
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, September 27, 2018

This Man Is Living A Lie!

Hussein Abdul Hamid
I understand that when I made up my mind to have my say about Anwar Ibrahim and PKR, I was venturing into uncharted waters. I am sure they are many of you who read what I write have been with Anwar Ibrahim through thick and thin. I know that there will be common friends of Anwar and me who will wonder if I have lost my sense of grace and respect in going after a friend, a classmate and a Kolej boy. And yes I have wrote glowingly about Anwar the man and Anwar the politician in the past. But all things considered there is one underlying reason why I now want to have my say on Anwar Ibrahim.
There is one underlying reason that has made me decide that I do not want Anwar Ibrahim to be my leader and prime minister of Malaysia. And that reason is simply this…I do not want a leader who is living a lie.
Anwar has lied many times. He is living a lie, he tell lies and and now all those lies have started to stare him in his face.
Now the question arises if Tun Dr Mahathir knows that Anwar is living a lie, tell lies and have lied many times. Tun knows.
Anwar said it best. He said that Tun worked with him to rid us all of Najib and Barisan Nasional…because Tun knew he needed Anwar for Pakatan Harapan to take government. And so, Anwar tells us, Tun used him to win the election and Tun had to promise Anwar that he would make Anwar prime minister if Anwar supported him.
Bottom line….Tun got Anwar to come onside.
Now ask yourself this…do you think, knowing that Anwar is living a lie, tells lies and has lied many time in the past…knowing all this….do you think Tun will allow Anwar Ibrahim to become prime minister….manifesto or no manifesto?
Tun Mahathir knows what he has to do and Anwar Ibrahim too knows what Tun will do. They both know what happened the last time Anwar tried to become prime minister when Mahathir was in his way.
We live in interesting times…..now ask yourself this : If Anwar and Mahathir goes head to head…who will prevail?
If you go to the Rakyat now and ask them to choose between Tun Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim…who will the rakyat choose?
Common sense tells me that Anwar Ibrahim has as much chance of being a prime minister as Najib has a chance of NOT spending time in Bamboo River.
The possibility of Najib NOT spending time in Bamboo river is there…maybe one percent chance…but it is there. Same with Anwar…he has a chance of becoming PM… but if Tun
Mahathir gives him enough rope, Anwar will hang himself…if he has not already done so with the things he has done since he left Bamboo River and with this PD caper.
Me? As I have said…I do not want a leader who is living a lie, tell lies and have lied many times before…and damm any pardon any King can give him! What about you?

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