
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 22, 2020

July 1 big reopening day - includes swimming pools, cinemas, AGMs


July 1 is set to be a big reopening day for activities and locations that have been suspended ever since the movement control order (MCO) was introduced - among them public swimming pools, theatres, cinemas and important meetings such as annual general meetings (AGMs) for political parties and trade unions.
"Swimming pools and water recreational activities will be allowed from July 1 subject to recovery MCO standard operating procedures (SOPs)," said Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Ismail Sabri Yaakob (above) in his briefing from Putrajaya today.
However, water theme parks are still not allowed to reopen, he said.
There was good news for the entertainment field when Ismail also announced that cinemas, theatres and other "live events" would be allowed to resume business from July 1 but in closed premises only.
"These activities cannot exceed a capacity of 250 attendants per show and is subject to the capacity of the hall, under social distancing conditions. Therefore, if the hall requires a smaller number than 250 people once the one-metre rule takes effect, then the organisers must adhere to that smaller number," he said.
Ismail added that the organising of seminars, meetings, courses and training activities would also be permitted, once again with the 250 people maximum.
"Basically, organisations that are registered with the Registrar of Societies Malaysia (RoS), Sports Commissioner Office and the Registrar of Youth Organisations can hold meetings," said Ismail, adding that political parties, trade unions and cooperatives would also be allowed to conduct their AGMs, as required by their respective constitutions.
[More to follow] - Mkini

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