
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 21, 2018

Yoursay: Karma has finally caught up with MO1

YOURSAY | ‘The mighty wheel of justice moves ever so slowly…’
Clever Voter: The number of charges former PM Najib Razak faces shows the extent of damage this man has singlehandedly inflicted, especially on the opportunity cost of development.
The patronage system he has to feed and sustain requires costly maintenance. Hence that explains his long list of beneficiaries. And why many remain silent.
It's not difficult to spot sympathisers; for them, Najib has given them better treatment and they too will be in decreasing number in time.
His arrest may make many rejoice. The country will not cry for him. He has been a disgrace, many will remember him for depriving the future of Malaysians.
Najib has to be consistent with his lies. He cannot show substantial proof over the so-called Arab donation. To date, Saudi Arabia has not officially endorsed not denied this.
It should not be difficult to trace the real source of the billions he received.
Wsoi: Karma is a universal law that cuts across all races, all religions, whether poor or rich, all creatures on earth.
All the good done will be rewarded. And all the evil done will have to pay the price. Nobody can escape.
Vijay47: Now that the inevitable has finally happened, one cannot help feeling a touch of... what... pity, wonder, disbelief, sadness?
Sorrow surely, that a man with the whole world to gain should succumb so irreversibly to temptation in his greed to have riches he could never spend over seven generations.
Or perhaps it was an unquenchable lust for power already tasted and unable to be washed off.
Was Najib really that lacking in intelligence to be only the cat’s paw so deftly used by that monkey from Penang?
Did he really think he would get away with his fleeting billions, did he never look around and see the ghosts of Ferdinand Marcos, Mobutu Sese Seko, Slobodan Milosevic, Francois Duvalier, did those wraiths never haunt him? 
Yet his tangled web was well-woven, associates were suitably rewarded and when they had sipped of the same chalice, there was no escape for them also.
And all this wealth at what cost, to what end? Before he could even actually enjoy the fruits of his misadventure, his Armani world was crumbling before his eyes, bit by bit, minute by minute.
Guilty or acquitted, all his dreams have been destroyed, replaced by nightmares that he will never awaken from. And the worse is still to come.
Yes, Najib Razak, I do feel pity for you that you allowed yourself to be transported into a living hell.
Frank: As for those who were with him when they were once powerful and who in short had betrayed Malaysia through and through - and not to forget those who plundered Mara, Tabung Haji, Khazanah Nasional - your days should be numbered too.
For the government of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, to be followed by that of Anwar Ibrahim, please ensure that by hook or by crook, these people shall never be allowed to enjoy the profits of their ‘haram’ (sinful) activities.
In short, it is not enough that they are put in prison, etc; the assets they have accumulated must (no two words about it) be seized.
Kangkung: Now I don't even bother to read the charges Najib is being charged for as there are just too many billions to keep track off. All those numbers will just leave everyone dumbfounded.
This is one excessively greedy person who thought he could get away with anything.
Neo-Public Transit Authority: Finally, the light shines on Najib Razak. An alleged crime which needs to be brought out to light after being chased for nearly three years and covered up by the previous administration.
It would be interesting to see how his closest allies and his friends defend Najib in court.
Gaji Buta: Najib must be punished, even if just for the disgrace brought to our nation, irrespective of any other wrongdoing, even if he has to be the sacrificial goat, in order to show we are not a half-past-six despotic banana republic.
He is ultimately answerable (to the alleged theft) as it happened under his watch.
Royal Salute 21Y: "I don't know", I am not aware", "Nobody told me", "I was kept in the dark", "If only they've told me I wouldn't have done that".
Stupidity cannot be a crime, right? So, this is pure political persecution! I am innocent.
Daeng Lajib: Whoever, being in any manner entrusted with property, or with any dominion over property, in his capacity of a public servant or an agent, commits criminal breach of trust in respect of that property, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than two years and not more than 20 years and with whipping, and shall also be liable to a fine.
A Malaysian prime minister definitely has the dominion (absolute ownership) over all the GLC (government-linked company) decision.
Yes, make sure the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) has a one-foot nail and a big enough hammer to nail the greatest kleptocrat in history.
Gerard Lourdesamy: This must be a lesson to all the greedy, corrupt and kleptocratic leaders who have been taking the rakyat for granted over the last 61 years.
At least, we are giving them due process unlike during the time of the French Revolution.
Redmann: "We must not make a scarecrow of the law. Setting it up to fear the birds of prey, And let it keep one shape, till custom make it. Their perch and not their terror." - Measure for Measure, Act 2, Scene 1, ‘Angelo to Escalus’
AnotherKomentar: The mighty wheel of justice moves ever so slowly, but as it moves, the weight is felt and the people sighs with relief that there is justice in Malaysia after all. -Mkini

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