
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

YOURSAY | RM100mil white elephant project in Jerantut?


YOURSAY | ‘When there are already existing rubber research institutes, why do we need another?’
FairMalaysian: Only pressure from the people will ensure that such projects (including the RM100 million Rubber Technology Centre project in Jerantut, Pahang) are scrutinised for its viability. It should strictly be on need basis.
Since we already have the necessary infrastructure, why should we embark on something that is going to put a strain on much-required resources under the present circumstances?
Even the political appointments to the government-linked companies (GLCs) and government agencies is an ill-designed move. When the country is facing such acrimonious circumstances, such appointments should have been delayed until such time the country is not saddled with a huge financial burden to meet the lacklustre economy.
These are largely seen as to assuage individuals and parties and which disregards the welfare of the people. The money spent to make some happy politically while many others stare at a bleak future is rather saddening.
BagusCurryPuff: Former minister Teresa Kok and her team were quick off the mark to flag this up and the result has been backtracking and denial.
Stay vigilant in all these cases - if the schemes are relevant, transparent and bring genuine benefit then fine, but if it is not, then Pakatan Harapan must be ready to present details on every misspent ringgit and ensure the electorate know they are being scammed again.
Newday: Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB) chairperson and Jerantut MP Ahmad Nazlan Idris, why make a grandiose statement about the ‘white elephant’ project if you haven’t even done feasibility studies?
If the feasibility study finds the project not feasible, then what? Under the old BN government, you would have still proceeded and ignored the fact that the project was marginal at best.
Will you do the same and waste money that this country can ill afford?
Anonymous 770241447347646: Ahmad Nazlan is hardly a month at the job, the plan to set up the multi-million-ringgit research centre is already in the pipeline.
When there are already existing rubber research institutes, why do we need another? Is it just another source to siphon of money to self, cronies and contractors?
The nation needs to focus its resources on more important needs, especially at this time of a severe financial constraint which it is facing. So, stop coming up with projects that do not give value for the monies invested.
AnthonyChan: Indeed, why need so many research centres when Malaysia is not physically a big country and neither is rubber tree a major crop anymore. In my humble opinion, one centre for the whole country will be sufficient.
The Analyser: Yes, a world-class facility at Jerantut is guaranteed to draw eminent scientists from across the world. Only problem is that unless the applicant is Malay, his/her application will bounce like a rubber ball.
To say nothing of the fact that such a project at this stage in the nation’s fragile economic outlook is the sort of rabid stupidity, total inability to prioritise and a blatant waste of money for which successive Malaysian governments are renowned.
Dr Suresh Kumar: The plundering has started, it's the ‘ketuanan’ thingy which the sly old fox created.
If this is what the majority Malays wish, then so be it. I am tired of spending my money and energy fighting for a just and fair Malaysia.
Harapan had a golden opportunity to right the wrongs but they screwed it up by relying too much on the racist sly fox. Harapan was too busy with their infighting, mudslinging and empty promises to the rakyat that good governance was put on the back burner.
Nasi sudah jadi bubur (Rice has become porridge). I am already 54 and don't wish to waste my time on our racist politicians and their self-serving agendas. I wish the younger generation all the best.
CES: Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, people are not as stupid as you made them out to be when you were in power. They threw you out, remember?
What is clear is that you and your coalition are in it for the money, however little there is after your 1MDB scandal. The speed with which these projects are being dispensed of is as if you know you won’t be around for long.
Newday: Already many tourism centre white elephants in Pahang, and Najib knows it. Exactly where and who will these tourists be from? Employees of rubber wholesalers who just can’t get enough of the wonder product rubber?
As for 2,000 acres more of rubber trees, what for? Malaysian rubber industry is already in decline with massive competition from synthetics. What will you chop down to put the monoculture of rubber plants in? Our dwindling forests?
We don’t need more research centres either, there are already enough. But we do need rehabilitation centres - you know Najib, those things that actually do provide benefit to workers.
If you really want to spend some money with your Pahang buddies, sink it into fixing up and maintaining all the crumbling white elephant tourist attractions that you already have. Their conditions are woeful.
Kunta Kinte: I don't care if the facility is built next to your house, but it must serve useful purposes. I don't see how the new research centre is going to serve any useful purpose, as you have earlier failed projects that are still bleeding money.
So, location is not the argument, it is about usefulness.
LoveMalaysia: This is an attitude of “if you can do it, why can't we”. It is not on facts and needs. It is time for Najib to just shut up. You stepson has admitted guilt and will be prosecution witness. So, bye-bye.
PW Cheng: Former minister and Ipoh Barat MP M Kulasegaran, you don’t even need to argue and explain to Najib as apparently, he is ignorant of his duty as an opposition MP.
Instead, you should query him why he did not bring up this matter in Parliament at the material time if he thinks that the RM500 million rehabilitation centre project is a pork-barrel project and of public interest. It was his duty to do so a responsible opposition MP as what Teresa Kok is doing now.
I find it atrocious, detestable, ridiculous and bizarre for Najib to look for an apple-orange comparison to mitigate and circumvent the shenanigans of Umno and Perikatan Nasional (PN). What a disgrace. - Mkini

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