
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Something stinks in the House of Umno

Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle

In the clearest sign yet of an impending open challenge to Prime Minister Najib Razak, his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin said it was alright to form Chinese or Indian versions of ultra-Malay rights group Perkasa, even though such a development would sound the death knell for his boss's 1Malaysia platform.

On the surface, the DPM’s comments may seem innocuous, but to political pundits, they packed enough power to knock out a cow.

“Perkasa is just a fringe ratbag group but many BN leaders seem to share its ideology including Muhyiddin and this is what has given it the respectability it doesn’t deserve,” PKR strategic director Tian Chua toldMalaysia Chronicle.

“Obviously, by being seen to endorse a Chinese or an Indian Perkasa in addition to the Malay Perkasa, Muhyiddin is sending out a very strong political message. Not only is he chopping down Najib’s 1Malaysia,he is intentionally sending reverberations across Umno.”

Drawing battle lines

While Muhyiddin supported Najib for the Umno presidency, and hence the prime ministership, and Najib reciprocated by picking him over Defense Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the rapport between country's top two men has never been strong.

Soon after Najib took over the prime minister’s post from Abdullah Badawi, Muhyiddin could be seen aligning himself with former premier Mahathir Mohamad. He has never strongly supported Najib’s apparently inclusive and liberal 1Malaysia, which aims to equalize opportunities in many key areas amongst the various ethnic groups.

Muhyiddin is now regarded as a hawk in Umno, endorsing right-wing and even extremist racial policies promulgated by Perkasa and Mahathir.

On Tuesday, he told reporters that it was an individual’s right to form whatever association he wished. It was in stark contrast to comments made the same day by Minister in the PM’s Department, Nazri Aziz, who insisted that Perkasa did not speak for Umno and had tarnished Najib’s 1Malaysia.

The DPM’s stance also conflicts with that taken by UmnoYouth Chief, Khairy Jamaluddin, who only days ago embroiled himself in a public quarrel with Ibrahim Ali over Perkasa's intolerant and exclusive stance.

“We can have Chinese Perkasa and even Indian Perkasa,” Muhyiddin told reporters on Tuesday. “The government does not stop anyone from forming a body.”

Next move will come soon

Pundits have warned of the danger of regression should the Najib administration allow Malaysians to retreat into sharply defined communal groups and racial cocoons.

They say it is impossible for Muhyiddin not to be aware of the implications of his comments and accuse him of trying to maneuver for political position in Umno.

“These are interesting times in Malaysian politics. Something stinks in the house of Umno. Normally the top guns there won’t show their hand so openly," a veteran Umno watcher told Malaysia Chronicle.

"That’s why Muhyiddin’s comments are very significant. After this, he and his supporters will cool down until the next move. But since he has already fired the first salvo, the second will come very soon, mark my words."

Of late, public unhappiness with Najib's lukewarm leadership has grown despite a recent poll showing he had a 72 percent approval rating. There is also growing discomfort that his personal scandals including possible involvement in the Altantuya murder and corruption case may tarnish Malaysia's image.

Many corporate leaders including Umno members have in private expressed uneasiness about the clout Najib allows his wife Rosmah Mansor to wield, especially in the areas of investment and business.

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