
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 7, 2020

High cost of flight ticket affects many Sarawakians


MP SPEAKS | The cost of flight ticket from West Malaysia to Sarawak/Sabah has increased significantly since the implementation of MCO/enhanced MCO and this has been a huge burden to East Malaysians and the people in general.
What used to cost between RM300 and RM500 for a two-way ticket from Kuala Lumpur now can be up to RM3,000. That's more than 1,000 percent increase.
This has affected many Sarawakians, even those who want to travel back either for work or even a trip to be with family. 
I received complaints from doctors and other frontliners who just intend to travel back for a rest after their busy posting in one of their hospitals in the peninsular over the peak of Covid-19 period, but are unable too due to the excessive price of tickets.
There is a news report of teachers who need to get back to work in Sarawak/Sabah nut are burdened by the high ticket prices.
I understand those flight companies must reduce the number of passengers to maintain a safe social distancing on top of the implementation of other safety precautions. In that case, they may need to increase the price to cover the cost but yet it shouldn't be so drastic, especially if this is supposed to be the new norm.
Now that the economy is mostly open, if ticket prices are still so high, it will affect a lot of things, including the cost of doing business for some SMEs. Some companies require frequent travel between the regions for business. This will increase the cost of business and will not only burden the companies, but the cost may be passed on to the consumers as well.
So while the government should assist the airline companies and make sure they retain their workers, consumers should not be burdened. 
Under Pakatan Harapan, there were discussions with airline companies to reduce prices during peak festive seasons. That is why there was an introduction of additional flights to reduce the cost of travel back home during festive seasons such as Chinese New Year, Hari Raya and Gawai.
The government should also look into having a more comprehensive discussion and engagement with the airlines to come up with a ceiling price or a reasonable way forward that is not too excessive and burdensome for those intending to travel between West Malaysia and Sabah/Sarawak, either for work or just to be with family, especially since this new normal may last up to a year.

DR KELVIN YII is the MP for Bandar Kuching. - Mkini

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