
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, July 31, 2021

Muhyiddin punyai sokongan ‘cukup dan jitu’ di Parlimen, sidang dewan ditangguh bukan kerana politik, kata Ahmad Faizal


Ahmad Faizal Azumu berkata, dakwaan Muhyiddin menangguhkan sidang Dewan Rakyat Isnin ini kerana “bimbang kerajaan berkemungkinan tumbang” adalah tohmahan dan tidak berasas sama sekali. (Gambar Bernama)

PETALING JAYA: Timbalan Presiden Bersatu, Ahmad Faizal Azumu yakin Perdana Menteri Muhyiddin Yassin kekal mempunyai sokongan majoriti sekiranya sidang Parlimen dipanggil semula.

Justeru, Ahli Parlimen Tambun itu berkata, dakwaan Muhyiddin yang juga presiden Bersatu menangguhkan sidang Dewan Rakyat Isnin ini kerana “bimbang kerajaan berkemungkinan tumbang” adalah tohmahan dan tidak berasas sama sekali.

“Saya dan rakan-rakan Ahli Parlimen Bersatu dan Perikatan Nasional bersedia menghadapinya (sidang Dewan Rakyat) apabila dipanggil semula.

“Kita amat yakin dengan sokongan majoriti yang dapat dikekalkan bagi membolehkan kerajaan terus berfungsi dengan sempurna dan memberi fokus kepada kesejahteraan rakyat,” kata beliau kepada FMT.

“Jadi, soal mengelak daripada bersidang kerana bimbang kerajaan berkemungkinan tumbang, tidak timbul sama sekali. Kami yakin dan tahu, kerajaan yang ada kini, mendapat sokongan yang bukan sekadar cukup bilangan tetapi sokongan yang jitu,” katanya.

Terdahulu, Pejabat Setiausaha Dewan Rakyat memaklumkan hari terakhir Mesyuarat Khas Penggal Ketiga Parlimen Ke-14 Dewan Rakyat yang dijadual pada Isnin ini ditangguhkan ke satu tarikh yang akan ditetapkan kelak.

Dalam satu surat yang ditandatangani Setiausaha Dewan Rakyat, Nizam Mydin Bacha Mydin berkata Pejabat Speaker telah dimaklumkan oleh Perdana Menteri Muhyiddin Yassin berhubung perkara berkenaan.

Katanya, penangguhan itu adalah selaras dengan cadangan Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah serta penilaian risiko semasa yang telah dijalankan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan susulan perkembangan terbaharu penularan jangkitan Covid-19.

Faizal yang juga bekas Menteri Besar Perak berkata, pihak yang mendakwa keputusan penangguhan itu cenderung kepada politik telah menghina penjawat awam yang bertindak menasihati kerajaan.

“Mana mungkin profesional di KKM bertindak memberi nasihat dengan meletakkan pertimbangan politik sebagai asas utama?

“Mereka yang membuat dakwaan ini juga, perlu diberi pendedahan yang lebih berkenaan pandemik Covid-19 dan bahayanya varian baru seperti delta,” katanya.

Sementara itu, ahli Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi Bersatu, Razali Idris berkata tindakan pembangkang yang cuba mendesak undi percaya diadakan ketika mesyuarat khas yang bermula pada 26 Julai lalu jelas mempunyai niat tersembunyi.

“Kalau kita tengok apabila pembangkang buat desakan untuk adakan persidangan sebagai pemulihan atau tambah baik terhadap cara menangani Covid-19, kerajaan secara jujur akan terima tetapi kita tengok mereka (pembangkang) bukan ke situ. Lagi nak kucar-kacirkan keadaan,” katanya kepada FMT.

Beliau yang juga ahli Dewan Negara berkata, semua Ahli Parlimen sudah dimaklumkan terlebih awal bahawa mesyuarat khas itu hanyalah perbahasan mengenai pelan Pemulihan Negara dan tiada sebarang usul atau pengundian boleh dilakukan pada lima hari persidangan berkenaan.

“Mereka semua kena tunggulah, jika ada usul baru atau nak bawa usul undi percaya, boleh bawa pada September nanti,” katanya yang turut menjangkakan sidang Dewan Negara akan ditangguhkan susulan penularan wabak Covid-19 di bangunan Parlimen.

Pada 15 Julai lalu, Speaker Dewan Rakyat Azhar Azizan Harun dalam satu kenyataan mengumumkan sidang penuh Dewan Rakyat bagi penggal keempat, Parlimen ke-14 diadakan selama 15 hari bermula 6 Sept hingga 30 Sept.

