
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 20, 2010

Fasting, praying and white skullcaps are no deterrent against bullshit

It is now almost 1,500 hours since P.I. Balasubramaniam’s lawyers went to meet the MACC in Putrajaya to hand over the reply to their questions but no word has been heard about the matter.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

When I signed my statutory declaration in June 2008:

1. Within 24 hours the Attorney-General managed to announce to the world that I had signed a false statutory declaration amidst his heavy schedule of bonking his Head of the International Affairs Division Azailiza Mohd Ahad.

By the way, this is the photo of her (in the black tudung) together with the AG.

2. Within 48 hours the IGP managed to announce to the world that I had signed a false statutory declaration amidst his heavy schedule of meeting the Chinese underworld bosses who are running the prostitution, drugs, loan shark and illegal gambling syndicate.

3. Within 72 hours they managed to conclude that what the AG and IGP announced to the world is true and I was summoned to the police station for my statement to be recorded.

4. Within 96 hours they managed to raid my house to confiscate my computers and various documents to use as evidence against me.

When they lifted the two weeks ban/block on Malaysia Today in September 2008:

1. Within 24 hours they managed to come to my house to detain me under the Internal Security Act.

2. Within 200 hours they managed to complete my interrogation and come to a conclusion that I am a threat to national security and therefore should be detained at least two years in Kamunting.

But it is now almost 1,500 hours since P.I. Balasubramaniam’s lawyers went to meet the MACC in Putrajaya to hand over the reply to their questions but no word has been heard about the matter since then.

And since then:

More than 300 prayer times have come and gone.

More than eight Friday prayer sessions have come and gone.

30 days of fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadhan have come and gone.

Hari Raya has come and gone.

But in spite of all this there is still no word yet from the MACC.

It appears like fasting, praying and wearing white skullcaps are no deterrent against bullshit. It makes you wonder why they even bother to do all that if at the end of the day all this holy crap just results in tons of bullshit.

And they wonder why people look down on Muslims when Muslims who give the external appearance of piety are the most foul and hypocritical people, doing everything that Islam is supposed to be against.

Is the MACC sweeping the P.I. Balasubramanian issue under the carpet? They said they want the truth. They said they want Bala’s statement. But now that it has been given they keep very silent and take no action.

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