
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Two years after 12th GE, Umno is still politicking not governing

Viktor Wong, Malaysia Chronicle

More than two years have passed since the 12th General Elections, but Umno-BN appears to be stuck in a 'campaigning mode' still. No doubt, the past 28 months have been marked by several by-elections, but by and large the dust has settled.

But Umno-BN has not. Their leaders are still politicking non-stop, trying their best to create havoc for their opponents in the Pakatan Rakyat, trying to discredit them as much as much as possible.

Some even say this is the name of the game. Is this really true? Look at the more developed democracies like UK and US. There, someone like Khir Toyo might be labeled a troublemaker. So might Zahrain Hashim, Zul Noordin, Bung Mokhtar and so on.

Recently, Prime Minister Najib Razak and his men organized a FELDA rally to denounce the Pakatan for accusing him of mismanaging and depleting the cash reserves of the agency. Umno-BN and Najib launched a near daily attack against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and his allies.

That hasn't stopped and until now, Umno-BN is still griping and scheming and plotting. Maybe, Najib was right. He can call for a snap polls anytime. He has already warned his rivals that Umno is ready anytime. Doesn't matter if MCA, MIC, Gerakan or PPP are not. Doesn't matter if Umno is killing them with the Perkasa and Ketuanan Melayu rhetoric. As long as Umno is ready, that is fine. But is it?

This extensive politicking by the Umno-BN, particularly the antics of the Umno leaders almost everyday, show that they are not interested in governing the nation for the betterment of the people at all. Umno-BN is not governing the nation to benefit the people, but only to benefit their own leaders, members and associates. That's why they are still 'campaigning' till today.

And they will continue to politicize issues, create media storms just to cover up their various scandals and unresolved issues under their governance. And what could be some of the things that they want hidden from the public eye? Could these include fund mismanagement, corruption, white-elephant projects, power abuses, murders, rapes, brutalities and so on?

If so, then no wonder, they are still intent on 'campaigning' - continuously, vigorously even - in the mistaken hope that people will forgot the wrongs that they have committed and may still be committing.

One good example is the economy. Real solutions have not only been neglected, but the so-called guardians of the Malaysian economy are busily making use of it in more ways than one. Helping themselves has long been the cherished Umno tradition, but now, they are even using it to prop up their own political and racial credentials. Even as the sand in the hourglass keeps slipping down ... bit ... by ... bit ...

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