
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, February 28, 2022

Malaysian student in Ukraine safe - ministry


A Malaysian who is studying at the University of Lviv in Ukraine is safe, said the Higher Education Ministry.

It said in a statement that the student was with other Malaysians at the Malaysian Embassy in Warsaw, Poland and would be brought home soon.

Russian President Vladimir Putin had on Thursday (Feb 24) invaded the Donbas region, eastern Ukraine and, following that, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy declared a nationwide state of emergency.

Ukraine has also announced the closure of its airspace for public use because of the ‘high risk’ to civil aviation.

Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah had announced via Twitter that nine Malaysians and their two dependents have been brought out of Kyiv, Ukraine and safely arrived in Poland yesterday.

As for Malaysian students in Russia, the Higher Education Ministry said they would continue to be at their respective universities since the distance of the universities was quite far from the conflict areas.

The ministry also said it would always be in touch with the Malaysian Embassy in the countries involved so as to get the latest developments on the current situation and on further action to be taken.

“The ministry, through the Education Malaysia (EML) office in London, will continue to monitor the latest developments in the conflict in a bid to ensure the safety of our students,” it said.

Students and parents who have any inquiries can contact Lukman Zulkifly at the EML at 00442079851251 or the ministry operations room at 03-8870 6777/6949/6623/6628.


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