
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, September 11, 2010

Musa Hassan must be accountable for his statement and misdeeds

by Din Merican

Muslims in Malaysia concluded Ramadan on September 9 and they celebrated Eidil Fitri yesterday. Muslims know Ramadan is a very special month.

The Takbir Raya which began since maghrib (evening prayer on September 9) is always so poignant and bring tears to most Muslims.

The Takbir Raya which began since maghrib (evening prayer on September 9) is always so poignant and bring tears to most Muslims. Many would feel sad reflecting the events of the past year. And so it was with my dearest wife, Dr Kamsiah. She misses her two children who cannot not celebrate Eidil Firi with her for the third year in a row. She feels sad that her aged mother cannot not be with her grandchildren. She has been denied her rights by someone who lacks compassion and understanding of the importance of Ibu (Mother) to a Muslim.

Kamsiah has been denied her rights by someone who lacks compassion and understanding of the importance of Ibu (Mother) to a Muslim.

There was little I can do except to comfort her, and that in turn makes me sadder because Dr Kamsiah remains as calm as ever even going through such a stormy domestic matter. When I suggested some legal measures to gain her rights, she could only say that God works in mysterious ways and that she redha.

Dr. Kamsiah said to me “Din, this is not about civil rights, this is personal. So please don’t use your mighty pen over personal issues, everyone will eventually be held accountable.” That made me more sad still until I went for solat Edil Fitri this morning. You may ask why.

Eidil Fitri Khutbah (sermon)

It is because I am dumbfounded when the theme of the Eidil Fitri Khutbah (sermon) is about accountability. The Imam of the mosque that I attended recited the cautionary last two verses from Surah Zilzal (The Convulsion) about the Day of Judgment as follows:

Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good, see it! And anyone who has done an atoms weight of evils, shall see it! “

The Imam Khatib read the commentary so emotionally that he cried and so did many others of the jemaah (congregation) including myself. I went back very contemplative over my wife’s own personal tragedy. Then when I started to reflect on current events, I became agitated again over the ills that pervade this great country.

Latest Musa Hassan Outburst

I am able to relate the khutbah to the present events surrounding Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) and its outgoing IGP,

It seems Musa wants to be the IGP in perpetuity, and he considered Hishammuddin’s decision as an interference

the despicable Musa Hassan. Only last Sunday I wrote about Musa Hassan’s revolting interview with Mingguan Malaysia during which he made innuendoes of interference by third parties. Then on Wednesday (September 8), I wrote again about Musa’s boldness in openly stating that the third party that he was referring to is the Ministry of Home Affairs, thereby implicating the Minister, Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Hussein Onn (see- Musa Hassan Should Just Shut Up and Vamoose).

It is clear now that Musa is very upset that Hishammuddin had rightly refused to grant him another extension. It seems Musa wants to be the IGP in perpetuity, and he considered Hishammuddin’s decision as an interference.

Musa went as far as to say that he only knew about the decision not to extend his contract on the very day that Hishammuddin gave his interview on September 1. The Ministry’s Secretary-General, Dato’ Seri Mahmood Adam has since refuted Musa’s claim and said that Musa was informed one week before that interview and again on the day of the interview. So who is lying now? If we believe the Secretary-General –and there is no reason not to– that would mean Musa was informed twice.

Musa Hassan has track record of lies and fabrications

Can we ever believe Musa? Already we know that Musa lied in Sodomy I when, as investigator, he identified a building not yet constructed as the scene of the sodomy. Musa also lied when he carried a mattress into court daily which was eventually thrown out as incredible evidence.

Then in the Black Eye incident, Dato’ Mat Zin, the former OCCI KL, filed an affidavit accusing Musa of lying and fabricating evidence. Musa’s own ADC had sworn a Statutory Declaration exposing Musa as a two-faced Pengkhianat Bangsa who would lie to portray himself differently in public.

Musa also lied about his academic qualifications which was a point raised by Tan Sri Robert Phang. Then very recently, Judge Supang Lian of Kota Kinabalu Sessions Court wrote a damning judgment about Musa “being an incredible witness, whose evidence is not to be believed”. That is just legal jargon for saying that Musa is a LIAR!

Musa still wants to strut around as IGP although he has already surrendered his duties and powers to the DIGP, Tan Sri Ismail Omar. Lim Kit Siang has thus called for Musa to be suspended, and unless he can explain himself, Musa should be given a dishonourable discharge. Apparently, Kit Siang knows something more that we don’t.

Apparently, Musa is using his father to lobby to the Yang Di Pertuan Agong (YDPA) for another extension by delaying or not approving Ismail Omar’s appointment. That accounts for the Ministry’s vague statement that “the approval of the YDPA for the new IGP will be sought”. Musa is in fact using the YDPA to interfere with the Executive prerogative on its choice of IGP.

Musa is using his father to lobby to the Yang Di Pertuan Agong (YDPA)

Three Extensions Not enough

That is why Tan Sri Robert Phang criticised Musa in the strongest terms as being ungrateful and unprofessional. The much respected and admired Robert Phang reminded the public and the Ministry that Musa enjoyed three extensions, something never before granted to previous IGPs.

