
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, May 29, 2020

Malays Are Rightists, Chinese Are Leftists

A liberal or leftist Malay/Muslim is the same as a virgin prostitute — in short, a fallacy. And that is why PKR and Pakatan Harapan are failing. They are living a lie. They pretend to be what they are not. A true leftist or reformist would also be a republican, not a monarchist. So, do PKR, DAP and Pakatan Harapan propagate the abolishment of Malaysia’s monarchy?

Raja Petra Kamarudin
“We are discussing well on who is our PM candidate, but what is important is not to repeat our past mistakes but to enable us to hold on to those who are committed to the promise, not betraying the trust, clean, not accepting corruption and elevating the dignity of this community and the people as mentioned in the reform agenda.”
“This is not a struggle among political elites to seize power, but instead an effort to bring about the real Reformasi agenda which cares for the people. Any form of power transition must be conducted as promised, in an orderly and peaceful manner according to the law.” (Anwar Ibrahim, 29th May 2020)

I am a right-wing royalist-monarchist and proud of it

Now, the words that Anwar Ibrahim has been using ever so often over these last 22 years are “reform”, “reformasi” and “reform agenda”. That, in fact, has been PKR’s war-cry since the party was launched on 4th April 1999. But what does this really mean? Do those Malays who scream “reformasi” really understand what the concept means?
First read this:
Left wing: the radical, reforming, or socialist section of a political party or system.
Right wing: the conservative or reactionary section of a political party or system.
Reactionary: opposed to social liberalisation or reforms.
In essence, Pakatan Harapan is left wing while Muafakat Nasional (and to a certain extent Perikatan Nasional) is right wing.

Dr Mahathir and DAP are anti-monarchy leftists

I do not wish to sound racial here, but by nature Chinese are leftists and Malays are rightists. It is just that they are not honest about it and do not want to admit it.
Anwar presents himself as a great reformist. Some examples of reformists are Martin Luther, Oliver Cromwell and Napoleon Bonaparte.
Martin Luther reformed the church and turned it into what it is today. Oliver Cromwell reformed Parliament and created the Constitutional Monarchy that even Malaysia practices today. And Napoleon Bonaparte reformed society, the education system, and introduced nationalism to Europe, which saw the end of empires and eventually triggered World War I.
I do not wish to go into detail about what Martin Luther, Oliver Cromwell and Napoleon Bonaparte did because then this article will become a 300-page thesis (these were the subjects of my studies at Oxford and Cambridge) and this article is supposed to be about Malaysia, not about Europe 1500-1850.

Malays are too conservative to become leftists and libertarians

Ringkas cerita, Malays are rightists, not leftists. Hence Umno and PAS suit Malays more than DAP and PKR. The culture, upbringing and religion of the Malays can never turn them into libertarians. Hence Anwar tok kok when he screams “reformasi”. Anwar’s “reform agenda” will never be accepted in spirit by most Malays. Maybe kalau lip service bolehlah.
The true reform agenda of Martin Luther, Oliver Cromwell, Napoleon Bonaparte, and many more, is not compatible to Malay culture and Islam. It requires a paradigm shift that will make the Malays/Muslims shudder.
The Pakatan Harapan “perjuangan reformasi” or reform agenda is a scam. It is just a front to make Pakatan Harapan (in particular PKR) appear modern and progressive. But when you get down to the fine print, the Malays in Pakatan Harapan are no different to the Malays in Umno and PAS.
The fundamental doctrine of liberalisation or libertarianism is freedom of religion and the right to not believe in God. If you have the right to not believe in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, dragons, mermaids, etc., why do you not also have the right to not believe in God? You have the right to not believe in 1,000 things but not to not believe God.

A true libertarian that PKR or Pakatan Harapan can never be

Walk up to a Malay or Muslim and challenge that person to prove that God exists. They will respond by asking you to prove that God does not exist. You cannot prove a negative and if that person does not know this by now then he or she is wasting the air he/she is breathing.
That one “test” alone proves that Malays/Muslims are conservatives and not liberals. Hence Malays/Muslims are rightists, not leftists. Hence also, Malays belong in Perikatan Nasional, not in Pakatan Harapan.
A liberal or leftist Malay/Muslim is the same as a virgin prostitute — in short, a fallacy. And that is why PKR and Pakatan Harapan are failing. They are living a lie. They pretend to be what they are not. A true leftist or reformist would also be a republican, not a monarchist. So, do PKR, DAP and Pakatan Harapan propagate the abolishment of Malaysia’s monarchy?

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