NEVER judge a book by its cover. Or more appropriately, never judge a god-fearing Muslim girl by her headscarf because she may have been forced to wear it.
Recently, a netizen grabbed widespread online attention for stating on X that she was forced to wear a headscarf in the government school.
“We who attended schools in the village were all forced to wear a headscarf. Even during university and matriculation, we were forced to wear them, but by then, we were already good at fighting back,” she said.
Sekolah kebangsaan mana yang takde paksaan pakai tudung. Kat KL boleh la. Kitorang yang sekolah kampung semua kena paksa pakai. Sampai ke uni/matrik masih kena paksa2, waktu tu dah pandai la melawan
— harizan
(@Hrznsrd) February 11, 2025
Quite a number of netizens echoed her statement as they chipped in to share their experience. According to N H, she and her friends were insulted in front of the whole school during assembly by the religious teacher.
Another netizen said she was threatened to repeat her semester if she did not wear a headscarf.
Although not a muslim, Sari Kavya Quinn added that muslims were forced to wear a headscarf during religious classes. “It isn’t like you can skip and choose not to take that subject,” she said.
On a lighter note, アリーです said that his school was reversed where they do not allow him to wear a headscarf. Even his mom did not allow him to wear one. The joke of course was that he was a he.
Netizen BellaLuna suggested that girls who do not want to wear a headscarf can opt to enter a vernacular Chinese school instead, as long as they could keep up.
On another note, Ahmadalbab highlighted that wearing a headscarf should not be a problem as it is akin to a dress code where people need to wear polite dresses when going to the government’s office.
“Every place has its dress code. If you go to an event where the dress code is a bowtie and you wear a singlet and get kicked out, who do you blame?” he said.
Si Cario added that people who do not want to wear a headscarf can do it themselves. He said there is no need to bring others into it.
“We don’t have it like this in Seremban. Someone I know was schooling in an Orang Asli area in Rembau. She was not forced to wear a headscarf,” said one netizen. —Focus Malaysia
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