
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 10, 2010

Illegal arms, Umno Youth paramilitary training: PM Najib must explain

Najib - time to stop hiding behind platitudes
Viktor Wong, Malaysia Chronicle

Even if the Umno-led BN federal government succeeds in shutting down all news portals that are critical of it, Malaysians already have a sense of what is going on and it would be better for Prime Minister Najib Razak, who is also the Umno president, to volunteer an explanation before they demand one.

The recent reports are very alarming. Umno Youth is apparently sending selected members for intensive paramilitary training. The federal government was reported to have acquired large quantities of arms and ammunition not via official channels but through secret and illegal channels.

Popular talk-show host sacked
So, what exactly is going? Why is Umno sending its Youth members for paramilitary training? Why are they buying those illegal arms? If these are meant for the nation's armed force, why do it so suspiciously, why buy illegal stuff? Is Umno planning to wage a war? And war against whom? The people and democracy?

A pattern can be traced

We saw a number of crackdowns on political dissidents recently. Some senior executives and managers of a popular radio station were being terminated for being critical of the federal government. Two online news portals and the website of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim were attacked or blocked. Certain information related to power abuse and mismanagement at some government-linked companies were suddenly withdrawn from the press under the pretext of "for security reasons". Opposition politicians were denied press coverage and journalists instructed to minimize reporting on dissent and disapproval for government policies. The list goes on.

Where is our nation heading now? The economy is not improving, the inflation rate is going up, the people are unhappy with the current political situation and racism is rising. Are these the perfect combination for a lethal cocktail of terrorism and civil unrest?

Rapper Namewee faces arrest
What is the federal government going to do now? It is the cause of many of these problems. So it is not surprising that it is doing nothing. The only action it is taking is against those who try to criticize and highlight the racism it is trying to perpetuate, like Namewee. The entire situation has now gone totally upside down! The political animals and criminals are spared and even set free to do what they like, while the ones who try to reform the country are marked, arrested, interrogated and tortured - both mentally and physically.


Hundreds died
So, where is Malaysia headed? It is looking more and more like we are being herded towards a dictatorship and Fascism. Our nation is becoming a Fascist state. Some even argue Malaysia is already a police state. It is also pertinent to ask, what about 1Malaysia then? I think the answer is now clear - 1Malaysia was and is just a big bluff by a big bluffer!

We would like to remind Najib, if our suspicions are not true, then come out and explain. Prove us wrong but no platitudes and generalities, please. Give us evidence, give us facts. As it is, many Malaysians find it hard to believe you at all. Those who are old enough will remember it was under your father's watch that the May 13, 1969 racial riots broke out. Again the incident was manipulated by Umno and for the sake of political power.

So don't blame us for being suspicious and for thinking you might be tempted to do the same thing as your dad did!


  1. I would like to comment on your accusations of the Malaysian government buying massive amounts of illegal arms from "Underground sources" !

    Wow this is some amazing stuff.......IF true? I think not even John Le Carre could make this up. Not saying that your story is not correct BUT I would like to see some concrete evidence on these "facts" that you claim. No Government can afford to be seen to be involved in "Black arms" deals. The reason why is simple, the arms can be traced and the dealer / broker can blackmail the government and then the obvious happens the government falls.Perhaps this is what the opposition wants as it would serve their purposes.
    Also this amount of hard ware, that I have seen on the supposed "Shopping List" could only be supplied by issuing an EUC to the dealer, who in this case is probably just a broker..... Who would have to have a legitimate source of supply. Also on the "Shopping list" no mention of sniper rifles but the government is allegedly trying to buy 7.62 sniper ammunition (175gr BTHP). Without the necessary rifles this ammo is useless.
    The comment about 9mm Parabellum hollow point also being on this amazing "shopping list" plus the "(a hit from this bullet in the body = 100% dead)" is journalistic sensationalism. The round will make a mess of anybody it hits and they will need medical attention but to claim 100% dead is incorrect.
    The "subsonic" ammunition is pretty common in all fields of the military and is nothing special. Apart from the fact that it is 147 grain. Also there is no need to buy this kind of ammunition you could very easily get the armorer at the Ministry of defence to add a couple of grains into the standard ammunition saving yourself the risk of having unsupported accusations thrown at you by people that obviously have no idea what they are saying as far as arms and ammunition are concerned.

    Lots of countries around the world have Military training camps for young people that are not old enough to join the regular army. This does not mean that they are there to create havoc and a civil war.
    Facit: IMHO as an expert in the field of "Defence Systems Procurement" and Military Intel. I find this to be a "False Flag" operation....To discredit and implicate the Malaysian government in something that, as far as I and my contacts have heard, there is no word on the street of such an order, except from other buyers who have nothing to do with the Government of Malaysia. The other buyers are ordering totally different "Defence Systems".
    I suggest the author change their occupation and become a writer of fiction novels as basically that is what is written in their post.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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