
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Najib claims trial to money laundering and MACC charges

LIVE | 3.20pm: Sri Ram asks for the other charges against Najib, which fall under money laundering, to be read out. 
The former premier subsequently claims trial to the following charges:
  1. That he received RM155 million from Falcon Bank on March 22, 2013;
  2. That he was involved in money laundering by receiving RM155 million on March 22, 2013; 
  3. That he received another RM155million from Falcon Bank on March 22, 2013;
  4. That he received RM188million from Falcon Bank Singapore on March 26, 2013; and 
  5. That he received RM231 million from Falcon Private Bank on March 29, 2013.
3.12pm: Najib claims trial to three more charges, as follows:
  • That he abused his position as prime minister and finance minister by receiving RM90 million from 1MDB;
  • That he received RM2.6 billion in his personal bank account; and
  • That he abused his position as prime minister and finance minister on June 23, 2014 to receive more than RM49 million.
In the second charge under Section 24(1) of the MACC Act, which Najib claimed trial to, he is accused of having abused his positions to secure RM90.9 million between Oct 31, 2012 and Nov 20, 2012.
He is accused of having done so through his actions as finance minister on Feb 9, 2012, to approve 1MDB's bid to take over Tanjong Energy Holdings Sd Bhd for RM10.6 billion, and then later, on Aug 10, 2012, approving 1MDB's bid to take over Mastika Lagenda Sdn Bhd for RM2.75 billion.
He is accused of subsequently approving 1MDB's issuance of a 10-year structured loan note worth US$1.75 billion.
3.10pm: In the first charge, Najib is accused of having abused his position between Feb 24 and June 14, 2011 as a public officer, prime minister, finance minister, and chairperson of 1MDB's board of advisors to misappropriate RM60 million for himself. 
This was done by asking the cabinet in April 1, 2009 to grant a government guarantee to Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA), which the latter used to secure a RM5 billion loan.
Najib had then on July 29, 2009, as prime minister, ordered the federal government to take over TIA and renamed it as 1MDB, in which he had a direct interest.
He is charged under Section 24(1) of the MACC Act 2009. 
Najib claims trial to this charge.
3.05pm: Sri Ram asks that the charges be read out. 
Shafee wants Sri Ram to show the authority for his appointment as a prosecutor. 
"Until today we have not got it," Shafee says.
Sri Ram undertakes to produce the document. 
3.02pm: Najib walks in from the witness room. Ismail shouts out, "Boss!" and the former premier smiles. 
Court session resumes.  
3.00pm: Ismail walks into the courtroom with four supporters.  
Najib is in the witness room consulting with Shafee. 
2.45pm: Outside the courthouse, about 20 of Najib's supporters led by Umno vice-president Ismail Sabri Yaakob have gathered and are demanding to be allowed to go in.
They are blocked by a team of police, including those dressed in riot gear.
The situation becomes heated when the supporters argue with police that they should be allowed inside.
After a discussion, police allow Ismail to go in. Five minutes later, the group of supporters is allowed in after they promise to behave and will not become unruly. 
2.45pm: There are two US officials observing the proceedings.
2.31pm: Najib's son, Norashman, walks into the courtroom.
Meanwhile, Sri Ram introduces the various parties present, namely the prosecution, defence, and representatives from the Malaysian Bar. 
He shows the note of consent to prosecute Najib, and asks it to be marked by the court. 
He wants the four MACC charges to be read out. 
Shafee wanted a copy of the charges earlier, saying they had been unable to advise Najib. He suggests that no plea be taken when the charges are read, or that a short adjournment be called. 
2.25pm: The court is about to start with Sessions judge Justice Azura Alwi presiding. 
The court interpreter and all lawyers are seated. 
Najib walks in and is seated in the dock. 
2.15pm: MACC deputy chief commissioner (operations)  Azam Baki walks into the courtroom and sits in the front row of the public gallery. 
Najib is still in the witness room, waiting to be brought out. 
Lawyers are taking their places in the packed courtroom. 
2.10pm: Shafee arrives in the courtroom with his defence team, which includes Havinderjit Singh, Farhan Shafee, and Farhan Read. 
Lawyer Kumaraendran, who is holding a watching brief for Rosmah, is also in court. 
So far none of Najib's family members have been sighted. 
2.10pm: Umno supreme council member Ahmad Maslan prays for Najib to be strong in facing his tribulations. 
"May he be granted justice. Truth will be upheld if the courts are fair," he tweeted.
1.50pm: Najib arrives at the Kuala Lumpur court complex and is swarmed by journalists and photographers. He is then led into court where Sri Ram is waiting.
1.35pm: Najib leaves the Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) four hours after he was brought there for questioning.
Escorted by police and MACC officers, the former prime minister appears to be in high spirits and is seen smiling and waving to the media.
He is taken into a black unmarked Toyota Wish, believed to be headed to the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex where he is to be charged.
1.30pm: Former premier Najib Abdul Razak will be brought to the Jalan Duta Court complex in Kuala Lumpur today, for the third time, where he is expected to be slapped with a whole new slew of charges in relation to the 1MDB probe.
He will first be taken to the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court, where police have stated that Najib will face 21 counts in relation to alleged money laundering in connection to the RM2.6 billion he purportedly received in his personal bank account.
These do not include the four proposed charges to be levied by the MACC under the MACC Act today.
Najib was arrested yesterday and held overnight by the MACC.

He was brought to the Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) building this morning for further questioning.
Two truckloads of police personnel have been stationed outside the court as Najib supporters are expected to start gathering at 2.30pm.
The prosecution is expected to be led by former Federal Court judge Gopal Sri Ram, while senior lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah will appear for Najib. Lawyer K Kumaraendran is expected to appear for watching brief for Najib's wife Rosmah Mansor.
The Malaysian Bar is holding a watching brief in the case. It will be represented by secretary Roger Chan. 
Malaysiakini is bringing live the court proceedings inside and outside the court complex.
[More to follow] - Mkini

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