
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 20, 2018

More Important News : Thaw On Korean Peninsula Becomes Warmer

North Korea's Kim Jong Un will visit Seoul "in near future" 
amid ongoing summit with South Korea's Moon Jae-in 
renewed pledges to shut down missile site, key nuclear weapons complex 
allow process monitored by international observers

remarked about traveling to Seoul during news conference with Moon 
would be first-ever visit to South by North Korean head of state
their third summit

  • Kim and Moon plan to draw down forces along border 
  • announced agreement for single team at 2020 Olympics in Tokyo
  • to submit  joint bid to host games in 2032
  • agreed before year end link railways along Korean peninsula
  • their defense chiefs said they would establish "buffer zones" 
  • to reduce possibility of accidental military clashes
  • agreed to withdraw 11 guard posts from DMZ along 38th parallel 

two sides agreed that Koreas should become "land of peace"
Kim called agreement "leap forward" toward peace 

Trump deem summit a success, calling it "Very exciting!"

My comments :  The fact that Kim Jong Un said publicly in Pyongyang that he will visit South Korea is akin to the gods agreeing to come down from the mountain for supper with the village folk.  The statement alone is unprecedented.

When Kim Jong Un travels to South Korea there will be a conversion. 

The Western Press has as usual sought to downplay the more important issues and instead highlight the inconsequential issues.

What they are not highlighting is that Kim Jong Un is insisting on a formal conclusion to end the Korean War of 1953. The war has not been formally ended yet.  North Korea wants to officially end the war.

I believe there is an urgency on Kim's part because without formally ending the Korean War the North may not be able to embark on their own  internal  legalese for normalisation of relations, uplift travel restrictions, dismantle State sponsored hate campaigns etc that have been etched into the North Korean psyche since 1953 - 65 years ago.

Despite all that, despite the New York Times or The Times of London disliking the Korean Peace, what is of greater importance is what actually happens on the ground.

This list here :
  • Kim and Moon plan to draw down forces along border 
  • their defense chiefs said they would establish "buffer zones" 
  • to reduce possibility of accidental military clashes
  • agreed to withdraw 11 guard posts from DMZ along 38th parallel 
  • announced agreement for single team at 2020 Olympics in Tokyo
  • to submit  joint bid to host games in 2032
  • agreed before year end link railways along Korean peninsula
is a major achievement already, especially that linking their railways all along the east and west coast of the Korean Peninsula before this year end.  I can imagine our Reliance Travel organising railway tours of North Korea as well !!  (Please wake up early, our  bus will be here at 6.30am to take you to the station. There will be a special breakfast at 5am - but it will close by 6am. Havent been on one of those for some time.)

Conclusion :  President Moon Jae-In of South Korea took the CEOs of Samsung and Hyundai along with him on this visit to Pyongyang.  I think Samsung phones will either become cheaper or they will be packed with more features for the same price.  

The Korean powerhouse will get even bigger.

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