
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 17, 2018

Yoursay: Religious dogma overrides common sense in transgender debate

YOURSAY | Do they believe a transgender would ogle and molest women in the female toilet?
Roger 5201De facto Islamic Affairs Minister Mujahid Yusof Rawa does not understand the “T” in LGBT. He and his deputy are so out of their depths with the issue that "religious dogma" has overtaken "fair principles" and even the rule of law.
Being LGBT is not a crime, nor are these folks about to go away any time soon either. Mujahid needs to think rationally about a more inclusive and harmonious social framework. It is most unfair to subject them to prejudice, discrimination and ridicule, equating them with animals.
As a mature society, we can do better to recognise and accept the LGBT as an integral part of our plural society.
Suck-Ars-Stick: While the world currency is crumbling, here we are - discussing the LGBT. Let them be gay, and let Umno bark and Kinabatangan MP Bung Moktar Radin shout about it.
Pakatan Harapan should focus on country. Leave the LGBT alone. They make up a small percentage of the population so don’t give the issue the majority of your time.
Dizzer: Identity politics (based on race, religion, or gender) is a minefield. The transgender issue in particular seems to me to have a profile way beyond its actual significance.
In the US, estimates for those identifying as transgender are about 0.004 percent of the population – important for them, but not really of a dimension that is going to destabilise society.
Globally, the proportion of men and women identifying as gay ranges from two to five percent depending on the country and the age group of the sample size.
Ultimately: The journalist asking the question shows his ignorance and prejudice. Mujahid should get some PR (public relations) skills on how to handle such a situation.
If the person has done some research, he would generally see women feel more comfortable with transgender than men. To the unbigoted, they are women. Period.
It's all in the mind. Do they believe a transgender would ogle and molest the women? What a joke.
Mujahid can adopt the BN style of dealing with the matter - just give the thumbs up and say 'semua okay' and walk away.
Fairplayer: I only fear rapists dressing as women using the women’s toilets, waiting to pounce on their unwary victims.
Wira: Harapan ministers, please don't let the opposition hijack your reformist agenda. Do the right and sensible things. Please don't focus on sex, sex and more sex.
Better Malaysia: Indeed, can we move away from this issue? We have bigger issues in Malaysia to solve, such as helping the poor, underage marriage and pregnancy, etc.
Sleepy: Harapan has laid the foundation and it’s good enough for me now because it takes a long time to overcome discrimination and prejudice, for example, race or religion.
Anonymous 1802761448130592: I don't see anything wrong with Deputy Minister Fuziah Salleh's suggestion.
It's obvious she made the remarks out of compassion for the LBGTs. It's clear she said "short-term", probably in the hope that a long-term solution can be worked out in the future.
Come on disabled rights activist Anthony Thanasayan, I am sure you have more understanding than others. It would be a great gesture on your part if you could welcome the LBGTs and share the use of OKU toilets.
After all, OKU toilets are often underutilised, and I know it for a fact because I was incapacitated for a year due to a serious knee injury.
Anonymous_3ef7: I totally agree with Anthony. Fuziah, you should know better than to even suggest this in the first place. Transgenders are not OKU.
Kevin: With due respect to the OKU, in some instances, we (transgenders) need to use toilets specially designed for the OKU. It's not that we deliberately use it to annoy the OKU.
Fuziah was likely trying to defend the LGBT community who are ostracised and humiliated by narrow-minded people.
Justice for Malaysia: What's wrong with the LGBT using the OKU toilet when no one is using it? Come on, be a little considerate and compassionate.
Newday: Anyone can use the OKU toilet. However, a disabled person takes precedence. Let's keep it simple, people.
Ikan Merah: Letting the LGBT use the OKU toilet is a very, very brilliant idea. Thumbs up to you, Fuziah. You think outside the box.
Shame to those who objected. Perhaps the OKU toilet sign can also include LGBT. Problem solved. Case closed.
One Humanity: Kinabatangan MP Bung Moktar Radin, the rakyat, especially the women, are terrified that YOU will enter women's restrooms.
Anonymous_a0e6f552: Since when has Bung Moktar been so concerned about men accessing women toilets? How come he’s not concerned about the 11-year-old marrying a much older man?
Anonymous 1802761448130592: Seriously, up till today we have not heard of any meaningful and constructive contribution by Bung Moktar on economic, religious, educational, infrastructural and social well-being issues.
I wonder why the people of Kinabatangan voted him into the august House? It is so that he can excite them by raising issues bordering on sex and sex alone?
Anonymous_15564a8d: To be honest, as a male, I'd be worried about sharing a restroom with Bung. - Mkini

1 comment:

  1. People of Kinabatangan. With all due respect what do you see in Bung Mokhtar untill he is given mandate again to represent Kinabatangan as an MP. Can't you see his mental ability is to clean Parliament toilet for OKU,LGBT,MALE and NOT Female.


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