
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Penang to consult religious groups on re-opening places of worship


The Penang executive council for religions other than Islam has agreed with the federal government’s decision to re-open places of worship for the non-Muslims.
However, state exco in charge of the matter, Chong Eng said the places of worship will be reopened provided that the respective committees are confident in abiding by the standard operating procedures (SOPs) given.
“As we are now in the recovery phase of the movement control order (MCO), we need the cooperation of all religious leaders and religious organisations to assess and minimise potential risk, to ensure a safe space for worshippers to perform their prayers," Chong said in a statement.
"Throughout this period, we have received many inquiries from religious organisations with regards to the SOPs for the reopening of the houses of worship.
"We understand that a unified set of SOPs cannot completely address all doubts. Therefore, the Penang government will also consult representatives of various religious organisations to improve existing SOPs according to the situations," Chong assured.
Chong was referring to Senior Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob who announced on Monday that all 5,230 non-Muslim houses of worship in the country will be allowed to re-open and operate as usual.
However, Ismail said they are still subjected to the decision of the respective state governments.
Chong noted that Penang has remained a green zone with zero confirmed Covid-19 cases for more than a month.
She thanked everyone, especially religious groups in Penang, for their cooperation throughout the MCO period which started on March 18 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
She said many had launched online worship in response to the call of a new normal by Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow.
"I understand that although many houses of worship face insufficient income and increase in expenditure during this period, they still actively carry out charity activities in helping to fight the pandemic," Chong said.
"This act is commendable and has become a role model for society."
Meanwhile, Chong (below) said those who have previously submitted their application through the Penang government can also restart their services and worship.
"However, they must adhere to the SOPs strictly," she added.
The SOPs state that only one-third of the original capacity is allowed in each house of worship at any one time and maintain social distancing.
The distance of one-meter marking is clearly marked in each house of worship.
Children under 12 years old are not allowed but worshippers who are above 70 years old and healthy are allowed.
Those with symptoms (eg: flu, body temperature exceeding 37.5 degrees Celcius, coughing, difficulty in breathing) are strictly prohibited from attending.
High-risk groups (patients with diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, cancer) are discouraged from visiting the house of worship.
Measurement of body temperature must be taken, people are told to wash hands frequently and wear masks.
"We also seek your cooperation to prepare hand sanitiser stations throughout your premises. Personal data of each attendee must be recorded," Chong said.
She recommended all to download and use the PGCARE APP (to ease contact tracing and notify any affected parties).
Chong said religious processions, dinners and large gatherings are still prohibited.
"The respective managements or committees must ensure to the best of their ability that all attendees adhere to the SOPs strictly," said the Padang Lalang assemblyperson. - Mkini

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