
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

ANWAR, AZIZAH & NURUL: A house divided?

For me personally it is not for the President to say whom she wants or does not want as her deputy. NOT when you are asking for your members to vote for one. Why bother with an election when you have already made it known that you will NOT accept Azmin as your deputy?
By Steadyaku47

We have all watched Azizah from afar with much admiration and respect for what she had stoically endure through the trials and tribulations that Anwar went through. What she has done for Anwar, for PKR and her Family is a story of a courageous woman thrown into the deep end to fend for herself. And this she did without hesitation and a determination that now sees her as President of PKR.

Each of the past many years since Anwar was arrested released and up to the 12th general election I had waited to see when Azizah would say “ENOUGH”. She has not. Has the cut and thrust of politics now becomes part and parcel of her life? Become part of her so that she cannot let go of that part of her life that she so reluctantly embrace because she knew it was her duty to do so then?

As the PKR party elections approaches we are all aware of the tension within Anwar’s house – his own house. That tension between Azizah and Anwar is now becoming a problem for PKR too! I have wanted earlier to ask why was Anwar not taking a more pro-active stance in resolving some of the issues that need to be addressed within PKR before these issues were “discussed” by other PKR leaders in the public domain. Why are the various dissatisfaction within PKR not been discussed and resolved behind closed doors? Why are these PKR leaders speaking through Blogs and Twitting away as if the world was about to end!

Was I imagining it when I read that Nurul actually openly endorsed Zaid as the candidate for the deputy President post over Azmin? Is her endorsement of Zaid a tacit endorsement by her on behalf of Azizah…and Anwar even? I do not really know. But I know this – if Anwar cannot stop Nurul from making that kind of announcement then I know that Anwar has a problem in his own house!

I would expect, at the least, good manners and in the interest of having a house united within PKR, the first family (which, whether they like it or not happens to be Anwar, Azizah and Nurul) should remain above the personalities involve in the party elections. Let me be more direct. If Anwar, Azizah or Nurul cannot do so then Keadilan is not adil! The three of you have abuse the trust that a lot of Malaysians have placed in you to do what is right for your party, your country and our people.

Enough have been said about Rosmah and Najib. About her interference in affairs of the state. About her inability to comprehend that nobody is interested in what she wants and how she looks – that what matters when she is the Prime Minister’s wife is that she behaves like one.

With Azizah she is not only Anwar’s wife but is also the President of Keadilan. Granted that is a fact but she must not forget that she is President of PKR BECAUSE she is Anwar’s wife! And Nurul won Lembah Pantai because she is Anwar’s daughter. And that PKR that had ONE seat before the 12th General Election was able to secure 31 seats at the 12th General Election because of Anwar! We all know this. I am bringing this up because as the Party Elections of PKR nears I want to ask Anwar how he expects to hold PKR together if his own house is divided?

Is Azizah insisting that she will accept anyone else as deputy in as long as he is not Azmin? Let me be very clear on one thing. I do not know Azmin. I have never met this guy, never talked to him on the phone or ever exchange emails or communicate with him in any manner whatsoever. But …and here is the big ‘but’……I am aware from what I read on the net that Zaid has the support from non-Malay and non UMNO link members of PKR. Zaid has DAP support and maybe even PAS….and of course Khalid! From Nurul utterances she is with Zaid too. And now Azizah too?

So what happens to not taking sides? What happens to the principal of democracy that PKR has been shouting from the rooftop to all of us until we are deaf? Is all this one member one vote thing just a white wash? Total crap? PKR doing an UMNO? Cakap bukan serupa bikin?

For me personally it is not for the President to say whom she wants or does not want as her deputy. NOT when you are asking for your members to vote for one. Why bother with an election when you have already made it known that you will NOT accept Azmin as your deputy?

It is a sad reality for us Malays. Always…always when Malays are given power and attain great heights in public office or position in any organizations….somehow or other and more often then not they tend to forget the bigger issues. Issues like allowing anyone to contest for any post within PKR on a level playing field.

I think the people’s patience with Anwar and his Family will be sorely tested if indeed his family is divided over the PKR party elections. Nothing, I repeat nothing, is worth breaking up a family or a marriage over – especially not PKR party’s election. Certainly not over a party post that you have already asked the members to vote on! Do not allow your personal preferences be of any concern to anyone but yourself.

There are things I can write about PKR – but I do not do so because it would be like “ludah ka langit” spitting into the air. As Khalid has said before of BN “they are spitting into the air and it will fall back on their own face”. Anwar, Azizah and Nurul do not to that to PKR. When you start to do that then it will mean open season for all us bloggers to do the same to PKR….as I am close to doing so now.

Step back and think. Bring your family together Anwar and ask yourselves what the three of you should do for PKR – not for your likes and dislikes but for PKR. We expect nothing less.

Do not think that we cannot live without PKR. We can. It is okay for me to have double standard as I am but just a blogger – but not for you and your family Anwar! You three must be the change you want PKR to be. If you do not then all the years Anwar spent in Sungai Buloh, all the years Azizah put into PKR and all the struggle Nurul has put into PKR will mean for nothing when the people have had enough of your intrigues and dissent. Enough!

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