
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Yoursay: PMO heist – a case of monkey see, monkey do?

YOURSAY | Why did the former PM keep so much cash everywhere?
The Wakandan: The RM3.5 million cash which was stolen from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) is another nail in the coffin.
Former PM Najib Razak can spin it any way he wants but he is beginning to look more and more like his moniker, Malaysian Official 1 (MO1).
Too much cash lying around and little to account for them - even the excuse that it was Umno fund, bad as it is - he will eventually run out of excuse.
In the meantime, the rope around his neck is getting tighter by the day.
?: "As I no longer have access to some of my offices then, I am not sure why the RM3.5 million was not stored in the safes with the rest of the other campaign funds but I believe it could have been a late campaign contribution sent over," said Najib.
Well, if you don't know, just ask those who were responsible for collecting and putting it there. When convenient, he ‘buat tak tahu’ (plead ignorance) and become as forgetful as PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
CKL: The question is: Was the money from corruption? Was it a case of money laundering? Was it illegal donations? Was it part of the 1MDB loot?
Second, who has ownership of that money? Najib saying it is Umno's money cannot be taken to be so. How can he prove it? How can Umno prove that it is theirs?
Mighty Bear: Why did the former PM keep so much cash lying around? Does he not know how to use a chequebook or interbank transfer like most normal people?
When ordinary folk are seen with so much cash everywhere... we would say something is fishy. With this former PM, everything about his dealings stinks.
Dr Spin: This highly defective ex-PM is clearly unable to distinguish between his former roles.
The PMO should not hold partisan funds, these should be maintained in the party's facilities, and the PMO, including the PM's personal office, should be strictly for matters concerning the Malaysian government.
No wonder, Malaysia suffered such big losses under the previous regime.
Hello: Najib, by claiming that the RM3.5 million belongs to Umno, is using the same modus operandi as former Sabah chief minister Musa Aman when it was found that RM35 million was smuggled into Sabah and in the end, Musa got away scot-free when Umno claimed it was party’s funds; also Umno was the government then.
Now he is claiming that the RM3.5 million (in his former office) and the RM117 million plus jewellery (in his residences) belong to Umno to get himself off the hook. How convenient!
FairMind: The standard practice is to submit proof that it is Umno's money - from which bank accounts are the cash drawn from or who donated the cash and provide evidence of their bank accounts, etc.
If there is no proof, then the money belongs to the government since it is in the government premises.
Clever Voter: Unofficially, Umno is probably the wealthiest political party in the world. Since they erased the line between government-owned and political party-owned assets, then logically what's theirs is also the government's.
Najib has the audacity to even claim the millions taken from his home belonged to Umno, which begs the question why they were there in the first place, secondly, in the age of e-banking, surely hard cash arouses suspicion.
Thirdly, how on earth do they have so much cash when most other political parties could not even afford to rent a hall, let alone feed their party workers.
Gerard Lourdesamy: The rakyat did not know that the PMO was moonlighting as an unlicensed bank for Umno.
Darmakochi: There must be a law regarding the funding for any political organisation. The contributor and the amount must be accounted for so that the authorities can trace the source of the contribution to make sure it is not from unlawful activities.
Can all the wonderful people who contributed the money come forward and stake their claim with proper proof? If the given sum is very, very big, they must show their source/sources of income.
Ultimately: And this man wanted a political financing act. He can't even show good practice, and yet wanted to regulate others.
Meerkat: Imagine taxing the rakyat until some find it hard to make ends meet. Meanwhile, he is literally rolling in cash, as though they were confetti. A million here, a million there. Until he is de-sensitised to the value of money.
That's why you have frauds of billions, a diamond worth RM72 million, watches worth a million each, a ship (can't call it a yacht) overpaid by RM300 million.
This is how removed he is from the real world. All these lying, corruption and worse must be against all religions, Islam included.
So PAS still want to be in the same bed with Umno? Or does PAS share the same DNA?
Slumdog: Najib obviously did not dare use the banking system as it will leave too many incriminating money trails of the source and the recipients of the money.
He obviously did not think he was going to lose GE14. No doubt, in due course, dimwit Umno members will come out of the woodwork to lay claim to the money.
Newday: Just imagine how frantic Umno/BN must have been those last few days before GE14.
Handing out cash to all and sundry, and yet RM3.5 million left over, stashed in a suitcase and lying around the office on election night.
I Wonder: Indeed, how much had been lying around the PMO in the days before. I guess much, much more.
What has this country descended to? Every man and his dog and cat and monkey think it was perfectly okay and normal to steal. -Mkini

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