Mesyuarat kedua pula mulai 25 Oktober hingga 16 Disember iaitu selama 32 hari. - FMT

Sabah needs an Operation Surge Capacity too, says Kota Kinabalu MP


As the number of daily Covid-19 cases in Sabah breached the 1,000-mark yesterday, Kota Kinabalu MP Chan Foong Hin said Sabah urgently needs an Operation Surge Capacity like the one in Klang Valley in order to ramp up vaccination numbers in the state as quickly as possible.

“We need an operation for urgent vaccination, just like Operation Surge Capacity in the Klang Valley which aims to inoculate all registered individuals aged 18 and above, with at least their first dose by Aug 1,” Chan said in a statement today.

He pointed to senior paediatrician consultant Dr Amar-Singh HSS who had tweeted yesterday that Sabah may be returning to the crisis level it experienced towards the end of last year as Covid-19 cases in the state are rising rapidly with the mortality rate having risen 84 percent when comparing the first two weeks of July with the last two weeks.

The situation becomes more precarious as Sabah has the lowest vaccine supply per population in the country and one of the lowest vaccination rates nationwide with the past seven-day average for total daily doses administered at only 31,804.

Chan said when Sabah was struggling with the increase in Covid-19 cases last year, they received additional resources and manpower from the federal government which the state certainly will not be able to receive this time around due to stretched resources nationwide.

Hence, he agreed with the Sabah state government that a high vaccination rate was one of the keys to fighting the Covid-19 pandemic in Sabah, though he said they have “failed to see the urgency in implementing the solution rightfully”.

The state government had aimed to vaccinate only 60 percent of Sabah’s population by October which Chan says is too late.

If there is to be an Operation Surge Capacity in Sabah, Chan says the state should aim to administer at least 60,000 doses per day, about double the current vaccination rate.

“The initial targeted 30,000 doses per day capacity announced in June was only achieved after July 21 due to unfair distribution and late delivery of vaccines. There is no room for delay anymore,” he said.

The Sabah government should also be proactive in increasing the vaccine supply being delivered to the state, he said.

The state government should ask themselves what they can do, such as putting in their vaccine orders earlier or negotiating with the federal government to absorb logistical or vaccine costs and so on, he said.

“It is useless to point at your counterpart the federal government only as federal also acts based on supply and it would be too late to demand for vaccines only after it arrives in Kuala Lumpur from the manufacturers,” Chan said.

Previously, National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme (NIP) Coordinating Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said Sabah has received around 1.8 million vaccine doses.

Chan said he also understands Sabah will get another 1.8 million doses of the single-shot Cansino vaccine as well as another 1.2 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine in August.

The Kota Kinabalu MP said Sabah needs to vaccinate 2.7 million adults in the state, but added that this figure does not seem to include undocumented migrants.

“Even though we should prioritise vaccinating all Sabahans first, we will eventually have to deal with these undocumented migrants who are also humans capable of carrying and transmitting Covid-19,” he said.

Hence, he questioned what the state government has planned to ensure future vaccine supply and pointed to two seemingly contradictory reports in the news.

Chan said Sabah Chief Minister Hajiji Noor had reportedly said the state government will only rely on the federal government for its vaccine supply but Pharmaniaga Group managing director Zulkarnain Md Eusope was quoted saying Sabah was among the states who have requested to purchase the Sinovac vaccine from the company.

“So now, will the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (state government) proceed with the order?” Chan asked. - Mkini

Home minister accuses #Lawan activists of trying to split public, create uneasiness

 Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin at a press conference after chairing the Covid-19 Movement Control Order SOP Compliance and Enforcement Coordination Committee meeting in Putrajaya, July 1, 2021. — Bernama pic

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin at a press conference after chairing the Covid-19 Movement Control Order SOP Compliance and Enforcement Coordination Committee meeting in Putrajaya, July 1, 2021. — Bernama pic

LARUT, July 31 — Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin has hit out at parties who are willing to hold mass gathering and violate the standard operating procedure (SOP) when the country is facing the spread of the Delta variant Covid-19 outbreak now.

He said these people should not resort to gathering at public places and deliberately breaching Op Patuh and efforts to flatten the Covid-19 pandemic curve.

He said the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) would be looking at all angles of failure to comply with the SOP and if there were, actions would be taken.          

“This is the time for us to comply with SOP. The people should understand we only allow essential services. Assemblying and carrying out demonstration is an offence. This is occurring when the country in an emergency. At the same time, some netizens were angry when the manufacturing sector was allowed to operate but these same people are calling the people to gather. 

