
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, January 5, 2021

1. Seorang Lagi Maut Akibat Lubang Pothole 2. Nasihat Peguam Norman Fernandez Kepada Mangsa Jalan Berlubang

 1.  Malaysiakini melaporkan berita seorang lagi mangsa yang tidak berdosa maut akibat kemalangan langgar lubang di jalanraya (pothole).


Sehari selepas seorang warga emas maut selepas kemalangan yang dikaitkan dengan jalan berlubang, tragedi sama berlaku lagi di Lembah Klang hari ini.

Menurut polis, mangsa adalah seorang lelaki berusia 31 tahun dan kejadian berlaku di Jalan PJU 7/2, Mutiara Damansara.

kejadian berlaku pukul 1.15 tengah hari ini apabila mangsa menghampiri lampu isyarat simpang tiga dan terlanggar lubang di bahu jalan, menyebabkan motosikal yang ditunggangnya hilang kawalan.

Katanya, mangsa terbabas di lorong kiri jalan dan disahkan maut di tempat kejadian oleh pembantu perubatan.

seorang penunggang motosikal menggesa pihak berkuasa mengambil maklum akan keadaan jalan di kawasan itu yang terletak berdekatan dengan pusat beli-belah The Curve.

"Sekarang sudah 2021, kemalangan sudah banyak kali terjadi di sini. Sebelum ni tak ada kematian tetapi hari ini libatkan kematian.

"Minta harap pihak berkenaan tolong bantu. Kami rider tak minta pun jalan bersih, tapi jalan yang rata," katanya .

Semalam, seorang lelaki berusia 75 tahun meninggal dunia selepas motosikalny hilang kawalan - juga dikaitkan dengan jalan berlubang - di Jalan Tengah menuju ke Mid Valley.

Menurut The Star, mangsa dikenali sebagai Ho Yan Yee dan kejadian berlaku pada pukul 7.30 pagi.

Isu jalan berlubang hangat diperkatakan setelah Menteri cedera setelah kemalangan ketika berbasikal di Banting akibat jalan berlubang.

Permintaan maaf serta-merta oleh JKR Kuala Langat menimbulkan kemarahan orang ramai yang mempersoalkan kejadian seumpamanya sebelum ini yang bukan melibatkan menteri.

2.  Yang berikut pula adalah nasihat daripada Sdra Norman Fernandez seorang peguam yang senior yang arif berkenaan kemalangan akibat jalan yang berlubang. 


By Norman Fernandez


Having filed many claims against Local Councils for pothole related accidents, which can range from minor injuries, serious injuries. even fatal and or just damage to vehicles. in particular motorcycles, let me share some tips as to what you should do if become a victim.



If you are unfortunately to hit a pothole and fall, try as best as you can ( or with the help of anyone coming to your aid ) to immediately take clear photographs of :-

a. the pothole;

b. the immediate surrounding;

c. your bodily injuries;

d. damage to your vehicle.

All these can be done with your own handphone.



If still able to move ( or with assistance of anyone coming to your aid) try to roughly measure the depth and width of the pothole.



The reason, why the above two are important is that it is always a certainty that, upon the relevant authorities getting information of the mishap to quickly repair and resurface the pothole and the area. Thus, when a claim is made, you miss an opportunity to show proof of the pothole and the Courts often are unable to appreciate the danger posed by the pothole.



If you can personally go for immediate medical treatment or require assistance to be rushed to hospital, try as best as possible to remember all the happenings, including if possible the personal details of whoever that had come to your aid.



There is no need to rush immediately to make a police report. Compose yourself and get medical attention first. Only then, draft a police report and take it to police station to make a report. If someone can assist you to type the report and save it on a pen-drive, that is even better. At the police station, just handover the pen-drive to the police personnel taking the report.

Here is a sample of a simple report:-

“Pada ( tarikh ) kira-kira ( jam ), saya sedang membawa motorsikal nombor pendaftaran ( nombor motorsikal ) jenis (jenis motorsikal ) dari ( from where ) menghala ke ( to where ) dan membawa motosikal secara berhemah dan mematuhi peraturan lalu-lintas.

Semasa membawa motorsikal dan kira-kira sampai di tempat kejadian ( name of place ), motorsikal saya terkena kepada lubang jalan yang berada disitu. Akibat terkena lubang jalan tersebut, motorsikal saya terbabas dan saya serentak jatuh dan mengalami kecederaan di bahagian-bahagian badan antaranya ( just state in general where were the injuries were ).

Lubang jalanraya tersebut sukar dilihat ketika membawa motorsikal. 

Saya kemudian telah mendapat rawatan di ( place of medical treatment)/ telah dibawa orang ramai ke hospital ( name of hospital ).

Lain-lain yang saya hendak lapurkan ialah kerosakan motorsikal anggaran baiki-pulih saya belum dapat anggarkan.”

Please do not say in the police report words like “saya tidak melihat” “ saya tidak mengelak/tidak dapat mengelak”, or whatever words that insinuate, that you could have seen the pothole and you did not take any evasive measures.

Do remember, that you need not make a through and detail report. You can later make a Repot Tambahan, if you wish to add any further details to your initial report, so long as there is no contradiction.

Once again remember, there is no rush to make a police report. Get medical help first.



If you are making a police report or admitted for medical treatment, you will be approached by lawyers representatives ( sometimes even the police personnel or the hospital assistants) recommending a lawyer who is willing to take up you case and make a claim. At that point, it is preferably you do not sign any documents or warrant to act. At best, just take the lawyers calling card. Your priority while getting medical treatment is to recover quickly. Any legal claim can be done later.



Once recovered or discharged, you can then consider, if you wish to pursue a claim. Go and see a lawyer. You should preferably go an see a lawyer specialising in doing personal injury/accident claims. They more than other lawyers, will be able to handle your claim well and better. They will know whether your claim is against JKR or the Local Council and evening can base on the injuries suffered can give an estimate of the compensation claim.

It’s good to know that lawyers specialising in accident claims usually take up the case on a contingency fees. That means, the lawyers will take between 25% and 30% from the award of the claim. Do remember, when you go to see a lawyer, the lawyer may charge you a nominal consultation fees or even inform you if you need to pay a reasonable fees first. Believe me a lawyer specialising in personal injuries claims, will be able to help guide you.



Please keep all receipts of payments and bills including medical and motorcycle repair bills.



Once you have appointed your lawyer, just follow all that is advised by your lawyer and submit all the documents as requested.



Usually claims arising from pothole incidents, are resolved and settled after a claim is filed or before Hearing.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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