brother’s” party. It was my personal money and no one should question my intentions,” he thundered. Then one question stunned all in the room: “Your Excellency, how was the donation made?”
“Err, err… I don’t know and I left it to the people in the office.”
“Your Excellency, you say that the money was transferred from your account in your country to our “Number 1” in our country. Is this correct?”
“But we have no records to show the transaction between Your Excellency and ‘Number 1’. The money in his account came via many countries. It came from a circuitous and convoluted route from financial institutions in New York, the British Virgin Islands before reaching Singapore and then on to Malaysia.”
'He is innocent'
This was not part of the script. Panic set in. The “prince” looked at the aides and they looked at him. Each was trying to convey messages but none had telepathic powers. The momentary stillness sounded like an eternity.
Both the officers knew something was not right but did not want to offend the “prince” without proof.
“Your Excellency, are there any sort of papers or documents to confirm that you are a member of the House of Sa…”
Before the last word was completed, a booming voice from the aide rang out: “When the Prince travels, his diplomatic passport is kept at the embassy.” The meeting was cut short. “The prince” had another appointment.
‘Number 2’ returned home to a thunderous welcome. He announced that ‘Number One’ was clean did not steal state money. “I met the “prince”.
“He confirmed that the money came from the royal family,” ‘Number 2’ thundered.
However, the two anti-corruption officers said they met the “prince” but failed to say he was a fake. Officialdom sealed their lips and they could say no more.
Meanwhile, two ministers acting like Josef Goebbels and Comical Ali started the propaganda machine. The other 30 repeated what they were asked to say: “Number One is innocent. This is an opposition ploy to destroy him and the party. The actions by the US Department of Justice are tantamount to interference in the nation’s affairs,” they said like trained parrots.
The chief prosecutor, waving pieces of paper declared: “There is no evidence. There is no case. He is innocent.” The head of police closed the file.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the notorious and infamous tale of the prince and his insidious donations. Unfortunately, the publishers of Grimm’s Fairy Tales would not accept this as a chapter in their latest edition.
In an e-mail to the author, he wrote: “‘Number One’ beats all the make-believe characters, like Cinderella, Aladdin and Ali Baba put together. We have checked and discovered that he has more achievements under his belt. As such, we have to turn you down but will revert to you when we get more such work.”
To which this writer replied: “It has just been over 90 days. We will be able to get a score or more. Many such spectacles took place in the past. They are surfacing, one at a time. A re-enactment is easy.”

R NADESWARAN says this is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are the products of the writer’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Comments: citizen.nades22@gmail.com -Mkini

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