“I think they have double standards. This group is trying to split the people and create uneasiness. Later (after being infected with Covid-19 ) then they realise that the Delta variant spreads very fast,” he said at a media conference at Selama police headquarters near here today.

Dang Wangi police chief ACP Mohamad Zainal Abdullah was reported as saying that police would be calling all parties involved in the assembly at Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur today including the organisers for further action.

Commenting further, Hamzah said the presence of politicians is also worsening the situation and marred the image of the country which is combating the Covid-19 pandemic now.

“They are not leaders and they only wish to destroy the country. I would not call them leaders but inciters,” he said and added that followed -up actions would be taken and announced from time to time.

Earlier, Hamzah who is also Larut MP presented about 1,000 of food boxes to residents in enhanced movement control order (EMCO) areas in Siputeh, Ulu Selama. Also present was the Inspector-General of Police, Datuk Seri Acryl Sani and Perak police chief, Datuk Mior Faridalathrash Wahid.

Hamzah also announced an allocation of about RM200,000 for the purchase of Covid-19 test kits so that large scale screenings could be carried out quickly in the area and to control the disease from spreading.

Some 5,152 residents in Kampung Sungai Seputeh, Kampung Teluk Mas,  Kampong Garok and Kampung Tapah, in Ulu Selama came under EMCO for 14 days from July 27 to August 9. — Bernama

Tangguh sidang Parlimen : Covid-19 serang ‘tiba-tiba’ atau nak tutup ‘penipuan’ kerajaan, soal Najib.


Najib Razak berkata alasan Parlimen tidak boleh bersidang kerana alasan Covid perlu dilihat dari sudut lebih luas, manakala Ahmad Maslan sudah menjangka ia akan berlaku.

PETALING JAYA: Persidangan Dewan Rakyat Isnin yang ditangguh kerana serangan “tiba-tiba” Covid-19 sebenarnya lebih berkait kepada perlakuan kerajaan Perikatan Nasional, termasuk “menipu Parlimen,” sehingga menimbulkan rasa dukacita Istana Negara, kata Najib Razak.

Bekas perdana menteri berkata, alasan bahawa Parlimen tidak boleh bersidang kerana “serangan tiba-tiba” wabak itu perlu dilihat daripada sudut lebih luas.

“Covid-19 tiba-tiba serang dewan setelah Yang diPertuan Agong titah (baginda) amat dukacita sebab kerajaan PN tidak menghormati undang-undang, membelakangi fungsi dan kuasa Seri Paduka Baginda dan menipu Parlimen,” katanya di Facebook.

Beliau juga berkata serangan Covid-19 tiba-tiba itu berlaku apabila dirinya dijadualkan berucap di Dewan Rakyat Isnin ini.

Berdasarkan catatan facebooknya, ucapan Ahli Parlimen Pekan itu mengupas sebab mengapa kepimpinan Muhyiddin disifatkan kerajaan gagal, khususnya dalam menangani wabak Covid-19 dan krisis ekonomi.

Hari ini, Pejabat Setiausaha Dewan Rakyat berkata hari terakhir sidang khas Dewan Rakyat pada Isnin ini, ditangguhkan ke satu tarikh yang akan ditetapkan kelak, kerana risiko penularan Covid-19 di Parlimen.

Dalam surat ditandatangani Setiausaha Dewan Rakyat, Nizam Mydin Bacha Mydin, berkata Pejabat Speaker telah dimaklumkan oleh Perdana Menteri Muhyiddin Yassin berhubung perkara berkenaan.

Dalam pada itu, Setiausaha Agung Umno, Ahmad Maslan menolak alasan penularan Covid-19 untuk menangguhkan sidang Dewan Rakyat Isnin ini.

“Ahli Parlimen sudah menjangka (penangguhan ini). Banyak pihak berpendapat bukan sebab Covid-19, (sidang Dewan Rakyat ditangguh),” kata Ahli Parlimen Pontian itu.

Beliau menegaskan keperluan “krisis politik yang berlaku, mesti diselesaikan segera.”

“Krisis perlembagaan yang terjadi, mesti ditangani,” tambah beliau di Twitter. - FMT

Lari macam mana pun, Muhyiddin tetap akan ‘tersungkur’, kata Ahli Parlimen Amanah, PKR


Salahuddin Ayub berkata, Muhyiddin Yassin sudah hilang majoriti dan maruah manakala Saifuddin Nasution menyifatkan Muhyiddin Yassin sebagai pemimpin negara yang sedang bermasalah.

