
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saiful's alleged 'zina': Islamic authorities urged to probe

Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle

Pakatan Rakyat leaders have called on the authorities to investigate allegations that sodomy complainant Saiful Bukhari Azlan was having an affair with a member of the prosecuting team - a lady Federal Counsel - acting against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

“It is not really a private issue between two consenting adults. Saiful is the key witness in the government’s prosecution and if his lover is really a member of that team, then we have to ask, doesn't that make Saiful tainted as a witness. Wouldn't his testimony be biased to the prosecution?” PAS vice president Mahfuz Omar told Malaysia Chronicle.

“Out of fairness, the court should immediately suspend the case and do a thorough probe. The religious authorities should also investigate whether Saiful and his friend have breached boundaries acceptable in Islam. This case is followed not just in the West but also in the Middle East. Our Islamic reputation is on the line, we cannot be seen to have double standards in justice or morality."

More to come from Raja Petra?

On Thursday, top blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin dropped a bombshell. He reported on his Malaysia Todayportal that Saiful and the lady lawyer – whom he also named - were having a sexual relationship. So far, neither of the pair has denied the accusations or made any comments.

The lady’s boss, Solicitor-General 2 Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden, has tried to downplay the news, which could potentially upset his case against Anwar. He even suggested that Raja Petra lied. “Can you trust Raja Petra in the first place? He’s always spreading rumors,” Yusof said.

Yet public misgivings have grown and the rumblings, especially within the legal and the Islamic fraternities, are gaining volume. The main concern is that Saiful’s neutrality may have been compromised due to his closeness with his alleged prosecutor lover.

The other very sensitive area is that both Saiful and the lady are Muslims, and based on Syariah law, zina or adultlery is punishable.

Many Malaysians also waiting with bated breath the possibility of further revelations from Raja Petra - will he furnish photos or even a video to back his claims?

“We hope that the government will not exert any political pressure to gag or stop any authority – whether civil or Islamic – from probing the allegations for the sake of transparency and justice,” PKR strategic director Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

Political skullduggery

Saiful had accused Anwar of sodomizing him at a posh condominium in Kuala Lumpur in July 2008, soon after Anwar declared his intention to run for the Permatang Pauh by-election. Despite concerted efforts to smear his image, the former deputy prime minister won the parliamentary seat by a landslide.

Anwar has accused Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor of plotting his downfall and fabricating the charges together with Saiful, who was a former PKR aide.

The trial popularly known as Sodomy II is widely followed by the international press and Najib’s government has suffered huge criticism for not adhering to U.N. guidelines for fair trial.

The prosecution has refused to allow the defense access to key documents, counter-accusing it of trying to fish for information, even though trial has already begun.

Medical reports from two government hospitals have shown no signs of anal penetration in Saiful, but the government has insisted on pushing the case through.

“From day one, the case has been viewed as politically motivated to derail Anwar's career. There has been so much mala fide involved, the authorities should immediately probe the latest allegations. That way, the truth can be known and the innocent can be cleared,” Tian said.

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