
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Govt declares ‘recovery’ MCO from June 10

 PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin today announced that the conditional movement control order (CMCO) will be replaced by a recovery MCO, to run from June 10 to Aug 31.
The CMCO meanwhile will end as scheduled on June 9.
Restrictions on public activity were first implemented under the movement control order (MCO), enforced on March 18 to curb the spread of Covid-19.
Speaking in a national address here, Muhyiddin said there would be fewer restrictions on daily activities during the recovery MCO period although standard operating procedures (SOPs) will continue.
He said interstate travel would be allowed from June 10 onwards, except for areas under enhanced MCO.
“So those who want to visit family in other states will be able to do so.
“My advice is just to take care of personal hygiene in public places and avoid crowded areas while you are in your home town,” he added.
He also said nearly all social activities including religious activities and those in the education and business sectors would be reopened in stages.
Commercial activities not held on business premises will now be allowed. Similarly, museums will be allowed to reopen, and activities like indoor busking, recreational fishing activities including commercial fisheries, and filming will be allowed to resume.
In terms of sports, activities such as training and non-contact sports like bowling, badminton, archery and shooting will be allowed, along with outdoor group sports like kayaking and cycling convoys.
However, competitive sports and games that involve a gathering of supporters such as in stadiums and at public pools are still barred.
Contact sports such as rugby, wrestling, boxing, football, basketball and hockey also remain off limits.
Local tourism activities will also be allowed, although the country’s borders will remain closed.
Religious activities such as activities for Hari Raya Aidiladha will be allowed subject to SOP from Jakim. However, permission for mosques and other places of worship to accommodate more worshippers is still under consideration, with an announcement expected soon.
Muhyiddin also said schools would reopen in stages throughout the recovery MCO period according to advice from the education ministry.
However, premises such as pubs, night clubs, entertainment outlets, reflexology and karaoke centres will not be allowed to reopen.
Similarly, kenduris, open houses and other activities involving crowds will not be allowed.
More details on the sectors and activities that will be allowed and that will still be prohibited can be found on the website of the National Security Council.
Muhyiddin said the RMCO will be implemented based on seven strategies — strengthening of public health, law and enforcement, strengthening of border control, full reopening of economic sectors, culturalisation of new norms, empowerment of community responsibility, and protection of high-risk groups.
“Since the MCO began almost three months ago, the government has implemented various strategies and steps to curb the spread of Covid-19. Many restrictions and limitations were imposed on you.
“But I realise that the government cannot control your lives forever to curb the virus from spreading. I know you want life to go back to normal.
“Now is the time for the government to give more leeway to you, on the condition that you take the responsibility seriously to practise the new norms and comply with all SOPs from the government.
“This means that the responsibility of ensuring the Covid-19 virus remains under control is in your hands.”
He said community and NGO leaders played a key role in ensuring SOPs are complied with in the community, and employers must ensure that workers comply with SOPs in the workplace.
He warned that Putrajaya will not hesitate to implement a lockdown in areas that show a sudden spike in cases, reminding the people to be disciplined.
“If you can continue to be disciplined, I believe the spread of this virus will remain under control and we can enter the normalisation phase after Aug 31, until the time when a vaccine for the virus is found.”- FMT

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