PETALING JAYA: Muhyiddin Yassin tetap akan “tersungkur” dari jawatan Perdana Menteri dalam masa terdekat ini walaupun beliau menggunakan pelbagai helah untuk terus mengelak daripada sebarang pembuktian bahawa Presiden Bersatu itu sudah hilang sokongan majoriti Ahli Parlimen, kata Timbalan Presiden Amanah, Salahuddin Ayub.

“Perdana Menteri sudah hilang majoriti sebenarnya, sebab itu dia takut nak datang Parlimen. Dia dah hilang kredibiliti, dia dah hilang maruah malah secara terbuka melancarkan perang terhadap Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

“Pada masa terdekat ini dia akan tetap jatuh, dia tidak boleh lari jauh apa yang telah berlaku pada hari ini,” katanya kepada FMT.

Malah, Ahli Parlimen Pulai itu berkata tindakan Muhyiddin yang terus menderhaka kepada Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah mencemarkan negara, merosakkan Parlimen kerana ia tidak pernah berlaku dalam sejarah negara sejak merdeka.

“Saya yakin apa yang dia buat ini telah cemarkan negara, cemarkan Parlimen dan tidak pernah berlaku sejak negara merdeka,” tegasnya sambil mendakwa imej Speaker Azhar Azizan Harun yang dikritik hebat kerana menjadi “pelindung” kerajaan gagal itu sudah tercalar teruk.

“Jadi mereka takkan berani hadapi kita pada Isnin ini,” katanya lagi.

Sementara itu, Setiausaha Agung PKR, Saifuddin Nasution Ismail berkata pendedahan Istana Negara mengenai tindak-tanduk pentadbiran Muhyiddin yang tidak mendapat perkenan Agong menyebabkan Muhyiddin semakin tertekan.

“Apabila pendirian Tuanku sudah terdedah kepada umum dan menyebabkan Muhyiddin semakin tertekan dan langkah terakhir untuk menyelamatkan dirinya adalah dengan menangguhkan Parlimen,” katanya kepada FMT.

Katanya, sepanjang Mesyuarat Khas Penggal Ketiga Parlimen Ke-14 minggu ini, Muhyiddin berjaya mengelakkan sebarang pengundian dengan agenda penerangan mengenai Majlis Pemulihan Negara.

“Namun, sebaliknya Agong sudah pun menitahkan kepada Peguam Negara, Idrus Harun dan Menteri Undang-Undang Takiyuddin Hassan bahawa Ordinan Darurat perlu dibentangkan dan dibahaskan di parlimen, tetapi mereka tidak patuh,” katanya.

Katanya, perkembangan terbaharu iaitu krisis antara Perdana Menteri dan Istana Negara mendedahkan lagi Muhyiddin sebagai pemimpin negara yang sedang bermasalah.

“Sekarang bermasalah dengan Istana, dia (Muhyiddin) juga tidak popular dalam kalangan rakyat malah pada hari ini anak muda buat demonstrasi, doktor juga buat demonstrasi… dia pun ada krisis dengan Istana iaitu derhaka dan tidak hormat,” katanya yang menyifatkan tindakan menangguhkan persidangan tanpa alasan yang konkrit adalah satu tindakan politik malah percubaan untuk mempertahankan kerajaan yang sedang berada di hujung tanduk.

Terdahulu, Pejabat Setiausaha Dewan Rakyat memaklumkan hari terakhir Mesyuarat Khas Penggal Ketiga Parlimen Ke-14 Dewan Rakyat yang dijadual pada Isnin ini ditangguhkan ke satu tarikh yang akan ditetapkan kelak.

Dalam satu surat yang ditandatangani Setiausaha Dewan Rakyat, Nizam Mydin Bacha Mydin berkata Pejabat Speaker telah dimaklumkan oleh Perdana Menteri Muhyiddin Yassin berhubung perkara berkenaan.

Katanya, penangguhan itu adalah selaras dengan cadangan Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah serta penilaian risiko semasa yang telah dijalankan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan susulan perkembangan terbaharu penularan jangkitan Covid-19. - FMT

Muhyiddin taking final step to save himself, say MPs


MPs say the PM is postponing the Dewan Rakyat sitting in his last attempt to save himself. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: Opposition MPs have decried the decision to postpone Monday’s sitting of the Dewan Rakyat, saying it reeked of cowardice on the part of the government and it was proof that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has lost majority support.

PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said the postponement was a political move by Muhyiddin to avoid calls for him to prove his parliamentary majority on Monday.

“With this new development and the crisis between the prime minister and the Palace, it further exposes him as a troubled prime minister,” he told FMT.

