
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The waiting game in Sabah: Musa Aman takes on Najib


Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle

Given his troubles with cronies hounded by Hong Kong graft-buster ICAC, speculation that Musa Aman has finally agreed to step down as Sabah Chief Minister and move into the non-political office of the Yang Di-Pertua Negeri or Head of State is gaining credence among Sabahans.

It is a trade-off many pundits have been predicting and say they would be relieved if it was true. Otherwise, the turmoil the feisty Musa could create with his fabulous wealth may indeed tear the East Malaysian state apart.

Shouts of secession, unheard since the 1980s, could even make a comeback as the Sabah leader plays a dangerous and high-stakes waiting game with his boss, Prime Minister Najib Razak.

“Musa has this larger-than-life personality. For him to give up the Sabah chief minister's post will really be like sucking blood from him. He would never agree unless he was offered a higher post,” a Sabah watcher toldMalaysia Chronicle.

“No doubt as YDPN, he won’t have any official political power but he still gets to enjoy the trappings of exalted position, the chauffeurs, outriders and limousines. He will still be a part of the scene, a part of the in-circle and that's enough because from these corridors of power, he can wield influence and broker deals.”

What about the ICAC

If so, then it would also mean that Najib has agreed not to chase after the slew of corruption complaints lodged against Musa and his friends, one of whom was actually arrested in Hong Kong in 2008 carrying a suitcase containing RM16 million in cash.

How would the PM put off the ICAC, whom sources said were finalizing their probe and are waiting for the go-ahead from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission before taking the next step? One highly-placed source had told Malaysia Chronicle the ICAC had recently warned it would confiscate all the funds found in an illegal money laundering racket uncovered during the probe on Musa’s cronies.

“In the Sabah coffee-shops, the amount talked about is RM900 million and that is just in Hong Kong alone. It is hard to imagine Musa or Najib allowing the ICAC to confiscate so much money ,” the Sabah watcher said.

“You see, to not probe Musa and his cronies for alleged corruption is one thing, to give him a Tun-ship is another. But what about this money which will be confiscated on behalf of the Hong Kong government if Malaysia does not act against the culprits. Of course, to live and fight another day is wiser and Musa's cronies may reckon that as long as Najib agrees to not chase them, new opportunities can be found later.”


The tale of Musa Aman and his simmering face-off with Najib is the stuff of spy thrillers and ruthless power struggles.

Sabah watchers recount in whispered tones how their chief minister had indicated to the Prime Minister that he would not step down, not without a fight. They talk about how his supporters would often threaten Putrajaya with pulling Sabah out of Malaysia.

“I think Najib also got fed up with all these threats. For him, it is very simple. He needs a loyalist, someone obedient who won’t always be talking secession the moment there is trouble. Musa is also the head of Sabah Umno and Sabah Umno now has the largest number of members,” the insider said.

“This gives Musa incredible clout and makes it even more crucial for Najib to put his own man in the chief minister's chair. Najib is also believed to be upset that Musa has been defiant and is taking his time to channel funds back to HQ in KL.”

Out of Umno's total membership of 3,159,484, Sabah has 449,805, followed by Johor with 428,663 and Selangor with 414,142.

Seat-warmer for Shafie until 13th GE

At Najib’s end, he is believed to be still keen on Shafie Apdal, the Umno national vice-president and MP for Semporna, taking over from Musa. However, to do so, it would require triggering a vacancy in one of Sabah’s 60 state seats and a by-election may be too politically risky for both Najib and Shafie.

As such, many believe that a ‘caretaker’ chief minister will named if Musa steps down according to plan, which is some time before the current Yang Di-Pertua Negeri, Tun Ahmadshah Abdullah ends his term in December.

Shafie is expected to be shuffled into a state seat at the 13th general election, which many believe will happen before May 2011, which is the latest for the Sarawak state elections to be conducted.


  1. Musa is the only CM that brings more changes in Sabah, and there are still more that he need to finished. I am sure if other people cont his work, it would never be the same, either it could be good or bad.!!!

  2. And if really Musa Aman that bad, i don't think he stayed for too long. And please be know that he already a rich man before he enter to the political life. All above statement, analysis by someone with his personal knowledge without any proof...It is could be true or not. Up to the people to believe it or not!

  3. I wouldn't want Shafie to take over Musa's position. There must be someone better other than Shafie to take over.

  4. Patrick, so who is the one inside your mind that might take over Musa's position? May be you can name one...

  5. shafie nak menggantikan Musa Aman? ramai lagi orang yang berkelayakan selain dia.

