
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, June 3, 2016

Turkish Military Invade Syria : Wag the Dog

Russian media reporting about movement of Turkish forces.
intna'l news reports Turkish military entered Syrian territory 
established positions near towns of Azaz and Afrin.
Turkey essentially declared war on Assad regime.  

escalating tensions could set off World War III 
move by Turkey threatens to take war in Syria to new level
everyone watching Russian and Iran response to incursion.
Russian media taking lead in reporting movement 
Sputnik first to report Turkish military around town of Azaz 

Azaz corridor primary route that Turkey using to resupply jihadist rebels 
Turkey wants to keep that road open at all costs.
Iranian news source also reporting Turkish incursion 
So far SILENCE from western world.  
Obama administration dont want media talking about this.  

Turkey, Saudi have crossed all possible red lines
war against Erdogan and Saudi is a war against terrorists. 
Ankara and Riyadh providing terrorists with arms 

Erdogan directly supporting terrorists  
finances terrorists through Saudi, Qatar and Turkey itself
Turkey trades oil that has been stolen by ISIS 
insane Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan 
has essentially become a dictator
obsessed with recreating the old Ottoman empire.  

political rallies in support of Erdogan reminiscent of Nazi rallies under Hitler 
nationalistic fervor in Turkey intense 
fueled by the rise of radical Islam
It is extremely dangerous

nobody in the U.S. criticizes Erdogan because he is “friend”.
Turkey already has forces positioned in Iraq
Russians are quite upset about this.  
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov “troops in Iraq is absolutely unacceptable 
what Turks doing deserves far greater attention on the part of West 

Erdogan - what we have seen so far is just the beginning.  
He dreams of creating an Islamic empire, envisions himself at the top of food chain
wants population to multiply greatly so that Turks can fulfill destiny
“We will multiply our descendants,” said Erdogan
urged women to have at least three children 
egomaniac dictator now has troops positioned in both Iraq and Turkey.
Erdogan may start major war which would ultimately involve US .

My comments :  There are other reasons why Erdogan is taking Turkey to war.

For the past months (since late last year) there has been talk about a military coup de etat in Turkey. Even Newsweek has written an OPINION piece giving very positive views about a possible coup against Erdogan.  

Here is a picture of  Atta-Shaytan (Bapak Setan) :

This picture above captures the real Erdogan quite well. Here is a gist of the Newsweek article :
  • The situation in Turkey is bad and getting worse
  • deterioration in security amidst a wave of terrorism
  • private debt is out of control
  • tourism sector is in free-fall
  • decline in currency impacted every citizen’s buying power.
  • a broad sense Erdogan is out of control.
  • He is imprisoning opponents, seizing newspapers
  • building palaces at the rate of a mad sultan
  • he has once again threatened to dissolve the constitutional court.
  • Corruption is rife.
  • son Bilal fled Italy on Saudi passport as police close on money laundering
  • members of his party whisper about his increasing paranoia
  • he install anti-aircraft missiles in palace to prevent airborne snatch-and-grab
  • Turkish military increasingly recognize Erdogan taking Turkey to precipice.
  • Turkey no chance of victory and a high chance of partition.
  • Kurds hard-pressed to settle for anything less
  • given the precedent now established by their brethren in Iraq and Syria.
  • Erdogan long ago sought to kneecap Turkish military.
  • that was before Erdogan’s descent into madness and autocracy.
  • if military oust Erdogan and place his inner circle behind bars
  • (could they get away with it?)
  • the answer is yes.
  • Coup leaders immediately free all detained journalists and academics
  • return seized newspapers and television stations to rightful owners.
  • Europe, US would accept trial for corruption and long jailfor Erdogan
  • his son, son-in-law, key aides like Egemen Bağış and Cüneyd Zapsu
  • no one should be surprised if Turkey’s rocky politics soon get rockier.

Conclusion :  The 35 million Kurdish people spread out over the border regions of Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran are now coalescing into a nation. There is a Free Kurdistan already in existence since 1991 in northern Iraq. The Kurds are also carving out Kurdish lands in eastern Syria. 

The Kurds make up about 18% of the Turkish population.  That is over 14 million Kurds inside Turkey's 78 million people. 

In eastern Turkey (which borders other Kurdish populations in Syria, Iraq etc) the Kurds are in the majority.

In secular Turkey with good economic growth and prosperity people did not care too much if they were Kurds or Turks. Everyone considered themselves Turkish first.

Erdogan however is playing up Turkish and religious nationalism. He is creating wedges in his own society. The Kurds are also mostly Sunni Muslims. 

Instead of being the Father of the Turkish Nation (Atta-Turk), Erdogan has become Bapak Setan (Atta-Shaytan).

He is making it worse by invading Syria, supporting the ISIS and screwing up with the geo-politics in the region.

Here is the catch - Can our local dunggus understand this? Read the story again. Isnt this exactly what is happening in Malaysia as well?

The corrupted leader and his corrupted family.
The racial, religious jinggoism.
The latest long sword wielding by Jadi Bawang.
Arresting critics.
Firing the DPm and Ministers who are critical.
Shutting down websites.

Serupa saja.    

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