“Muhyiddin is under more pressure and this (postponing Parliament) is his last attempt to save himself,” he added.

Amanah deputy president Salahuddin Ayub said the move proved that Muhyiddin was “scared” to go to Parliament.

“He has lost his credibility, his honour and is in an open war with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong,” he told FMT.

Both MPs were referring to the disagreement between Istana Negara and the Prime Minister’s Office over the revocation of the emergency ordinances – laws made by decree without reference to Parliament.

The postponement was announced earlier today in a circular to all MPs from Dewan Rakyat secretary Nizam Mydin Bacha Mydin.

It stated that the postponement was made by Muhyiddin in accordance with the Standing Orders and was in line with risk analysis by the health ministry.

Eleven Covid-19 positive cases were detected in Parliament, making up less than 1% of the 1,183 samples taken.

However, Salahuddin said the prime minister’s actions had disgraced the country and Parliament. He said Muhyiddin could not “run away” from today’s decision.

He also said “the Speaker’s image is ruined” and both the Speaker, Azhar Azizan Harun, and Muhyiddin were “not brave enough to face us on Monday”.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng also suggested that the postponement had come about so that Muhyiddin could avoid a vote in the Dewan Rakyat.

Umno secretary-general Ahmad Maslan, who is Pontian MP, said many MPs were expecting such a move from Muhyiddin.

“Many parties think it’s not because of Covid-19,” he said on Twitter. “The political crisis must be resolved immediately and the constitutional crisis must be addressed. Face it bravely…”

Former prime minister Najib Razak, who is Pekan MP, questioned how Covid-19 had “suddenly attacked” Parliament after the King’s rebuke of the government, saying they had disrespected the law, disregarded the role and powers of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and deceived Parliament.

Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii of DAP questioned the basis for the decision to postpone the sitting, saying that there was no scientific basis for claiming there was an outbreak of Covid-19 in Parliament House.

Petaling Jaya MP Maria Chin Abdullah of PKR said the government has to answer to Parliament and the rakyat about the revocation of the emergency ordinances. The decision to postpone the Parliament sitting because of Covid-19 was the “weakest excuse”, she said.

She added that “tampering” with the Federal Constitution and misinforming Parliament and the rakyat are “serious offences”, and noted that leaders in other countries had resigned for lesser offences.

“If they are so-called leaders, be brave to stand up for your actions,” she said.

Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman said he would still head to Parliament House on Monday despite the announcement of the postponement.

“You want to stop me, stop me. I’m not scared,” he said.

DAP’s 42 MPs would also go to Parliament House at 10am on Monday, Lim Guan Eng said.

The postponement of the Dewan Rakyat sitting came after the Yang di-Pertuan Agong had expressed his displeasure over the government’s announcement that the Cabinet had decided to revoke the emergency ordinances, saying he had not given his consent.

The Dewan Rakyat erupted into chaos with calls for Muhyiddin to resign and the day’s sitting was suspended four times on Thursday. It was then adjourned for MPs and parliamentary staff to be tested for Covid-19 where two cases were discovered on Parliament grounds.

Since then, DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang has been among those calling for a no-confidence vote against Muhyiddin on Monday.

Lawyer calls for new council to run country

In a separate development, lawyer Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla has suggested that a new emergency ordinance be drafted to extend the state of emergency until Dec 31 or a date based on the King’s discretion.

He also suggested that administrative powers during the extended state of emergency be given to a “Royal Advisory Council” which would advise the King.

He said the government would then be able to manage the Covid-19 pandemic without political interference. - FMT

Newly-vaccinated housewife triggers new cluster in Sabah


A housewife in Sabah experienced Covid-19 symptoms and tested positive two days after being vaccinated.

KOTA KINABALU: A housewife who had just been vaccinated was found to have contracted Covid-19 in Sabah and to have infected at least 12 people.

The 30-year-old woman and 14 other friends had received their vaccination on July 24, said state Covid-19 spokesman Masidi Manjun.

Two days later, the housewife was confirmed positive for the virus after a test at the Tongod health office on July 26. She had experienced symptoms such as coughing, fever and flu, as did her friends.

He added the friends are still waiting for their RT-PCR test results.

To allay public concern, Masidi explained that it had been announced many times that vaccination was not 100% protection from Covid-19 infection. “But the severity is very much less than if you are not vaccinated and the disease is not life threatening,” he said.

He said close contact screenings found nine people infected around the housewife’s place of residence.

“Until today, further screenings and test samplings as well as disinfection are being carried out by the investigation team to assess a wider infection risk on other villagers in the vicinity,” said Masidi, who is state minister for housing and local government.

