
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 20, 2021

Some Raja Melayu Want A Mixed-Race Government Instead Of An All-Malay Government


Ambiga Sreenevasan and gang are now trying to get Ismail Sabri’s 114 votes nullified on grounds they are “conditional support” or bersyarat, and hence tak sah. But that is a lie. A sample of one of the 114 SDs, which you can see below, proves that the support for Ismail Sabri is unconditional, and not conditional as alleged.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

When Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin proposed a “Unity Government” or “Kerajaan Perpaduan” a week ago, they rejected the idea and said it is an insult. Why?

The “why” is simple. They thought if Muhyiddin would go so far as to propose a unity government, that can only mean it is because he has lost his majority in Parliament. If not, why would Muhyiddin propose such a radical and new idea?

So, they rejected the unity government proposal and said the proposal tantamount to a confession by Muhyiddin that he has lost his majority. There is only one option, said Muhyiddin’s critics, and that is he must resign as PM.

So, two days later, Muhyiddin resigned. And that started the scramble for the post of PM9. Pakatan Harapan believed that Anwar Ibrahim had the support of 125 MPs while Perikatan Nasional’s candidate, whoever it was going to be, would have the support of less than 100 MPs (or the support of only 95 MPs).

They were shocked when 114 MPs confirmed their support for Ismail Sabri Yaakob. This was 20 MPs more than they had expected. What happened to Anwar’s 125-vote count? Why did it drop to only 95 MPs, which is 30 less than what it is supposed to be?

Ambiga Sreenevasan and gang are now trying to get Ismail Sabri’s 114 votes nullified on grounds they are “conditional support” or bersyarat, and hence tak sah. But that is a lie. A sample of one of the 114 SDs, which you can see below, proves that the support for Ismail Sabri is unconditional, and not conditional as alleged.

Ambiga’s lie: there is no “conditional support” or syarat mentioned in the 114 SDs in support of Ismail Sabri as PM9

But why are these people, supported by some of the Raja-Raja Melayu, trying to sabotage Ismail Sabri’s candidacy by getting his 114 votes declared tak sah or invalid?

The answer to that is also simple. The new Perikatan Nasional government will be an all-Malay government. It will have minimum non-Malay involvement. Hence they want Pakatan Harapan to be part of the new government.

But they cannot say this because it will sound racial. And for sure the Raja-Raja Melayu cannot openly declare they do not want an all-Malay government, and instead want a mixed-race government, because this pengakuan will upset the Malays.

So they are saying Ismail Sabri does not have majority support since it is conditional (even though it is not) and then force Perikatan Nasional to agree to a unity government where Pakatan Harapan will be part of the government and Anwar Ibrahim becomes the Deputy Prime Minister (while PKR wants Anwar to be appointed the Prime Minister).

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