
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Why Is Pakatan Harapan So Scared Of Najib?

Read below what Lara Ling wrote in The Malaysian Insight today. Clearly what she wrote was a gross exaggeration embellished with lies. So why did The Malaysian Insight publish such rubbish? Anyway, my response is in red/bold.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
IF you thought that May 9, 2018 signalled the end of Najib Razak’s “reign of terror”, you were gravely mistaken. All of us were.
How does one define a “reign of terror”? The French Reign of Terror (1789-1799) saw hundreds of thousands murdered with 17,000 “officially” executed by guillotine. The Indonesian Reign of Terror (1965-1965) saw 500,000-1,000,000 deaths and millions detained without trial. How many Malaysians died in the nine years that Najib Razak was Prime Minister to qualify it being called a “Reign of Terror”? And did Najib not end detention without trial?
Despite having 25 charges of corruption and abuse of power hanging over his head, the infamous former prime minister does not live like one bearing the weight of criminal trials.
In fact, he has been busy scheming and conspiring behind the scenes to bulldoze back into power.
Was Anwar Ibrahim not also “busy scheming and conspiring behind the scenes to bulldoze back into power” when he was in Sungai Buloh Prison? How was Anwar right and Najib (who is not in prison) wrong? Anyway, what happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Don’t make the fatal mistake of thinking that Najib becoming prime minister again is a mere idea born out of delusion, for it is now a very real possibility.
Dare you imagine such a future?
If “expired-shelf-life” Tun Ghafar Baba can come back as DPM, “sacked-from-the-party” Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi can come back as PM5, and “disgraced-kleptocratic” Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad can come back as PM7, what’s the big deal with “not-yet-convicted” Najib Tun Razak coming back as whatever he wishes to come back as?
If Najib becomes prime minister again, the very first thing he would do would be to completely wipe out all his political opponents, that is Pakatan Harapan (PH) leaders and in particular, DAP.
During the nine years he was in power, he never once concealed his deep hatred for the opposition.
And is this not also how DAP and Pakatan Harapan do things? It is how the game is played. So, if you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
He tried all sorts of despicable means to harass, intimidate, and silence them – be it trumped up charges, court cases, or jail sentences.
If he regains power, he would hunt them down with a renewed vengeance. This time, he would leave no stone unturned.
And this is how it should be in politics.
Why should you care? You should care because PH leaders are the ones who have been fighting tooth and nail for change and reform in this country – for freedom, for equality, for fairness.
Not just for a certain race or certain segments of society, but for all Malaysians regardless of race or religion.
We do not just need a system in which our elected representatives can serve as a means of check and balance. For we do not even have that.
What we need are leaders who can steer our country in the right direction and restore this lost balance.
Leaders who would stick to their principles come hell or high water, and who don’t sell their cheap souls for money or position.
Are you serious? Do you think you are talking to children or what? Pakatan Harapan is just the reverse side of the same coin. It is like kicking out the Chinese nationalists to replace it with the Chinese communists. It is just different shit but same smell. Have you learned nothing from your motherland’s history?
If Najib becomes prime minister again, corruption and abuse of power would explode like never before. Expect 2MDB, 3MDB, 4MDB, and a whole string of financial scandals with no end in sight.
And in Pakatan Harapan’s 22 months as the federal government and 12 years as the Penang State Government there was no corruption and abuse of power? Again, different shit but same smell.
Why should you care? You should care because he has shamelessly stolen billions of ringgit from taxpaying Malaysians – money you worked so hard for and trusted that the government would utilise for your betterment and welfare.
He spent all that money you slogged for on himself, on Rosmah, on their children, and their grandchildren. Not on you, or your children, or your grandchildren.
Given the chance, Najib will steal even more from you again.
And your boss, Mahathir, wasted RM200 billion, RM100 billion which went into the pockets of his family, friends, cronies and proxies. Do you want me to list the names of all those Chinese tycoons who Mahathir made rich and who now back/finance Pakatan Harapan with the money they stole when Mahathir was prime minister?
But with a neutralised or destroyed PH, who would stand up for you?
Who would fight for your rights, be your voice in Parliament, addressing issues that affect your everyday life?
If Najib becomes prime minister again, kiss whatever that’s left of our tattered democracy goodbye. Malaysia would just be a democratic state in name and nothing else.
Why should you care? You should care because Najib would not hesitate to use the force of the law to mercilessly crack down on your democratic freedoms, even if you are just an ordinary citizen.
He did it before, he’ll do it again. But this time, his measures would be even more brutal and draconian than what you’ve ever seen.
Having lost power in the 2018 general election, he would stop at nothing to ensure that he never loses it again.
Yes, and you once said if Umno and PAS get to form the federal government non-Islamic houses of worship and Chinese schools will be closed down and non-Muslims will not be allowed to practice their religion and “Taliban” laws will be introduced where hands would be chopped off and heads separated from the body if Chinese and Indians steal (makes it sound like Chinese and Indians are all thieves).
Therefore my fellow Malaysians, I plead with you – should we be subjected to a snap election this year that we did not ask for, vote wisely.
Every vote counts, not just for yourself but for your children, and for future generations to come.
Yes, after 22 months of Pakatan Harapan, Malays now know what to do at the ballot box in GE15. But thanks for your “vote wisely” advice anyway. This posting of yours just swung another big block of Malay votes.

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