Mosque infection affects 53 others

On the other new cluster in Sabah today, Masidi said the Gambaron Dua cluster in Telupid also involved another community transmission where people congregating at a mosque subsequently infected their family members.

The index case was a 29-year-old man who experienced symptoms since July 22 before a screening confirmed he was infected at a health clinic the following day, he said.

He added the index case was infected by a friend from Tawau who was a close contact from a positive case at FGV Tanah Mas plantation in Telupid.

“For three days starting from July 15, the index case performed prayers together with his friends at the Telupid town mosque in Kampung Gambaron Dua.

“So far 95 people have been screened, with 53 confirmed positive for the virus including 41 new cases today,” he said.

Masidi said 916 out of the 1,035 cases detected in the past 24 hours comprised Sabahans while four other were imported cases from Selangor (2) and one each from Kelantan and Labuan. - FMT

Muhyiddin Tidak Wajib Letak Jawatan


(Utusan Online) – Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin tidak wajib meletak jawatan hanya semata-mata kenyataan murka Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah berhubung pembatalan Ordinan Darurat dengan membelakangkan Seri Paduka.

Pengamal undang-undang, Mohd. Khairul Azam Abdul Aziz berkata, ia melainkan berlaku usul tidak percaya kepada Perdana Menteri dibentangkan di Dewan Rakyat atau kesemua menteri, timbalan menteri serta pengerusi-pengerusi syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) meletak jawatan melebihi 10 orang.

Kata beliau, jika itu tidak berlaku, maka perlu tunggu apa-apa proses pengundian di Dewan Rakyat dengan memastikan usul ‘Kerajaan Gagal’ menerima sokongan majoriti.

Beliau berkata, sekiranya mana-mana dari cara tersebut berlaku, maka menurut Perkara 43(4) Perlembagaan Persekutuan, jika Perdana Menteri kehilangan majoriti, maka beliau hendaklah meletakkan jawatan.

“Namun begitu, sebelum Perdana Menteri meletak jawatan, beliau boleh meminta perkenan Yang di-Pertuan Agong untuk membubarkan Parlimen. Memandangkan keadaan Covid-19 sekarang ini, mustahil Seri Paduka Baginda akan memperkenankan perjalanan Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-15 (PRU-15).

“Jadi Seri Paduka boleh melantik Perdana Menteri kesembilan Malaysia dalam kalangan mana-mana Ahli Parlimen yang Baginda percaya akan mendapat sokongan majoriti Ahli Dewan yang lain tanpa perlu diadakan PRU-15 mengikut Perkara 43(2)(a) Perlembagaan Persekutuan,” katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.

Menurut beliau, prosedur untuk pelantikan dengan cara berkenaan boleh di buat Baginda tanpa perlu Muhyiddin menghantar surat perletakan jawatan.

Al-Sultan Abdullah hari ini menzahirkan rasa sangat dukacita dengan kenyataan dibuat di Parlimen bahawa kerajaan membatalkan semua Ordinan Darurat yang telah dimasyhurkan.

Datuk Pengelola Bijaya Diraja Istana Negara, Datuk Indera Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin dalam satu kenyataan berkata, pembatalan semua Ordinan Darurat belum mendapat perkenan Seri Paduka.

Beliau berkata, Seri Paduka turut berdukacita kerana pembatalan semua Ordinan Darurat berkuat kuasa 21 Julai lalu yang dilakukan secara tergesa-gesa tanpa pembentangan di Parlimen bukan sahaja gagal menghormati prinsip kedaulatan undang-undang di dalam Rukun Negara.

Malah, tindakan tersebut membelakangi fungsi dan kuasa Seri Paduka selaku Ketua Negara yang bertindak mengikut nasihat Jemaah Menteri berdasarkan Perkara 40 (1) Perlembagaan Perlembagaan.

Tiada Istilah ‘Derhaka’ Dalam Perlembagaan


Kamarazaman Yacob, Malaysia Now

Mengapa istilah ini masih digunakan walaupun Malaysia mengamalkan sistem raja berperlembagaan?

Istilah “penderhaka” dipergunakan di dalam masyarakat Melayu, semasa dipimpin oleh sistem raja mutlak.

Bagaimanapun, istilah “derhaka” turut digunakan secara meluas dalam masyarakat Melayu.

Misalnya, perbuatan keji seorang anak kepada ibu bapa mereka turut dianggap derhaka.

Lebih parah lagi, bila masyarakat Melayu turut meluaskan penggunaan “derhaka” dengan mengaitkan hal keagamaan.

