
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, October 30, 2020

Cinemas nationwide to temporarily close in November


Cinemas nationwide will temporarily close in November in an effort to ensure the industry's long-term viability.

The Malaysian Association of Film Exhibitors (Mafe) said the closures will be done progressively next month but said they will react accordingly if the market condition improves.

In a statement, they cited the implementation of the conditional movement control order in some states - which requires that cinemas be closed, as a reason why cinemas have collectively decided to suspend operations.

They also said there was a lack of new movie releases in the short term to attract audiences.

"Whilst this decision was not easy, it is in response to an increasingly challenging landscape for cinemas and as an industry, we believe it to be a necessary step for the long-term preservation of Malaysian cinemas," said Mafe vice-president Cheah Chun Wai.

Meanwhile, Mafe said cinemas have appealed for government assistance and rental support as the industry continues to struggle.

"If cinema businesses fail, it stands to destabilise the entire entertainment ecosystem.

"Cinemas will have to rely on the support and goodwill of the government, landlords, film studios, and the cinema-going public to pull through these difficult times," the association said. - Mkini

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