  6. Musa Aman remain as innocent, as long as there are someone who can prove his involvement in high profile cases.

  7. it's hard to decide who is capable to replace Musa Aman but i hope the person will be better than previous CM.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Urbanchicks,
    I SERIOUSLY have no idea but I do hope the next one will be as competent as Musa or much better than him.

  10. Musa Aman done he job very well..now, Sabah more better than before...

  11. Shafie will replace Musa Aman, i think Musa is better than him.

  12. based on the respond here, mostly say no to shafie.. so hopefully shafie will out from the list..:)

  13. Too much information or facts will complicate a simple issue...rumors has been discussed or posted in blogs & alternative news portal, the same story but with a different facts, or maybe, fiction...

    Is Musa going to step down? some bloggers said that he will be stepping down in october. looking back a few months ago, rumors was spread saying that Musa will going to release the CM post in March...he is still holding the CM post of Sabah...

    Musa has a very large base of supporter, whether in the political side or support from the rakyat...he will never going to hold the post for this long if he doesn't have a sufficient supporter...

  14. Despite of all the rumors circulating around the net about him being corrupted and all, I still think Musa makes a better CM compared to the previous CM in Sabah. Hopefully he stays as a CM for another few more years. I would like to see him improve Sabah more and make Sabah the richest state in Malaysia.

  15. waaa...no shafie to..i like Musa is the CM..right, Musa Aman is more and more and more batter than shafie.

  16. why everybody not support Shafie??hehe But same with me, i don't want shafie replace the Musa Aman position. better someone not Shafie..hehehe

  17. if shafie really wants to be our CM then he should release all his things from federal and yet i think MA still the best compared to shafie.

  18. i think this is just expression from one of the person who envy the success of Musa Aman as a Chief Minister..

  19. saya lebih setuju jika Musa Aman terus menjadi ketua Menteri Sabah.

  20. Betulkah apa yang diterangkan dalam artikel ini? Tapi kenapa baharu sekarang menyatakan pelbagai keburukan KM, sedangkan sabah sudah semakin maju walaupun masih lagi dikategorikan negeri teriskin di malaysia.

  21. There will be dirty political tactics. Trust me. Some wants Shafie and some wants Musa. But we will have to wait and see for the GE13.

  22. Siapa pun boleh menjadi pemimpin, asalkan mempunyai kretiria-kretiria seorang pemimpin yang diperlukan untuk membangunkan negeri ini.

  23. Kalau satu lagi CM yang miskin mengambil alih tempat CM, pasti orang Sabah akan dijadikan lagi miskin.

  24. I don't think so MA will step down and shafie will never go to state seat. Is it true Shafie is better than MA? What have Shafie done to Sabahan people compared to MA. For me, shafie is not good enough to take care of Sabah.

  25. Semakin dekat next GE makin rancak pula CM kita ni diperburukkan.. alahai... apakah salah CM sehingga semua berita -ve tentangya memenuhi media elektronik??? huhuhu

  26. Masing2 ada pandangan sendiri. Tapi sebagai masyarakat yg matang, jangan terlalu memburukkan mana2 pihak. Tak baik tau!!!!

  27. Betul ke ni? Dulu kan pernah cakap bahawa CM akan meletak jawatan, tapi sampai sekarang pun belum nampak lagi, adakah kali ini betul-betul akan berlaku?

  28. Musa extensive business experience and expertise brought him to lend his services for the benefit of the state and the nation. At the state level, among others, he was appointed as the Executive Chairman of SEDCO, Chief Executive Officer of Innoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd., Chairman of Innoprise International Incorporated, and Chairman of Sabah Softwood Sdn. Bhd. At the national level, Y.A.B. Datuk Musa Haji Aman led City Finance Berhad as its long standing Chairman and so on… actually Musa has made a lot of contributions to Sabah but the people out there only raise his mistake or weakness but never told the truth about his contributions..

  29. Patrick said...

    I SERIOUSLY have no idea but I do hope the next one will be as competent as Musa or much better than him.
    July 13, 2010 12:03 AM

    Emm, let the people decided who will be the next CM.. But if i ask you, how do you see Sabah compared to last 20 years ago? If you don't mind to share your thought... :)

  30. Why Najib is so keen about Shafie Apdal..what is der to like about him???

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. The author is trying to stir up.

  33. Never look at someone's weakness or mistake, instead look at the bright and positive side of him.

  34. I guess all as well end well.

  35. Sudahlah, apa yang boleh diperolehi daripada perbincangan ini?

  36. AS much as hear say, too much speculation ? only God knows!! who can replace him? Honestly he has done a fair bit of development for Sabah as a CM.He is one CM who knows business and political mattter. Guess he knows how to play the game well.