Lahirlah istilah derhaka seorang isteri terhadap suami.

Dengan adanya istilah derhaka di dalam penghidupan Melayu-Islam, maka terjadilah penindasan oleh seorang lelaki terhadap isterinya.

Bila kekejian dilakukan oleh seorang suamu dibantah keras oleh isteri, maka suami akan menggunakan istilah “derhaka”.

Istilah derhaka dalam masyarakat Melayu semasa raja mutlak itu, lebih berupa menjaga kepentingan pihak berkuasa.

Atau pihak yang dianggap berkuasa, misalnya seorang suami.

Jadi, apakah semasa sistem raja berperlembagaan ini, istilah “derhaka/penderhakaan” itu masih sesuai untuk dipakai?

Sebabnya di dalam sistem raja berperlembagaan, kuasa tertinggi adalah Perlembagaan.

Kuasa tertinggi bukan lagi ketua negara atau Yang di-Pertuan Agong, seperti mana semasa sistem raja mutlak.

Semasa raja mutlak, memang raja adalah kuasa tertinggi.

Atas sebab itu, lahirnya istilah “bersultan di mata, beraja di hati.”

Yang membawa maksud Raja boleh melakukan apa saja, di mana rakyat terpaksa menerimanya.

Bagaimanapun, dalam hidup masyarakat Melayu, terdapat juga falsafah yang memberi ruang kepada pendokong keadilannya iaitu “raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim raja disanggah”.

Dalam Hikayat Hang Tuah, falsafah ini didokong oleh Hang Jebat.

Jelas di dalam sistem raja berperlembagaan ini, kuasa tertinggi adalah Perlembagaan.

Dan kuasa Agong diikat dengan Perkara 40(1), di mana Agong perlulah bertindak atas nasihat perdana menteri/Kabinet.

Apabila kuasa Agong diikat dengan Perkara 40(1), jadi apabila Agong tidak mengikutnya, apakah teguran atau penjelasan dari perdana menteri/Kabinet ini masih boleh dianggap menderhaka atau suatu penderhakaan?

Saya kira, Perlembagaan perlu diletakkan ditempat sahnya.

Agong dan raja-raja Melayu mesti bersemayam di tahapnya.

Pihak eksekutif mesti dibenarkan menjalankan tugasnya yang sah dan tidak boleh melewati sempadannya.

Bila hal-hal ini sesama dipatuhi, maka sistem raja berperlembagaan, adalah acuan yang terbaik untuk Malaysia.

Istilah derhaka/penderhakaan ini dipergunakan sewenang-wenangnya oleh pihak dari parti yang terkenal dengan fahaman rasis mereka.

Malah tokoh-tokoh rasis mereka menjeritkan perkataan derhaka kepada pihak kerajaan, semasa sidang khas parlimen baru-baru ini.

Bila tokoh-tokoh rasis ini menggunakan istilah itu, kita terfikir, apakah mereka mempersendakan istilah tersebut, atau mereka hanya mengambil kesempatan dari adanya falsafah tersebut.

Sedangkan masyarakat Melayu melihat sikap mereka terhadap institusi raja dan Islam, semasa pemerintahan Pakatan Harapan selama 22 bulan.

* Kamarazaman Yacob merupakan bekas aktivis mahasiswa 1970-an dan penganalisis politik semasa.

Treason Works Both Ways: Even The Agong Can Be Charged


So be very careful about playing up this derhaka issue because the amendments to the law that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad pushed through Parliament during the Constitutional Crisis exposes even the Raja-Raja Melayu or the Agong to being charged for the crime of treason.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Anwar Ibrahim and his Pakatan Harapan chorus boys and girls need to be very careful about shouting and screaming “treason”. They need to understand what treason means and what tantamount to treason.

Treason means the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government.

The Meriam-Webster dictionary describes treason as the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family.

Dictionary.com says treason is the offense of acting to overthrow one’s government, to harm or kill its sovereign, or a violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or to one’s state.

The Cambridge Dictionary says treason is the crime of showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies, or trying to defeat its government.

In 1649, King Charles I was accused of treason against England by using his power to pursue his personal interest rather than the good of the country.

When Charles was asked to plead, he refused, stating his objection with the words: “I would know by what power I am called hither, by what lawful authority…?” He claimed that no court had jurisdiction over a monarch, that his own authority to rule had been given to him by God and by the traditional laws of England, and that the power wielded by those trying him was only that of force of arms. Charles insisted that the trial was illegal.

