
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, February 28, 2022

Anwar Trying To Hijack The Zeti Aziz Bribery Scandal


Sudahlah, Anwar! As Karpal Singh said, Anwar banyak buat rosak negara. Anwar perlu taubat!


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Anwar Ibrahim wants the Malaysian Parliament to discuss Tim Leissner’s testimony in a US court alleging that former Goldman Sachs banker Roger Ng had bribed former Bank Negara Governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz, plus many others, a total amount of US4.5 billion or RM19 billion.

MACC is still investigating this matter. Roger Ng’s trial is still ongoing. And Najib Tun Razak’s trial has still not ended. So what is there for Parliament to debate?

Should they not wait until the trial is over? How do they know Tim Leissner is telling the truth? What if the US court finds Roger Ng not guilty and acquit him? Does not every accused have the right to a fair trial, as Pakatan Harapan is always reminding us?

Anwar just wants to ambil kesempatan. And he is always doing that.

In 2011, he hijacked Bersih, which had nothing to do with him, and which was launched in 2007 — and he renamed it Bersih 2.0. In 1998, he hijacked Reformasi from Indonesia and pretended it was his idea.

Today, he is trying to hijack the Tim Leissner/Roger Ng/Zeti Aziz issue.

Let MACC’s investigation, Najib’s trial, and the US court case end first, and then bring this matter to Parliament to discuss.

Anyway, Anwar made so much noise about the RM31.5 billion that Bank Negara lost gambling on the FOREX market (which happened when Anwar was the finance minister). And then, when Pakatan Harapan came to power in 2018, they just swept the whole issue under the carpet and pretended it never happened.

Sudahlah, Anwar! As Karpal Singh said, Anwar banyak buat rosak negara. Anwar perlu taubat!

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