  37. Too much assumption, too much speculations. I don't know what to believe anymore..Haish..

  38. I dunno. Let the majority decide who will be the next CM. And besides, the present CM has done a lot for the State.

  39. Tunggu dan lihat ja la nanti apa kejadiannya. So for now hargai dan hormatilah CM kita. Beliau dah banyak bagi sumbangan utk negeri kita juga :L)

  40. Apapun janganlah telampau buat andaian yang bukan2. Nanti tambah teruk pula kejadiannya.

  41. Tak pa lah Jonny:) sekurang-kurangnya ada juga twempat luahan. Cuma jangan terbawa-bawa sangat dengan emosi. hehehe

  42. Janganlah kita sebarang buat andaian. Hormatilah KM kita.

  43. Sudahlah, janganlah kita meneruskan spekulasi di sini, bukan kita ada bukti. Baik tunggu pengumuman rasmi dari pihak berkuasa.

  44. Najib datang sabah kemarin untuk merasikan wisma wanita....emmm

  45. Saya tetap menyokong Musa Aman bukan kerana duit tapi kerana jasa beliau kepada Sabah. betulkan semua penyokong Musa Aman??

  46. Musa seorang yang amat berjasa kepada Negeri Sabah dan rakyat..disebabkan itulah rakyat menyokongnya.

  47. anggap ja ini sebahagian dari kesan PRU13.. biasanya dalam masa ini, orang2 yang berkepentingan lebih aktif menjatuhkan pihak lain dari memberi tumpuan kepada masalah rakyat. biarlah masa yang tentukan kebenarannya..

  48. Musa Aman takkan dpt dijatuhkan, rakyat Sabah menyokongnya.

  49. aikk ada masalahkah Najib dengan Musa Aman? Baru tadi sia tingu Musa Aman dan Najib bergelak ketawa dan bergurau senda dalam TV1 masa Perasmian Dewan Wanita...hahaha....

  50. Alaaa fitnah2 begini time dekat2 PRU13 ni...buruklah....we don't buy cheap 'talk' macam ni...

  51. seems to me this issue just a nasty talk towards Musa Aman sebab PRU13

  52. TRUTH apa yang disebarkan dalam blog ni. TRUTH from penyebar fitnah!

  53. Met Musa once or twice before in a function and I must admit, he ain't that bad at all as what has been described in most articles. I find him to be friendly and humble. We should respect him.

  54. We shouldn't easily believe 100% in everything we read in blogs about Musa. I'm sure there are many politicians will do anything to make Musa step down from his position. Defame him, and ppl will againts him. Does make sense, doesn't it?

  55. Sabah might be the poorest state in the Country but we must admit that there are a lot of positive improvement made on Sabah ever since Musa became the CM. Lets just be thankful to him.

  56. itulah kan..saya tenguk juga itu. senang ja hati mereka itu. mungkin inilah cara orang yang dengki dan tidak suka tenguk orang lain senang, jadi mereka cuba untuk mempecah belahkan satu pihak.

  57. i'm totally agree with u Kurt.. just take this fact to proof his excellence.. the state reserve of RM1.7 billion during his first year as Chief Minister. Currently, the state reserves stand at about RM3 billion, the highest in Sabah’s history.

  58. hubungan Najib dan Musa tak ada masalah pun. hubungan mereka baik2 ja.

  59. We don't know the REAL truth yet so might as well we stop making any speculation.

  60. The author of that article is clearly trying to make the readers confuse and make them turn against Musa.

  61. saya berharap dan yakin pemimpin-pemimpin kita sentiasa bersatu untuk berkhidmat kepada rakyat.

  62. jika pemimpin bersatu, negara akan menjadi semakin maju dan kuat.

  63. I am still waiting for statement, any statement about this matter, made by Datuk Musa alone. So, yeah..waiting ....

  64. Musa brings more changes in Sabah. that`s why Sabahan really support Musa.

  65. Musa bringing more development in Sabah. Hopefully he stays as a CM for another few more years.

  66. Support our CM Datuk Musa Aman..Support for the right..

  67. musa a good leader..he bring development in Sabah. we should respect him.

  68. Agree with you Adam.Musa is indeed a good leader.

  69. I'm proud to have Musa as the CM of Sabah. His leadership skill has brought Sabah forward and undergo many positive changes in terms of its development.

  70. Hopefully his service will be extended. Would really love to see more changes made by him.

  71. MA is the best for us. he try the best to make sabah more develop and help sabahan for they right.

  72. Urbanchicks said... July 18, 2010 10:52 PM

    yup, we are waiting for that too.

