
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

"What can Sri Lankan Muslims do for Zakir Naik?" Well Dr Mahathir has already done it.

The death toll from those bomb attacks in Sri Lanka have exceeded 300 people. The Sri Lankans had been warned at least 10 days earlier by the Indian security people and also the Americans that a terror attack was imminent. However a power play between the president (who received the warning) and the prime minister (who runs the country) resulted in the information not being acted upon. As a result over 300 people have lost their lives. This is a stupid Third World country.

• Sri Lanka’s security forces were warned at least 10 days before the bombings that the militant group was planning attacks against churches, but apparently took no action against it, indicating a catastrophic intelligence failure.

• The Sri Lankan police have arrested 24 people in connection with the explosions at hotels and churches. One of the suicide bombers had been arrested just a few months ago, suspected of having vandalized a statue of Buddha.

Indian and Sri Lankan security agencies have identified a group known as the National Tauhid Jamaath (NTJ) as the culprits behind these attacks.

Who are National Tauhid Jama’ath or NTJ?  

(OSTB : The Malaysian spelling would be Jemaah Tauhid.)

little-known Islamist group that promotes terrorist ideology in South Asia responsible 

National Thowheeth Jama’ath, reputation for vandalizing Buddhist statues 

little history of carrying out terrorist attacks

suicide bombers appeared to be Sri Lankan citizens. “All are locals” 

"international terrorist organizations behind these incidents.”

The leader of the Sri Lankan NTJ is a fellow who goes by a few names.

Foreign intelligence informed that Mohammed Cassim Mohamed Zaharan alias Zaharan Hashmi the leader of the National Thowheeth Jama’ath (NTJ) and his followers planning suicide attacks. 

Targeting Catholic churches and the Indian High Commission in Colombo. 

Zaharan Hashmi and Shahid in hiding after damaging statues in December 26, 2018.

Rilwan, younger brother of Zaharan, main recruiter 
Mohamed Cassim Mohammed Rilwan 
currently hiding after clash between NTJ and another religious organization 
working to build followers for Zaharan 
currently residing in the home of close associate
Rilwan visits his wife and children at night (2300hrs -0400hrs) 

Mohammed Milhan interacts with social media accounts of Zaharan
regularly updating accounts with hate speech again non-Muslims 
since March 15, 2019 attacks on Muslim mosque in New Zealand
Mohammed Milhan ardent follower of Zaharan
deep hatred towards nonbelievers

former soldier Bathurdeen Mohammed Mohideen alias Army Mohideen 
resides near Anwer Mosque 

since 2016 Zaharan preached murder of nonbelievers is noble religious endeavor 

This fellow Mohammed Cassim Mohamed Zaharan alias Zaharan Hashmi has made many videos which have been uploaded into the Net. Here is a screenshot of one such video that has gone viral (click here:

My comments :  The scale and complexity of the attacks casts some doubts on the claim that it was carried out by the local Sri Lankan group. As the news suggests they must have had help from foreign terror groups.

Before this, the National Tauhid Jamaath had been running around Sri Lanka damaging Buddhist statues. They had no previous record of suicide bombing or attacking people with explosives.

The explosion that blew off the high roof of that church required really powerful explosives.  Where and how did they get the explosives? 

The coordination (for six suicide bombers?) to blow themselves up within minutes of each other in three different cities in Sri Lanka also shows preparation and coordination. 

More information will certainly come out from this episode.

The National Tauhid Jamaath or just Tauhid Jamaath are Tamil Muslims (geng mamak) from Tamil Nadu and later Sri Lanka. There is also a presence in Kerala. 

Among Tamil Muslims the Tauhid Jamaath is a synonym for Wahabis (or Salafis).

They have been influenced, created and funded by the Saudis from a long time ago.

They appeared in the 80s (I believe) in Tamil Nadu and also Kerala etc. They also had a presence here in Malaysia - particularly around the Masjid India area.

(Yup I have met some of them - not the terrorist type - just regular business people with families and businesses to take care of. There was one fellow who was a professor at the UIA (or IIU) who has since returned to India, quite some time ago.)

My friends and I used to debate them and managed to make a few of them "change their minds" -  some very  successfully I should say.

Like all Wahabis / Salafis they differed from the main stream ahlul sunnah wal jamaah, the sufis and the tablighis (in the most insignificant things). But because it was religion, it was sufficient to pick fights with their neighbours.

The situation in Sri Lanka is heavily influenced by local politics as well where there are religious and racial clashes between the majority Buddhist Sinhalese and the Tamil Hindus, Tamil Muslims and perhaps some Christians.

Poor handling of inter racial and inter religious issues is going to cause problems for Sri Lanka. Mark my words folks, my view is that the Tamil Tigers will be revived in Sri Lanka. The Tamil Muslims in Sri Lanka have played a prominent part in the Tamil Tiger liberation movement.  It is possible that the Tamil Salafis wish to open a new front against the Sri Lankan government.

Conclusion :  Why should we get involved in other peoples' fights? I hope Tun Dr Mahathir, Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin and the other elders will use their common sense.

Indeed in that video this Zahran Hashim fellow has praised Zakir Naik. 
They all look up to him as their spokesman and champion.

Kepada YAB Tun Dr Mahathir,  these are simple people. 
They will fight over the smallest things. 

But their ego is now boosted that no less an Islamic leader than Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, the Prime Minister of Malaysia has now given refuge and support to their idol Zakir Naik.  This certainly puffs up their ego even more. 

Dear Dr Mahathir, as a doctor you will appreciate that if something gets too puffed up, it can explode.

Do think about this carefully.

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