
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, September 11, 2010

Malaysia Today still under attack as bid to gag RPK intensifies

Mahathir, Najib, Abdullah
Malaysia Chronicle

Malaysia Today is up but still unstable. Only a low-bandwidth version is available, underscoring the determination of the enemies of controversial editor Raja Petra Kamarudiin to gag his popular political blog.

"We are under severe attack," Raja Petra had told Asia Sentinel. “Looks like someone is spending a lot of money to keep us off the air."

This is not the first time that RPK’s site has been attacked but perhaps it may be the most virulent assault so far. The site was disabled for nearly 3 days. It may crash again until a more sustainable solution is found.

From airline to railway

Daim - Dr M's trusted lieutenant
But whoever is behind the move may find it unfruitful and in fact downright counterproductive. More Malaysians know now than three days ago how desperate top Umno leaders are to cover up their corruption.

If the RM8 billion in losses at national airline MAS, implicating former premiers Mahathir Mohamad, Abdullah Badawi and ex-finance minister Daim Zainuddin, are not shocking enough, revelations that Prime Minister Najib Razak had found a “new cash cow” in the national railway firm will surely deliver the knock-out punch.

No wonder then that Malaysia Today is still under attack. Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and his Pakatan Rakyat have already dismissed the latest political brouhaha over the Perkasa-Umno parting of ways as a drama staged to deflect attention from the real problems at the ruling BN coalition.

National plunder

Indeed, public attention is now starting shift from a recent outburst of racial and religious politicking to cold hard fact and figures as Malaysians demand an answer for their fast-depleting cash reserves.

Raja Petra
Two comments that typify the anger and snowballing disgust at the chronic greed of top Umno leaders are listed below.

The emotion behind the words is unsurprising as Malaysians, especially the lower income, have been asked to subsidize the Umno graft. Najib’s own ministers have warned the country will go bankrupt by 2019 if the prices of subsidized essentials are not raised soon to boost government cash flow and cut national debt.

The never-ending and continuous flow of mega-$candal$ just help to confirm Barry Wain's book that Mahathir alone had squandered RM100 mega-billion$!

Sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa pemimpin yang menyamun harta2 negara tidak akan kekal. Mereka akan dibinasakan Allah SWT didunia lagi. Tunggu dan lihat kemurkaan Allah SWT keatas mereka...InsyaAllah.

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