
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Another casino, this time in Sabah under Najib’s ETP?

Casino for Sabah?
KUALA LUMPUR (Malaysian Insider)— Malaysia appears to have jumped on the integrated resort (IR) bandwagon with the unveiling today of a proposed 500-acre “eco-nature” resort in Sabah by Pemandu at the Economic Transformation Plan (ETP) open day here.

Sources told The Malaysian Insider that the option to build a casino is on the table for the Karambunai IR — alongside a mangrove centre, water theme park and waterfront properties — to ensure a higher return on investment (ROI).

Although the presentation panels for the development made no mention of any casino, they repeatedly referenced Singapore’s highly successful Marina Bay Sands as well as Resort World Manila in the Philippines and Vietnam’s Ho Tram Strip — all of which are casino-anchored IRs.

One illustration, entitled “Case for Change”, argued that Malaysia lagged behind regional competitors in tapping into the strong demand for IRs from countries like China, Indonesia and Thailand, and pointed out that Singapore had already seen a 21 per cent increase in tourist arrivals since opening Marina Bay Sands and Resort World Singapore.

The Malaysian Insider also understands that if a casino is built as part of the Karambunai IR, international players such as The Sands might be roped in to run it rather than local operator Genting.

However, it remains to be seen how the public will take to what would be Malaysia’s second official casino given the strong popular opposition shown earlier this year to Tan Sri Vincent Tan’s abortive attempt to introduce football betting.

Berjaya Corp reported on May 12 that the government had re-issued the licence to Tan-owned Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd after the original licence was cancelled by the previous Abdullah administration.

The gaming, property and hospitality group told Bursa Malaysia in a filing that it intended to acquire Tan’s 70 per cent stake in Ascot for RM525 million. The tycoon’s son — Datuk Robin Tan Yeong Ching — would have retained control of his 30 per cent stake.

Vincent Tan’s attempt to legalise punting on the beautiful game was spun by the Najib administration as the best way to increase government revenue while reining in illegal bookmaking activities, estimated to be worth up to RM20 billion a year.

However, a concerted anti-gambling campaign run mainly by opposition coalition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) stirred up moral sentiment against any widening of legalised gambling and torpedoed any chances the gaming tycoon had of renewing his licence.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak finally capitulated to popular public opinion when he announced on June 25 that the government would not issue a football betting licence, weeks after Tan said Ascot had received approval for an old licence.


  1. Compensation or pay-back for Vincent Tan?

  2. Perkara ini belum mendapat kepastian lagi. Baik kita tunggu dahulu perkembangan lanjut.

  3. hal mengenai pembinaan kasino di sabah kabar angin yang belum pasti lagi, kita jgnlah membuat sebarang spekulasi jika tak tahu lagi cerita sebenar. harap kerajaan akan membuat keputusan yang tepat.

  4. memang pekara ini belum dipastikan lagi. sebaiknya jangan membuat sebarang andaian sebelum mengetahui pekara sebenar.

  5. We don't know how true is this so its better if we don't make any speculation till this matter is confirm.

  6. I think building a casino is actually not a bad idea. Try reading this and you know why:


  7. "Although the presentation panels for the development made no mention of any casino, they repeatedly referenced Singapore’s highly successful Marina Bay Sands as well as Resort World Manila in the Philippines and Vietnam’s Ho Tram Strip — all of which are casino-anchored IRs."

    Walaupun tempat2x yang disebut semasa presentation mempunya kasino, ia tidak bermaksud mereka akan bercadang membina kasino. Walaubagaimanapun, saya harap PM ataupun KM akan memberi penerangan yang lebih lanjut tentang hal ini. Saya rasa banyak orang sangat binggung tentang pembinaan kasino di Sabah.

  8. rasanya pekara ini tidak perlulah didebatkan kerana kita sendiri pun tidak tahu sejauh mana kebenarannya.

  9. Kerajaan Sabah tidak akan mengkhianati Sabah dengan membina sebuah kasino. Itu hanya akan membunuh kami semua dalam diam.

  10. mungkin ada pihak lain yang sengaja menimbulkan isu ini seperti isu pengedaran risalah yang kononnya kerajaan telah meluluskan lesen judi. biasalah kan kesan PRU13.

  11. kalau benarpun ia bakal dibina, kita perlu buat pertimbangkan berdasarkan kepentingan ekonomi. lagipun kasino bukan sesuatu yang janggal, malah kesan negatif terhadap masyarakat boleh dielakkan jika individu itu sendiri tidak mahu terlibat dengan aktiviti judi.

  12. blum pasti lagi samada benar kasino akan dibina di Sabah. PM tkkan membuat keputusan tanpa mendengar suara rakyat.

  13. Casino issue is not a big deal for me. I want illegals issue to be addressed asap!

  14. Formal Statement made by both Federal and Sabah Sate....Is there any of it?

  15. A casino has major economic multiplier effect. If Sabah wants to shift away from depending on logging and oil palm, a shift to the tertiary economy is a must. Semenanjung sudah ada casino kat Genting lebih 20 tahun and (tak ada problem pun) and the federal government is minting money from Genting.

    If you keep a clear head (and perhaps visit the resort and casinos in Singapore, or Macau), you can see for yourself the impact on tourism and the economy.

    Berapa lama lagi Sabah nak bergantung kepada agriculture and balak ? Come on lah - we are moving into the 21st century.

  16. tolong baca and buka minda


  17. Come on, luaskan pandangan kita wahai orang2 Sabah. Tidak mau org sabah gambling, boleh, kasi mahal entry fee, yang kita mau duit2 org kaya seluruh dunia datang Sabah, kita juga dapat untung, jalan raya semakin smooth, flyover sana sini, tapi dengan syarat, keuntungan dari casino tu Sabah yang pegang bukan Semenanjung semata-mata.

  18. Kasino memang baik untuk menjana pendapatan namun adakah ia berkesan untuk menghalang kemasukan PTI di sini?

  19. Kebanyakan pihak telah menolak kemungkinan Kasino ini dibina. Karambunai juga menafikan bahawa mereka berniat membina sebuah Kasino di Sabah.


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