
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, February 28, 2022

Stealthy No More : China Develops 'Game Changer' Radar To Detect Stealth Aircraft

 Here is some update on Chinese technology. In the past week on two different occasions and at two different locations the Chinese Navy fired a laser at American (Pacific Ocean) and Australian aircraft (in the Arafura Sea).

Washington (CNN) Feb 28 The US Navy said Thursday that a Chinese military warship fired a military grade laser at US Navy P-8 surveillance aircraft last week while it was flying over the Pacific Ocean, an action that the US Navy called "unsafe and unprofessional." 

"Weapons-grade lasers could potentially cause serious harm to aircrew and mariners, as well as ship and aircraft systems," the statement added.

Military-grade laser beams, occasionally known as "dazzlers," emit a powerful beam of light that can travel great distances and be used to illuminate aircraft cockpits, temporarily blinding pilots.

Well since an aircraft flies much faster than a Navy ship  it  was certainly not the Chinese ship that caught up with the American and Australian aircraft.

But the point to note is that China has developed advanced laser technology that can track and lock onto airborne targets. It is entirely possible that Chinese lasers can "fry" an aircraft in the sky. 

Here is more new technology from China. The Chinese say they have developed a special radar that can detect stealth aircraft.    


This is Model No. 1.  The Chinese have a habit of immediately developing Model No. 2 the moment No. 1 is operational.

The wealth and power of China is already quite unimaginable.  Ten years from now they will be unrecognisable.

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