
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Yoursay: Harapan seems to be paying lip service to asset declaration

YOURSAY | ‘Will our leaders declare their assets publicly? No, not in the next millennium.’
Malaysian: Declaring assets publicly is a great idea, but no leader in DAP, PKR, Amanah or Bersatu will ever do this. They only pay lip service.
Instead, a person charged with corruption has been promoted from chief minister to finance minister. Yes, innocent until proven guilty - but resignation is the norm under such circumstances in the civilised world and that was also the view of DAP prior to taking office.
Will such leaders do anything like declaring their assets publicly? No, not in the next millennium. If you want privacy and security, then do not seek public office.
You have a choice. Declare your assets publicly or do not run for public office. You can't have your cake and eat it too!
Anonymousytmq123: PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli, there should also be full disclosure on all commercial agreements such as the toll concession agreements and the independent power producer (IPP) contracts.
Pakatan Harapan MPs seem to have forgotten that they have lectured on this during the previous regime's rule. We were there listening to all their ceramahs. Remember?
Myviews: Rafizi, in your pursuit of righteousness, you also need to be practical in your approach.
By openly declaring assets to the public, would you stand guarantor for that person should harm be inflicted upon him or her by criminals?
What about those who are already rich in their own right? Why should they expose how much they have and make themselves vulnerable as potential targets for the criminals to kidnap them?
Worse is, if they themselves are not targets, the criminals target the family members. Would you run for public office under such circumstances?
Not Convinced: Why didn’t Harapan leaders realise that it would be a field day for criminals should asset declaration be made public when they were in the opposition?
Please stop using that as an excuse now that you’re in power.
Or perhaps I should offer another inane solution - if you are worried about being kidnapped and harm done to your family, then don’t get filthy rich.
The Wakandan: While in principle what Rafizi suggests is good, in practical terms, there may be a grey area between achieving all that and preserving personal rights and freedoms.
What is more important is transparency, and that the relevant agencies and authorities are doing their job with great efficiency and care, and without fear and favour.
All sources where corruption can occur must be diligently guarded and enforced. The Inland Revenue Board, Customs Department, MACC, and heads of department should all should be vigilant.
If these people had played their roles well and procedures were strictly adhered to, many corrupt practices would have been prevented and would not have occurred.
Kangkung: If the Harapan government is dead serious about curbing corruption in the government, then it must introduce these (asset declaration) laws.
If the government doesn't do it, then we know that they have something to hide.
Vijay47: One unfortunate result of any party coming to power is that some of its members would use the opportunity to enrich themselves while the going is good. For all its promises, Harapan is not spared this possibility. 
Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu (Mat Sabu) enjoys a very solid reputation, there has not been the least allegation against this simple man and it is good that MACC has already commenced investigations into the aide who supposedly received ‘aid’ running to almost a million ringgit. 
The defence minister cannot allow any stain on his image especially when his ministry is the one in which billions are spent on the procurement of military hardware.
Right from the onset, Mat Sabu - and all Harapan leaders, for that matter - should clearly demonstrate that they will brook no shenanigans, and that anyone attempting to put his fingers into the till should be hauled up and charged. 
Without deflecting from the seriousness of the present case, which arose just weeks after the change of government, one wonders how rampant the practice must have been when a party held the reins for 60 years. 
It might be worthwhile to look further into, inter alia, the Defence Ministry’s purchase of the Sukhoi jets and the Scorpene submarines.
Fookchin: Good job, MACC. Please zoom in and exterminate corrupt practices at all levels and at all ministries and government-linked companies.
All symptoms of cancer must be detected in their early stages before they become terminal.
Anonymous_e70407cb: Yes, please investigate. It doesn't matter which party this aide belongs to.
All public servants, politicians must be subjected to the same scrutiny for honesty, integrity and transparency. There should be no exceptions to the rule.
Jasmine: It’s the only position Mat Sabu can and should take. Similarly, this is a position everyone holding cabinet positions should take too.
But one can’t help but wonder if Mat Sabu knew his aide in question was a declared bankrupt.
If he did, then it was poor judgement to allow this person to continue being an aide after assuming a ministerial position.
It was different when Mat Sabu was an opposition politician, though a president of a political party. Friendship and loyalty can be a double-edged sword.
Socrates: Come on Harapan ministers, when you hire aides, have them cleared by all relevant departments, police, MACC, Inland Revenue Board and all security authorities, including our External Intelligence Organisation. We don't want any foolish slip-ups.
Quo Vadis: This was a starkly defining moment to walk the talk, not only to see to it that justice is done but also that justice is seen to be done. 
If there is a transgression, the minister as well as the party must act without equivocation, without compromise. We, the people who voted Harapan into power will be watching. - Mkini

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