
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 18, 2021

This is also Dr Mahathir's legacy - Malays sleeping in the streets ! Plus A Suggestion For Dr Mahathir.

 About 14 years ago (circa 2007) I travelled with a friend to Pekan Baru in Riau to speak at a conference on the Malay civilisation.  We transited through Jakarta Airport. At Jakarta Airport we saw hundreds of Indonesians sleeping on the sidewalk and along the pavement. It was broad daylight. Not only those people had no place to sleep but they also had no jobs and no work.  I recall my friend saying, 'Syed if we are not careful this will happen in Malaysia. Malay people will end up sleeping on the sidewalks like this."

That was about 14 years ago. Now here is something really sad. I believe this video was again shot at Chow Kit in Kuala Lumpur. It is unbelievable how many people are sleeping on the streets. These are not Indonesians, Rohingyas or other 'refugees'. These are local folks, mostly Malay people. What is even more shocking is that these are entire families, with many Malay women and children living on the sidewalk.

Some people are handing out free food (again) and you can see women, men and children coming up and taking the free food. The fellow who is distributing the free food is obviously an Arab. Thank you brother. 

It is more sad that a foreigner Arab can come to this country and start sharing free food with the Malay people. Something is terribly wrong with the system here.

I received the video via WhatsApp along withe following comment:

Look at the number of people sleeping on the streets every night, waiting for food. 
The little boy keeps shouting asking for the cardboard box, he wants to use it to sit and sleep on it rather that just on the cold hard floor. 
Imagine this is happening in downtown KL. 
We are becoming like what Jakarta was 10 yrs ago. 
People sleeping on the pavement every night. 
Our ministers are still enjoying the same salary, no pay cuts for them😡 enjoying everything as per usual while the citizens have to sleep on the streets and wait for handouts. 🤬 🤬

My comments : 

Dr Mahathir was again speaking about his "legacy" on BFM radio. I think he was speaking through his a$$.

This is also Dr Mahathir's legacy.  Things like this do not happen overnite. It takes years and decades of screwing up and making stupid policies which finally result in your own people sleeping in the streets.

During his time Dr Mahathir created a few instant Malay billionaires. And hundreds of instant Malay millionaires. He did this by giving them free money. Free taxpayers money.

Why did Dr Mahathir do that? Because he just wanted to see Malays who are "successful".  Dr Mahathir said that.

But instead of making the Malay millionaires and billionaires work hard and learn to compete in the market place along with everyone else Dr Mahathir simply took public funds, tax payers money, and made instant Malay millionaires and billionaires.

They did not EARN their millions and billions from the marketplace. They were just given their millions and billions using taxpayers funds.  


1. The market place. 

The market place, the free market, the open market has UNLIMITED WEALTH AND UNLIMITED POTENTIAL. It is really unlimited. You just have to cast your net wide enough and you will harvest more than enough from the marketplace.  

2. Taxpayers funds.

On the other hand taxpayers funds are extremely limited.  If there are economic slowdowns then the government will collect less taxes than it could or should. If the government screws up economic policy and prevents the economy from functioning smoothly there will be less tax income.  That is the supply side of taxpayers funds.

There is also another meaning to "limited taxpayers funds" on the demand side.  

If you take the limited taxpayers funds and use it to simply create Malay millionaires and Malay billionaires, then that will be one million Ringgit less and one billion Ringgit less to spend on the people who are now sleeping in the streets. 


If there are only 10 eggs in the basket and Dr Mahathir gave FIVE eggs to Tan Sri SM and THREE eggs to Dato Seri YA then there are only TWO eggs left to be shared by Usop, Che Pah, Tipah, Usin and all those homeless children sleeping on the streets in Chow Kit.

Why? Because taxpayers funds are always limited. IT IS NOT A WIN WIN SITUATION.

Then Dr Mahathir also gave these fake millionaires and fake billionaires MONOPOLY businesses and licenses to import things, to import basic commodities, MONOPOLIES over utilities, MONOPOLIES on importing cars etc etc that has made the cost of living in Malaysia unnaturally high. 

Malaysians can pay up to THREE to FIVE times more than Americans to buy the same cars !!  Meaning Malaysians have the financial capacity to buy cars but they get less than what they are forced to pay.

Because Dr Mahathir gave monopolies on rice imports some grades of rice are CHEAPER in Singapore and Australia than in Malaysia. Meaning Malaysians have the financial capacity to buy rice but they get less than what they are forced to pay. 

All this and more has become Dr Mahathir's legacy.

So here is my suggestion to Dr Mahathir. Please look at that video again. That is an Arab man who is handing out the free food. It is shawarma. The Arab guy is most likely an immigrant who has come to Malaysia from his country which is most likely in trouble like many Arab countries.

Yet he can come here, maybe started up a restaurant or something and is able to give free shawarma to Malays sleeping on the streets. 

Malu lah! Why not Dr Mahathir get some of the Malay millionaires and billionaires who he created using taxpayers funds to also make some nasi lemak or some bee hoon, pack it in boxes and hand it out to these Malay people sleeping on the sidewalk?

They did not earn their millions and billions through free and fair effort. 
They became millionaires and billionaires from taxpayers funds. Our money.

So now its time to give back a little.

Takkan cannot spare a box of nasi lemak pun? 

Malulah.  Pendatang Arab pula kena bagi makan free kepada orang Melayu. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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