Malaysia, more or less, has the same British system. However, since Merdeka, Malaysia has passed a law whereby the Raja-Raja Melayu are no longer kebal (immune) from prosecution. This means if one of the Raja-Raja Melayu commits a crime, a special court can be convened to try the said Raja.

Charles I was accused of going against Parliament and of subverting the government. And for that he was found guilty and was executed. After that, Britain was turned into a republic.

Hence all this talk about treason or derhaka can backfire. Not only can the prime minister be accused of derhaka, but so can the Agong, as events in 1649 have shown. And this includes the crime of betraying one’s country or attempting to overthrow the government.

So be very careful about playing up this derhaka issue because the amendments to the law that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad pushed through Parliament during the Constitutional Crisis exposes even the Raja-Raja Melayu or the Agong to being charged for the crime of treason.

Agong Tidak Boleh Pecat Perdana Menteri


Pakatan Harapan tidak boleh ambil alih kerajaan secara undi tidak percaya, tak kisahlah undi tidak percaya pintu depan atau pun pintu belakang. Sebab itu Pakatan Harapan berharap yang Agong akan pecat Muhyiddin Yassin kerana ingkar turut titah. Tetapi itu pun, nampaknya, tak jalan.


MOH expects lower Klang Valley cases in mid August as more vaccinated


The daily Covid-19 cases may begin to show a downward trend in the middle of August as efforts are taken to ramp up the vaccination rate in the Greater Klang Valley.

Deputy Health director-general Dr Chong Chee Kheong said the prediction is based on the measures taken to curb the pandemic and taking into account the national vaccination programme which is the key to the country's success in the fight against the pandemic.

“The vaccination rate is going on remarkably well but we still have some way to go. Even with these two factors, we may see a decline in the middle of August but things may worsen before that.

“Despite recent evidence on the transmissibility of the Delta variant which may delay the declining trend, with more people getting vaccinated, we hope to see less hospital admissions and fatalities.

“We just have to hang in there, do what we can to help our families and each other, help the frontliners and the best way is to get ourselves vaccinated and continue to comply with the public health measures and standard operating procedures,” he told Bernama during a virtual interview.

The daily Covid-19 vaccination recorded over 500,000 doses for the past few days, with 556,404 doses administered on July 29, the highest since the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK) was launched last Feb 24.

Chong who is also Greater Klang Valley Special Task Force (GKV STF) commander described the current pandemic situation as very worrying as it affects the healthcare system, especially in the Greater Klang Valley as 70 percent of Covid-19 cases emanate from here.

He said the GKV STF has put in place a number of strategic measures to optimise care services, reduce virus transmission and support the community and health care workers, since its inception on July 12.

Some of the key initiatives include increasing bed capacity, intensive care unit (ICU) care, oxygen supply, manpower deployment and use of volunteers, as well as getting full support from the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF).

“We have the Tuanku Mizan military hospital which provides over 150 beds for this purpose, field hospitals as well as military personnel to help us in this pandemic. Manpower is essential, we need a lot of workers, both health and non-health and we hope Malaysians will step up to support us.  

“The GKV STF diverse set of members include special advisor to the Prime Minister, Dr Jemilah Mahmood and other renowned external public health experts. We also work closely with civil society and private organisations who have been helping us with volunteers and donation in kind, to match with the increase in bed capacity and call centres.

“To quote one example, an Internet Telco built a Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Call Centre for our virtual COVID-19 Assessment Centres (CAC) pro bono. This is truly a whole-of-nation approach to manage the pandemic”, he added.

Chong said other initiatives were strengthening the CACs by offering virtual CACs for asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic patients and enhancing home monitoring management to reduce congestion and risks at the CACs.

The  Ministry of Health (MOH) is also offering more RTK-Ag tests to health clinics and general practitioners via sales of Medical Device Authority-approved test kits to allow for wider testing, while home saliva test kits for self-testing are also available in pharmacies for the public to purchase.

He hopes with more self-test kits available in the market, the price will be affordable to the public and there will be fewer people required at healthcare facilities to conduct Covid-19 tests.

“But for those who cannot afford the kits, we advise them to come to our facilities to be tested," he said.

Chong said MOH has provided guidance and advice to the government and National Security Council on a regular basis based on science, evidence and practices in other countries on the management of COVID-19.

“The decision made is actually difficult and complicated because it involves two aspects - the disease and the people’s livelihoods. If we act too tough on one aspect, livelihoods will be affected and if we act too tough on the other aspect, then the transmission and cases will go up.

“So, balancing this is very challenging and this is what the government has been trying to do when making decisions,” he added.  - Bernama