
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Sarawak Report Challenges Muhyiddin And Calls Him A Liar

Sarawak Report has more than one credible source that ‘PM8′ has been receiving chemotherapy and has visited Singapore recently to undergo it. We are willing to concede the exact date we gave in a previous article may have been inexact and therefore not coincided with the period ‘PM8′ declared himself to be self-isolating owing to meeting with  a Covid sufferer.

Sarawak Report is gratified that its reporting on this matter – the ‘elephant in the room’ with regard to this as yet unconfirmed premiership – over which much of the local media appears to have been intimidated, has finally provoked this administration into addressing the situation with the public.
This is not a “scurrilous distraction” of “sinister lies” as the press release issued today by the prime minister’s office seeks to allege (focusing as it does on whether or not the treatment broke his self-imposed quarantine for Covid with a flight to Singapore) it is a matter of major public interest.

READ MORE HERE: KANTOI: Sarawak Report’s Lies Exposed

A man has taken office about whom there are major health concerns following an operation for pancreatic cancer and the public has a right to as many details as possible on the situation with due respect to his personal privacy.

This is particularly the case as he was appointed despite never having run for this office nor headed a political party nor been even considered as a potential candidate named by any of the MPs who originally voice their preferences to the Agong.
Whilst the less government interference the better may have proved beneficial in the Covid crisis, which was mainly left to Malaysia’s professional medical establishment to handle, in other matters the public need to know how capable their leader is to handle the stresses of office and if in fact there are undisclosed others making key decisions instead of him.
It is the duty of the media to raise and challenge such issues and thanks to Sarawak Report we have at last for the first time seen a statement on the prime minister’s health indicating a further willingness on the part of himself and his officials to engage on this matter of major public interest. This is progress and Sarawak Report takes credit for encouraging a more democratic transparency on this matter.
On the other hand, given the strange nature of these doctor’s testimonials, it is to be feared that the Muhyiddin statement raises considerably more questions than it answers.
Sarawak Report politely requests as a first step that the prime ministerial office obtains a further testimonial from the horse’s mouth about this matter, namely the pancreatic cancer specialists at Gleneagles Hospital in Singapore, who have actually been managing his treatment. The testimonial ought to be written by them and not dictated for them to sign.
There seems a likelihood that the primary purpose of the press statement on this matter is to seek to target Sarawak Report for raising this issue in the first place and to discredit the highly valid concerns about the health of the sitting prime minister. Today’s press release focuses on the date of the ‘PM8′ trip to Singapore and Sarawak Report’s observation made in an article last week that he may have broken a Covid quarantine to undertake it.
Sarawak Report has more than one credible source that ‘PM8′ has been receiving chemotherapy and has visited Singapore recently to undergo it. We are willing to concede the exact date we gave in a previous article may have been inexact and therefore not coincided with the period ‘PM8′ declared himself to be self-isolating owing to meeting with  a Covid sufferer.
These are minor points, resulting from lack of official transparency on this matter up till now, compared to the central issue of his health.
If the specialists at Gleneagles Hospital are willing to provide a similar ‘all clear’ for the prime minister designate, written in their own words, then Sarawak Report would be more than happy to concede that its two credible sources close to the medical circles involved have been mistaken and that ‘PM8′ happens presently to be one of the few lucky long-term survivors of this disease.
In any case, the big job has been done. The matter of the prime minister’s state of health is now out in the open and a topic of discussion, as it should be.
On the other hand, the deadly nature of pancreatic cancer is its tendency to return suddenly, rapidly and aggressively at any time. Doctors do not state patients to be “fully clear” as some media are now reporting are as a result of the PM’s press release unless there has been no recurrence after five years. Muhyiddin’s surgery was in 2018.
Therefore, ‘PM8’s doctors should continue to be encouraged to provide the public with ongoing updates in a proper and transparent fashion.
And this government should cease threatening journalists who seek to raise this pressing matter of rightful public concern.

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