
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, May 30, 2020

Hello Chinese And Indian Supporters - Where Does Your Brader Anwar Stand In The Tussle Between Dr M and TSMY?

I just received this :


Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dan salam sejahtera.

Saya berharap ahli-ahli BERSATU dapat bersabar dan bertenang dalam menghadapi situasi terlucutnya keahlian lima orang bekas ahli BERSATU iaitu YB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, YB Dato’ Seri Mukhriz Mahathir, YB Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, YB Dato’ Amiruddin Hamzah dan YB Dr Maszlee Malik.

Mereka tidak dipecat daripada parti. Sebaliknya perbuatan mereka melanggar perlembagaan parti telah menyebabkan keahlian mereka terhenti dengan serta merta.

Saya sendiri tidak mengambil tindakan terburu-buru walaupun terdapat banyak desakan supaya tindakan terhadap mereka diambil lebih awal.

Saya mahu berlaku adil kepada semua pihak dan memastikan apa sahaja tindakan yang dibuat mestilah berlandaskan perlembagaan parti. Tiada mana-mana individu yang mengatasi perlembagaan parti.
Saya yakin dan percaya BERSATU akan terus teguh. Kita telah menghadapi banyak cabaran dari awal parti ini saya tubuhkan. Kita telah menempuh banyak duri dan ranjau dalam perjuangan. Yang penting kita tidak berjuang demi mana-mana individu, tetapi demi agama, bangsa dan negara kita.

Tentunya kita berasa dukacita dengan pilihan yang dibuat oleh YB Tun Dr Mahathir untuk tidak berada bersama-sama kita dalam wadah dan haluan perjuangan parti sepertimana yang telah diputuskan oleh Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi.

YB Tun bersama pengikutnya yang lain memilih untuk terus bekerjasama dengan Pakatan Harapan walaupun parti memutuskan sebaliknya. Jika itu pilihan YB Tun, saya ucapkan selamat maju jaya.

Kita berdoa kepada Allah s.w.t untuk memberikan kita semua segala kekuatan dalam menghadapi zaman yang sukar ini dengan penuh tabah dan beristiqamah serta dibimbing kita dengan segala tawfik dan hidayah-Nya.

Marilah kita rapatkan saf bersama saya untuk terus perkukuhkankan Kerajaan yang telah kita tubuhkan demi masa depan Malaysia yang lebih  aman dan sejahtera.

Presiden merangkap Pemangku Pengerusi 
Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia

Ok lah here is a message for Dr Mahathir and gang.

1. Yes certainly you have the absolute, 100% complete freedom to sit anywhere you like. And you exercised your right to sit down with the Opposition's side in Parliament. 

But by any measure of simple political party etiquette and ethics (if there is such a thing) you are already going against the Party President who also happens to be the Prime Minister.  This is sufficient grounds for you to be kicked out of PPBM.

Plus the majority of the MPT of PPBM supports the President Muhyiddin Yassin. 
Until today. This is a fact. Just go and do a headcount. You are in the minority. 

2.  But worse than that you have already said it publicly, loud and clear, that you will VOTE AGAINST ANY PARLIAMENTARY BILLS to be proposed by the Prime Minister - to show that he has no majority support. That alone is sufficient grounds for you to be kicked out of PPBM.  

The proper procedure is challenge him INSIDE the party elections. 
Not challenge your own party President INSIDE the Parliament. 
Somehow it just does not sound right.

Ok in the meantime, Malaysiakini reported the following about Brader Anwar :  

129 MPs - Anwar says still in the works
29 May 2020

Pakatan Harapan 129 MPs still in the works, 
not finalised, said Anwar 
he said this was not discussed during PKR meeting y'day
did not focus on getting numbers or power

Regarding 129 MPs we did not discuss this 
it is still in the process, it's not final

My comments : 

So says Brader Anwar.

This report by pro-DAP Malaysiakini is very revealing. 
What it means is that Brader Anwar cannot be bothered. 
He is not worried too much about putting Dr M back in power.

So Chinese and Indian supporters of Brader Anwar - do take note.
The 129 MPs thing is not going to happen.
Brader Anwar says that he did not even bother discussing the issue.

So will Brader Anwar support Tan Sri Muhyiddin as PM?

Right now there is much resistance inside UMNO towards Brader Anwar.
But from some factions only. UMNO does not really need Brader Anwar. 

Plus a majority(?) of PKR MPs who support Brader Anwar are Chinese. 
Inside PKR, Brader Anwar is dependent on non-Malay MPs. 
That does not help UMNO much either.

N'theless imagine a situation where Brader Anwar does swing to TSMY.  
TSMY will not need ALL the PKR MPs to cross over. 
Even a handful are enough to help TSMY consolidate his position as PM. 

Lets say Brader Anwar takes just enough MPs and walks. 
It will be game over for Dr M. 
It can even be game over for UMNO. 

The King of the Hill will then be TSMY.  
Both UMNO and PAS need him. 
And if push comes to shove even Brader Anwar will need him.
It is called political survival.

Maybe that is why Brader Anwar said :  

"Regarding 129 MPs we did not discuss this.." 

I say Chinese and Indian supporters of Brader Anwar can you hear that sound?
Listen carefully. 
Its a ripping sound.

1 comment:

  1. I will also support Brader Anwar if he swings to PN. I too am getting pissed with Che Det. Porrahhh Dey.


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