
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, August 29, 2019

Why Is Rafidah Still Bitching? Just Do It!

I cannot understand why for 29 years from 1990 until today we are still talking but doing nothing about it. Cukuplah talking for 29 years. Stop bitching. Just do what you think is right and what you think is good for the country. Sudah bosan dengar all this talk about tongkat and crutches. After all, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s children became billionaires without any tongkat, crutches, cronyism or abuse of power but through sheer hard work.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Why is Rafidah Aziz still bitching? Pakatan Harapan is now in power. Malaysia is now ‘Malaysia Baru’. The old Malaysia of Umno-Barisan Nasional no longer exists. Malaysia has changed and reforms have been introduced. So just abrogate Article 153 in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia and end what DAP calls ‘institutionalised’ racism and discrimination.
It is no point for Rafidah to moan, groan, bitch and grumble. If you are the opposition well and fine. But you are not the opposition. You are the government. And as the government you have all the power you need to implement changes, even to replace white school shoes with black school shoes.
If Article 153 and all those other ‘unfair’ and ‘discriminatory’ Articles in the Constitution need to be removed then remove them.  If you need to end the New Economic Policy (NEP) then end it. If you need to abolish Malay privileges and introduce meritocracy then do it. If Malaysia needs to copy Singapore so that Malaysia can be as great and as successful as Singapore then copy Singapore.

Malays no longer need crutches, as Mahathir’s sons have proven

I cannot understand why for 29 years from 1990 until today we are still talking but doing nothing about it. Cukuplah talking for 29 years. Stop bitching. Just do what you think is right and what you think is good for the country. Sudah bosan dengar all this talk about tongkat and crutches. After all, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s children became billionaires without any tongkat, crutches, cronyism or abuse of power but through sheer hard work.
Rafidah, force Pakatan Harapan to push through the abrogation of all those discriminatory and racist Articles in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. End all Bumiputera privileges, preferences and quotas. Implement equality and meritocracy. Show the voters that Malaysia Baru is the opposite of the Malaysia lama of Umno-Barisan Nasional.

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