
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Yoursay: Nazri must be blind, deaf and mute on Rosmah’s bling

YOURSAY | If anyone wants to learn a lesson in hypocrisy, look no further.
Undecided: “‘I did not know about Rosmah (Mansor's) jewellery, I did not know about SRC International... I didn't know when I was a minister, there was money and Jho Low; it was not disclosed,’ he told reporters at the Parliament lobby today.”
The preceding statement by former minister Nazri Abdul Aziz is equally shocking as well as unbelievable unless he is a blind, deaf and mute.
1MDB is probably one of the most widely reported news - locally and internationally - in recent years.
Oxymoronictendencies: Really Nazri? You did not know about Rosmah's jewellery? You did not know about SRC International? You did not know there was money and Jho Low? All that was not disclosed?
You must be the only person in the whole of Malaysia who did not know about these matters. After all, none of these were state secrets. Everyone was aware.
So just what rock were you hiding under, Nazri, when you were blindly issuing statements of support and denial related to these issues?
You expect people to believe such nonsense. Really! Just how stupid are we supposed to believe you are.
Worried Sick: If anyone wants to learn a lesson in hypocrisy, look no further; Nazri is the model to follow.
He is really taking Malaysians for a ride thinking his past statements and idiotic comments about PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad have been forgotten.
Nazri, please go back into your worm-hole and stay there. The new Malaysia does not need you or people of your ilk.
Isal: As a principled lawmaker and a former minister, you must feel so brazenly betrayed after such selfless devotion, loyalty and service to the people of Malaysia.
Your boss was so sly and cunningly deceptive in keeping his ministers in the dark with his squirrel pinching of our hard-earned money.
Not to worry, we are just as shocked as you are. On a separate note, did you ever get to read about the US Department of Justice (DOJ) report on the biggest case of kleptocracy in the world?
Anonymous 2327531438397239: It looks like in all his 28 years in politics he has acted like a robot and a rubber stamp.
His blind obedience to the Umno president aka PM without even having the slightest doubt nor question the truth shows what a bunch of idiots we have.
Remember he was putting down Mahathir in the most rude, crude and humiliating manner, thinking that they (Umno) were invincible. I think it’s time karma takes its course.
Darmakochi: Nazri, what are you talking? An average Malaysian like me already knew something is seriously wrong in Putrajaya just like all the other average Malaysians in our country.
Our beloved nation was going to the dogs and all the top guns in Umno ‘buat tak tahu’ (pretend ignorance) and just wagging their tails and quietly receive personal dues from Najib and Rosmah.
How low can you get? Not even 0.0001mg of some moral values or concern for the future of our nation.
Apa Ini: Even if he only read Utusan Malaysia and nothing else, he would have been informed about the allegations.
AJ: That’s what you want us to believe? You never had a clue or suspicion that something was amiss? Are we that naive to believe that you were that dense?
Or are you throwing us an Umno smokescreen because you were one of the 40 thieves?
Kangkung: This ‘sandiwara’ (shadow play) won't work. You and all leaders in Umno know Najib like the palm of your hand. You were part of the kleptocracy so now don't pretend like Najib to be oblivious to everything.
As long as the ‘dedak’ (animal feed) flowed, you chose to keep quiet. You and the rest in Umno are as guilty as Najib and Rosmah.
Visu: Nazri, it is such attitude of being blind or pretending not to see the truth which causes the real trouble.
This revelation of your blindness (in reality, stupidity) is what brought about Umno’s fall and surely its demise.
Jaded: What you are in fact saying is you have been blindly following the PM despite the many exposes and accusations made against him, you did not bother to check or verify them.
Only after you lost the election and the ex-PM is charged in court, do you claim you are shocked. This proves that you can't be relied on to think objectively and naive.
Cogito Ergo Sum: Et tu, Brutus? You are one of many Brutus’s in this Umno tragi-comedy who is stabbing Najib in the back. Najib never expected that so many would turn against him.
But I think Nazri, you are a shrewd politician and have weighed and balanced the situation and decided to abandon your former boss who you defended to the hilt.
Unfortunately, your betrayal shows you to be only loyal to yourself. I hope Dr M remembers how nasty you were to him in the run-up to GE14 and how you made fun of his age.
At 93, he can put you and the whole lot of your friends in his pocket and have lots of room to spare.
The Wakandan: Nazri has been hibernating since the defeat of BN. That has to be a credit to him. Perhaps he may have been reflecting and thinking what had really happened, and maybe taking stock of the situation by way of self-examination.
He may realise what an awful idiot he was by embodying a macho image and bullying people with his gangster-like manner. He must be eating humble pie now.
But it is never too late to do good. It can be done if the heart is good. It is interesting what his next course of action is though. I think he still can contribute, but that gangster tough man image really has to go. -Mkini

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