  73. Baiklah, apa sebenarnya kebenaranya? Cuba suarakan?

  74. Jonny,, kebenarannya wujud pihak2 yang tidak berpuas hati dan dengki dengan kejayaan MA.

  75. Haih, dah bosan sudah saya ni. Apa kamu mahu buat, ikut suka hati kamurang.

  76. itulah yang sebenarnya kata 2718 itu. ramai pihak yang tidak puas hati dengan kejayaan Datuk Musa dan juga sokongan rakyat terhadap Datuk Musa.

  77. making sabah poor? common lah... musa bawa perubahan yang baik kepada sabah sepanjang masa beliau menjadi ketua menteri...

  78. setuju dengan ko 2718....pasal tu lah banyak dorang sebarkan khabar2 angin yang bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan musa...

  79. musa is the greatest cm ever for sabah...no doubt with that.......

  80. no need to believe in those untruth news and speculations....ianya hanya bertujuan jahat sesetengah orang untuk menjatuhkan musa bagi memenuhi agenda politik mereka...for me, musa is the best leader from all...

  81. saya percaya sabah akan terus membangun dengan pesat di bawah pimpinan musa aman sebagai ketua menteri sabah...

  82. Jerry said...
    Hopefully his service will be extended. Would really love to see more changes made by him.

    agree with you jerry...sabah akan terus membangun dan maju di bawah pimpinan musa aman....

  83. Interesting story but hard to believe.

  84. jangan denganr khabar angin saja..mengatakan sabah akan miskin, itu adalah perkara yang tidak mungkin bagi sabah.

  85. betul itu, sabah tidak akan mungkin miskin. sabah masih lagi kaya.

  86. Sabahan poor is not because of Party or CM.. it's depend on themselves to improve they standard of living and get out from the grip of poverty..

  87. Kalau makin banyak artikel yg memburukkan Musa Aman, maksudnya ramai la penyokong Musa kan.. Sebab tu la org yg tak suka Musa terpaksa bekerja keras utk burukkan beliau.. hehhehee

  88. kalau pasal miskin kaya tu, hmmm tepuk dada tanya selera la ya.. sendiri lah jawab :P hehe

  89. Tapi janganlah terlalu salahkan Musa bah.. Sata tak rasa pun Sabahan miskin sebab Musa. Bg saya hidup sabahan tambah OK ba.. walaupun tak kaya sekurang-kurangnya boleh hidup selesa & aman di sabah.

  90. Betul Ted Medresher... Kalau mahu maju, harus usaha dan bukannya asyik bergantung ataupun salahkan urang lain ja bila hidup susah..

  91. sabah miskin??itu tidak pasti pula. tapi kalau ikut betul memang salah, sabah tidak miskin pun tapi sedrhana saja.

  92. Bulih tahan penyokong Musa di Sabah ini...terlalu ramai, kalau buat kenduri pun xsukup.. hebat2... Kalau begini BN lagi la menang ni ya.... inshallah... Memang nampak suda tu...

  93. Antanum said...

    hopefully la begitu kan.. dalam politik ni sukar betul diramal. bila2 masa boleh buat kejutan.

  94. This issue still on? Teka Teki belum terjawab!!!

  95. jawapan yang sebenar belum ada, tapi jawapan berdasarkan andaian sudah keluar lebih awal..:)

  96. Ya la...Mungkin Datuk Musa telah lama menyandang jawatan tersebut, dan telah banyak membawa perubahan... tidak hairan la banyak cerita tentang beliau, tidak kira buruk atau baik. tapi yang penting beliau telah cuba untuk membuat banyak perubahan!!

  97. betul tu Bi, walaupun sejak kebelakangan ini banyak pihak yang cuba menjatuhkan beliau dengan menyebarkan bermacam2 gambaran buruk, beliau tetap memberikan komitment terhadap tanggungjawab beliau sebagai KM sabah.

  98. Yup, and he still smiling even knowing some people hate it... He still struggle to have sabah become better day by day...

  99. Biarlah apa org nak kata, yg pasti DMA mmg CM yang terbaik :)

  100. Biasalah tu ivan medhousky... Imaginasi mcm spongebob. hahhaa

  101. Btl tu Bi.. At least ada.. Malah saya yakin perubahan ke arah yg lebih baik juga sedang berlaku sekarang cuma telampau banyak gosip -ve diperbesarkan sehingga mengambarkan Sabah ni mcm byk masalah pula. huhuuhu

  102. Tapi saya yakin semua perkara/isu yg timbul pasti dapat diatasi dengan baik :)
    Good luck for DMA!


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