Rosli was visited by Tan Sri Robert Phang of the MACC at his home on the 1st day of Eid Fitri

What makes it so revolting is that in 2007, in the midst of some highly charged controversy between IGP Musa Hassan and Deputy Minister Johari Baharom, ex-PM Abdullah Badawi extended Musa’s service on a two year contract. This was at a time when crime was at an all time high and despite the press conference given by Dato’ Ramli Yusuff, former Director CCID, warning of the clear and present danger facing the Police Force when Dato’ Ramli discovered Musa’s involvement with the illegal money lending Ah Long syndicate.

once a thief forever a thief, worst if it is a 'religious thief'

Mr Clean Badawi not sleeping when it involves his family business

Because Abdullah was always sleeping on the job, Malaysians forgave him in the belief that it was just an error in Abdullah’s judgment. But now the public knows better when Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK)’s Malaysia Today revealed that Abdullah’s family was partaking in the plundering of Malaysia Airlines (MAS). That was why Dato’ Ramli together with his lawyer friend Rosli Dahlan ended up facing trumped up charges .

Abdullah’s family was partaking in the plundering of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) catering business

Abdullah capitalised on the fact that his father was an ulama to promote his “Mr Clean” image. Musa also rode on his father’s popularity as a TV guru mengaji to propagandise that he too is a Mr Clean. The uncanny resemblance in these two characters just demonstrates the dangers of judging a book by its cover. In the end, they are just like the Malay proverb “Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi.” Badawi dreamt of being Imam Ghazali and Imam Shafii, not money; Musa too of being a model IGP.

Abdullah had capitalised on the fact that his father was an ulama to promote his “Mr Clean” image. Musa also rode on his father’s popularity as a TV guru mengaji to propagandise that he too is a Mr Clean.

I have now strayed quite a bit from what I originally wanted to write about. My original intention is not to write about politics or civil causes today. In the mood of Ramadan which just ended and Eidul Fitri, I want to write about human tragedies and man’s relationship with God in administering the worldly affairs.

During the Khutbah Eidil Fitri, the Imam also mentioned about God’s 99 attributes (Asma ulHusna) and that other than the attributes of being compassionate and merciful, God is also “Al Hasib”, that He will make us account for even an atom’s weight of good or evil that we do. Over these recent events, already God is showing that Musa is being judged here and now, and he will have not to wait until the hereafter.

During the Khutbah Eidil Fitri, the Imam also mentioned about God’s 99 attributes (Asma ulHusna) and that other than the attributes of being compassionate and merciful, God is also “Al Hasib”, that He will make us account for even an atom’s weight of good or evil that we do. Over these recent events, already God is showing that Musa is being judged here and now, and will not wait until the hereafter.

Divine Intervention

Despite all that the MACC is doing to lawyer Rosli Dahlan, God is shielding him from the full impact of their cruelty. Malaysians are now aware that Rosli was professionally pursuing those who plundered MAS. Rosli was also assisting Dato’ Ramli’s CCID in the Goh Cheng Poh @ Tunku Goh’s case. For doing that “national service”, the MACC brutalised and charged him. On September 7, Malaysiakinireproduced Rosli’s statement about being persecuted, on the day he was charged in court exactly at this same time three years ago:

The timing to prosecute me on the eve of Hari Raya is calculated to humiliate me. The intention is clear. I think I have suffered enough.”

Reading that, my heart felt for Rosli. But today, on the facebook network, I saw a picture of Rosli getting ready to go for Solat Eidil Fitri. I thought I should share that with you, a picture of an innocent man whom the MACC is still refusing to drop the charge against him in a case that they are doomed to lose. When I was in court for Rosli’ case, I managed to get a copy of his written representation to the MACC. Rosli’s letter to the MACC is very sad, but I will skip that part. The part that displays his clarity of mind and strength of character is as follows:

“ Secara peribadi, saya menyokong kewujudan dan peranan SPRM sebagai satu Institusi keramat yang diperlukan demi membanteras gejala rasuah di Negara ini. Namun, akan menjadi satu kedukacitaan jika institusi ini dianggap oleh masyarakat awam sebagai telah disalahgunakan sehingga memangsakan orang orang yang tidak bersalah.

Andaikata sahutan hati saya menyentuh naluri insaniah Dato’, saya yakin kita dapat berkerjasama memainkan peranan masing-masing demi menegakkan kebenaran dan perlaksanaan undang-undang dengan tulus dan ikhlas mematuhi ‘Rule of Law’.

These are powerful words coming from a man seeking closure to a painful episode in his life. Unfortunately, I am told that the MACC has ignored his passionate plea to settle the case amicably. Yet again God has shown His mysterious Hands. On the same facebook network, I saw that Rosli is receiving many well wishers and supporters to his house on this Eidil Fitri, one of whom is Tan Sri Robert Phang who sits on the MACC Panel. Now that is truly heart warming.

Rosli leaving for Solat Eidilfitri

To Tan Sri Robert Phang, I say you are a courageous man to give comfort to a man being persecuted while holding IGP Musa Hassan accountable for his misdeeds!

For Rosli Lawyer: Justice delayed till September 30

Rosli’s fate still hangs in a suspense. His Eidul Fitri is denied for 4th time as the MACC drags its case. Fortunately, he does have to wait for ever. Both the prosecution and defense will be present their written submissions to the presiding judge by September 30. I hope and pray that DPP Zulkarnian will not in the 11th hour seek a further extension to time to enable him to complete his magnum opus. He is known not only for court antics and dramatics, but also for taking leave whenever it suited him.

I also wish to remind Rosli’s counsel to ensure his submission to the presiding judge should be coordinated with that of the prosecution. Both submissions should be presented on the same day and time. We will never know what can happen in this day and age of zerox and fax machines. It has happened in this case of project proposals and tenders and it can easily be the case if Rosli’s defense counsel does not err on the side of caution.

Like Man on Wire: We can never know what can happen in this day and age of zerox and fax machines.

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