
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, September 19, 2010

The art of spinning

If you can remember, I mentioned the Unholy Trinity of Shahidan Shafie (the ex-police officer sacked for corruption and now a Mister Fixit wheeler-dealer), the Attorney-General, and MAS scammer Tajuddin Ramli. Well, unlike Satu Hala who just spins, and has been caught lying at that, I would like to show you photographs of these three personalities being seen together.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Do you remember the piece by ‘Satu Hala’ about me getting drunk and collapsing beside the drain? If you have not read it yet then you can read it below.

If you want to spin then you had better first learn the art of spinning. For example, Satu Hala talks about me found lying beside a drain at the Black Prince in Vauxhall, London.

I don’t know where that place is because I have never been there. Furthermore, I do not live in London. Nevertheless, that is my word against Satu Hala’s. But what Satu Hala can’t deny is that there is no drain outside the Black Prince, as the picture below shows. In fact, there are no open drains anywhere in London. London uses sewers, not open drains like Kuala Lumpur. And the picture below shows so.

The second point Satu Hala made was about the hill and that I was too drunk to walk up the slope. Well, the map below shows where that area is and there are no hills in that part of London. That area is flat.

So, as I said, if you want to spin then get your facts right. At least if you want to spin then make sure I am not able to dispute it.

Okay, now I would like to refer to the 13 episodes I wrote recently regarding the MAS financial scandal.

Part 2: Tajudin Ramli will not be enjoying his Hari Raya this year

Part 1: Malaysia Today at the centre of the MAS-Tajudin scuffle

Umno’s hands in every pie

10th episode: Now let’s see how else MAS was plundered

If you can remember, I mentioned the Unholy Trinity of Shahidan Shafie (the ex-police officer sacked for corruption and now a Mister Fixit wheeler-dealer), the Attorney-General, and MAS scammer Tajuddin Ramli. Well, unlike Satu Hala who just spins, and has been caught lying at that, I would like to show you photographs of these three personalities being seen together. Now let us see what Satu Hala has to say about this. At least I can support my ‘spin’ with photographs.

Shahidan Shafie

Shahidan Shafie (his hand slightly covering his face) in conference with the Attorney-General

The Attorney-General (with the double-chin in two-tone shirt) and Tajuddin Ramli (white skullcap and hand on his chin) both arriving at Shahidan Shafie’s home

The Attorney-General and Tajuddin Ramli ‘break away’ when they spot our cameraman about to take a shot of them whispering to each other


HARDtalk-Reject Raja Petra Gets Drunk By the Drain in London

By Satu Hala

I didn’t know whether it was true or not when I first heard it.

But knowing Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK), a man that has never prayed and a hardcore drinker, I suppose it wasn’t so surprising.

Only it was a bit embarrassing that RPK, supposedly a great man with royal blood and all got wasted until he was found lying by the drain like an old man.

I got this news from a Macha in his gang...Rakan Pakatan (it is said that the Malaysian drinkers’ group in London City was established with the help of Zaid Ibrahim not long ago).

The guy in this Rakan Pakatan, Parvin Santosh, relayed to me the story about what happened last night via email.

According to Parvin, due to his anger and frustration at not being able to appear on HARDtalk, RPK invited a few friends to go let loose.

“I didn’t follow, but there were a few friends that went for a drink with Pete (RPK) at the Black Prince Bar at Vauxhall in London,” he said.

Parvin said they went for an evening drink and RPK had even settled the bill.

However, he did not go back in a cab even after being cajoled to do so by his friends, who clearly saw that his face was already one kind of red due to excessive alcohol.

“RPK said he was used to it, no problem, and that he wanted to walk for awhile before getting a taxi to go home,” he said.

But he did not go home...and those drinking experts knew what happened.

“The second time I followed my friends there and just as expected, we found our dear friend Pete by a small drain outside the bar. The place was a bit hilly so maybe Pete couldn’t make himself walk up the slope,” he explained.

Parvin said nobody there would care if you’re slumped by the drain especially if you’re a drunken Asian.

Parvin is a long time friend of mine that has been residing for the longest time in London (he doesn’t want to use the word migrate....what la you macha!)

He said he knew if he told me this story would end up on Malaysian-instinct.com, but he was the one itching to type and tell.

“I know you’re going to dish this one out right?” he said in his email (dey macha, if you already know why tell).

Anyhow....RPK....you’re a big time embarrassment...

I know you’re a boozer, but did you have to get drunk during Ramadan.

Where is your pride you devil (that’s right, devil suits you best!)...and since you’re the devil, I don’t want to talk about faith and believes.

But...what else can we expect from a guy whose son is rotting in jail, wife who enjoys weird sex and RPK himself who brought up his family with money from his work of slandering others.

Frust a bit and there he goes slumping by the drain....cehhhhhh....just accept the fact that people don’t want you because you’re a compulsive liar....and now turning into a compulsive drinker.

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