
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 5, 2020

Students, lecturers call for reopening of higher education institutions


Following the announcement by the Education Ministry of the guidelines to the reopening of schools, several students and lecturers have called for the same to be implemented at institutions of higher learning.
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) student Atira Khalisha Nor Adnan said these institutions need to be opened as there are a number of subjects that require lecturers to interact with them face to face.
“For me, the Government needs to reopen university as usual - but with an SOP (to combat the Covid-19 outbreak).
“This is because there are subjects that require students to be there in person. Due to this movement control order (MCO), this learning is not possible and final year students also have no internship experience, ” she said when contacted by Malaysiakini.
Another student, Ammierul Mukminin Mohammed also said that online learning - now practised by all lecturers to students - was not always effective.
“As schools are about to reopen, universities, too, have to reopen with SOP so that students can continue their studies as usual.
"Online learning is not conducive and less effective for students especially from rural areas," he said.
National Association of Islamic Students of Malaysia president Ahmad Farhan Rosli suggested that the higher learning institutions should prioritise final year students when it comes to a resumption of classes.
Online studies till the end of the year
“We hope the universities will open but it is better to comply with the SOP and give priority to the final year students who need to complete their project or thesis in order to graduate.
"In our view, the last semester is one of the most difficult, as it requires a lot of consultation with lecturers," he added.
Yesterday, the Education Ministry announced that only Form Five and Form Six students will be allowed to return back to school when school reopens, while all others will be under home-based learning until further notice, according to newly released guidelines for the reopening of schools.
Higher Education Minister Noraini Ahmad has announced that studies at public universities will be held online through Dec 31, 2020.
Meanwhile, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) political science lecturer Kartini Aboo Talib said the reopening of the universities and colleges could be considered depending on the status of the conditional MCO which currently expires on June 9.
However, Kartini said if the danger of infection was still high, the lecturers would accept it and continue with the students' online learning.
“After June 9, when everything is safe and secure, the university can open because face to face teaching is more effective.
"But if the Covid-19 chain is still a threat and the conditional MCO is still in force, the university will comply, and online education can continue," she said.
Another lecturer, Norbaiduri Ruslan, from the International Islamic University of Malaysia, gave an alternative suggestion, saying that the institutions of higher learning could be reopened but limited to specific faculties.
"Most classes can be conducted online but for faculties who use additional labs, workshops, and studios (they can be reopened) as long as SOP to ensure safety is practised and monitored," she added.
Meanwhile, UiTM lecturer Mohd Amirul Akhbar Mohd Zulkifli believes that online classes are the best option for now.
“This is actually a necessary step given the current situation involving Covid-19.
"The circulars provided by the higher education institutions and the guidelines provided by each university are sufficient. At present, the online learning approach is the best," he said. - Mkini

1 comment:

    dan terima kasih banyak kepada AKI atas nomor yang AKI
    beri 6 angka [999434] alhamdulillah ternyata itu benar2 tembus .
    dan alhamdulillah sekarang saya bisa melunasi semua utan2 saya yang
    ada sama tetangga.dan juga BANK BRI dan bukan hanya itu KI. insya
    allah saya akan coba untuk membuka usaha sendiri demi mencukupi
    kebutuhan keluarga saya sehari-hari itu semua berkat bantuan AKI..
    sekali lagi makasih banyak ya AKI? bagi saudara yang suka PASANG NOMOR
    yang ingin merubah nasib seperti saya silahkan hubungi KI JAYA,,di no (((085-342-064-735)))
    insya allah anda bisa seperti saya?menang NOMOR RM3 JUTA ,




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